dutch spell ckecker

Dutch Windmills 3D Screensaver

Dutch Windmills 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Détendez vous dans une atmosphère apaisante d'un petit village néerlandais [...] Ouvrez une fenêtre sur l'europe de moyen âge! l’ecran de veille 3d “dutch windmills” vous transferts dans une atmosphère apaisante d'un petit village des moulins à vent.

Détendez vous en regardant les moulins à vent et en ecoutant le vent / Prenez plaisir au beau village européen et regardez ses habitants et l’ environnement | Vous obtenez une...déte Lire la suite

Speak N Spell

Speak N Spell pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Speak n spell vient à la rescousse et propose une méthode d’apprentissage efficace de l'anglais.

Speak n spell prêt à délier votre langue le logiciel speak n spell vise d’abord à améliorer votre compréhension de l’anglais , Speak n spell vous donne la chance de réécouter le mot en cas de difficulté pour l’écrire correctement ou bien de découvrir la réponse...speak Lire la suite


MP4toMP3 pour mac
Logiciel Saas Saas
No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean [...] Convert mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats.

An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats / It supports most of popular video and audio formats like mp4 avi wmv m4p mov mpg mp3...no so Lire la suite

Sail Simulator 2010

Sail Simulator 2010 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Ce jeu de simulation vous offre la possibilité de manœuvrer quatre bateaux différents dont le laser stentec le volvo open 70 le dutch valk et le classe ducth valk [...] Un jeu de simulation de voile pour pc pour apprendre le métier de skipper sur différents voiliers : bavaria 36 laser yd40 , Sail simulator 2010 est le jeu idéal pour tous les passionnés de voile et de grand large.

Il vous place dans la peau d’un skipper qui...ce je Lire la suite


OddzBreaker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Including also dutch betting & fixed odd betting offset to anticipate market and real time charts system [...] Enhanced trading interface for the betting exchange betfair , Oddzbreaker is a powerful front end interface for all serious betfair users / "see well for betