asp spell checker component

ASP Barcode Generator Script

ASP Barcode Generator Script pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Permet de créer simplement des code barres sur les sites utilisant asp active server pages.

Permet le création de code barres en asp , Code 128 code 39 interleaved 2 ou 5 msi et postnet / La mise en oeuvre est simple et s'effectue dans le code html comme une image de haute qualité avec la balise img et est compatible avec tous les navigateursperme Lire la suite

ASP Ajax

ASP Ajax pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Aspajax is the free ajax framework for asp vbscript websites [...] Aspajax is the definitive ajax framework for classic asp vbscript websites , All you need is a w3c compliant asp website and a few lines of code / Asp ajax aspajax is the free definitive ajax toolkit for classic asp vbscript websites.

*asp ajax liveasp* allows you to call any asp function from javascript ; The free asp ajax toolkit can be downloaded from...aspaj Lire la suite

ASP Spell Check

ASP Spell Check pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Correcteur orthographique pour asp textareas impressions conformes à la visualisation et formes.

Correcteur orthographique d'asp est le principal composant de correcteur orthographique pour microsoft asp vbscript , Correcteur orthographique international pour des sites web et intranets d'asp / W3c conforme et largement compatible | Dictionnaires internationaux pour : l'anglais français allemand suédois hollandais espagnol ...corre Lire la suite

ASP Code Library

ASP Code Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Asp code library is a powerful source code library shipped with 1000+ lines of code quick and powerful search engine powerful printing capability password protection user notes & attachments handeling favorites & rating support and more! asp code library is a powerful multi language source code library with the following benefits: 1.

Multi language source code library and clipboard extender for windows , Built in library with 50 000++ lines of code ...asp c Lire la suite

ASP Did You Mean

ASP Did You Mean pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Compatible with asp & php [...] Asp did you mean provides international spell checking for search queries , Asp & php / Asp did you mean search string spellchecking | ?" feature seen on google and yahoo! asp did you mean is used on major public search engine as well as small web sites & intranets.

This active x component for asp & php : International spell check for your search box [...] The component...compa Lire la suite

IDAutomation ASP Barcode Server for IIS

IDAutomation ASP Barcode Server for IIS pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add barcode generation to iis with the asp barcode server component [...] Easily add dynamic server side barcodes to web applications hosted on microsoft iis through asp active server pages , The asp barcode server component easily adds barcode generation capability to webpages hosted on microsoft iis internet information server through asp active server pages.

Image specified url that supports linear and 2d barcodes including code 128 upc ean code...add b Lire la suite


BotDetect 3 ASP CAPTCHA pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Botdetect 3 asp captcha component to prevent automated form submissions [...] Botdetect 3 asp captcha is a website security component designed to protect your registration and other online forms from automated spam submissions.

Botdetect 3 asp captcha is a website security component designed to protect your registration comment and other online forms from automated spam submissions / It generates captcha images that easily tell spam bots and humans...botde Lire la suite


wodCrypt pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Licenses are purchased only for design time development one license per each developer on the project and that's all! besides activex version which can be used even in foxpro wodcrypt has com object as well which can be used from many environments such as vb vc delphi vbs asp etc.

Wodcrypt is a component that provides strong encryption for your applications , Lightweight component that provides strong encryption for your applications / It...licen Lire la suite

DTM Data Generation SDK

DTM Data Generation SDK pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Easy to use with c/c++ c# asp scripts support [...] Easy to use developers kit with c/c++ c# asp vb/jscripts support.

Dtm data generation sdk is a library and component for test data generation / Dtm data generation sdk is a library and component for test data generation that allows the programmer webmaster or advanced user to add test data generation features to application script or website | The sdk provides several levels of...easy Lire la suite

AiS EXIF Info ActiveX

AiS EXIF Info ActiveX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Net script languages asp aspx php python.

Component for manipulating exif iptc and gps information in jpeg and tiff images plus known raw formats canon crw adobe dng canon cr2 fujifilm raf minolta mrw nikon nef pentax pef sony arw and sony sr2 , This component helps you to manipulate exif iptc and gps information in jpeg and tiff images plus known raw formats canon crw adobe dng canon cr2 fujifilm raf minolta mrw nikon nef pentax pef sony Lire la suite

ASPNet Spell

ASPNet Spell pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Net spell check component provides international spellchecking for your asp [...] Aspnetspell the spellchecking component for asp , The aspnetspell component provides an international spellcheck for your asp.

Net website textboxes | Net web forms ; It includes familiar features such as grammar & personal dictionaries : It looks and behaves like ms word's spellchecker [...] Compatible s Lire la suite

IPSearchLight GeoLocator for ASP Classic

IPSearchLight GeoLocator for ASP Classic pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Ipsearchlight is an asp acivex control for geo location of website users.

The ipsearchlight asp component acitvex server object tracks web users country state city & even postal code , Ipsearchlight www / Ipsearchlight | Com allows you to geographic pinpoint your web users to a country state city or even zip code ; The technology is non invasive and undetectable : Ipsearchlight is beneficial for...ipsea Lire la suite

AY Mail

AY Mail pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Easy and versatile import from outlook netscape mozilla thunderbird eudora odbc sql exel access etc ability to send directly from external data sources automatic removal of duplicate addresses fast multithreaded email address verification text or html messages built in html editor html templates mail merge spell checker active scripting real time preview flexible sending scheduling subscription forms automatic letters to new subscribers automatic bounce processing click...easy Lire la suite


Quixhibit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Its rich set of integrated tools such as a spell checker an ftp client and context sensitive help make quixhibit a great value [...] With an integrated spell checker quixhibit is especially suited for image galleries that require text for images and folders.

An application that generates html image galleries / Quixhibit is a windows application that generates html image galleries for publication on the web or on cd's | Other integrated...its r Lire la suite


ASPThumb pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Asp component activex to create high quality thumbnails.

Aspthumb is an asp component activex that allows asp applications to create high quality thumbnails , Use this component for automated creation of image previews in your asp applications / Aspthumb is an asp component activex that allows asp application to create high quality thumbnails | You can use this component for automated creation of image previews in your asp...asp c Lire la suite


InfoWonder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features: reminders text search spell checker backup advanced search import/export and much more.

More features: spell checker calendar view automatic backup advanced search import/export and much more , Pim for notes audio images websites and custom forms; full reminder setup / Infowonder is an advanced pim for many different types of information: formatted notes voice/audio "notes" web pages images and custom...featu Lire la suite

AnyChart Flash Gantt Component

AnyChart Flash Gantt Component pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
All scripting languages asp php coldfusion perl.

Anychart flash gantt is a superb customizable component for displaying gantt charts , Create groups connectors and milestones with a simple xml configuration! anychart flash gantt is a superb customizable component for displaying gantt charts / Anychart flash gantt is a flexible xml driven solution for web gantt charts | It is light fast and highly effective for use in web...all s Lire la suite

Lanapsoft BotDetect ASP CAPTCHA

Lanapsoft BotDetect ASP CAPTCHA pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Botdetect asp captcha component to prevent automated form submissions! lanapsoft botdetect asp captcha is a website security component designed to protect your registration and other online forms from automated spam submissions.

Lanapsoft botdetect asp captcha is a website security component designed to protect your registration comment and other online forms from automated spam submissions , It generates captcha images that easily tell spam bots and humans...botde Lire la suite

MSCBlob for Windows

MSCBlob for Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Binary data manipulation from asp code [...] Mscblob binary large object is an auxiliary component for data blocks storing and transmitting , It could contain a raw data and represent it as a binary or string / There are 3 alternative string representations: as is base64 and hex.

Also has an ability to save and load data from files on diskbinar Lire la suite

! TreePad X Enterprise (256 Gb, single-user)

! TreePad X Enterprise (256 Gb, single-user) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Word processor spell checker 20+ langs [...] 384 gigabyte organizer word processor multi featured powerful yet intuitive , Next generation 384 gigabyte organizer opens 8 databases simultaneously.

Includes: word processor spellcheck tables search/replace font color align drag drop import/export instant save auto save images attachments recycler favorites history etc | Next generation personal database word processor and organizer...word Lire la suite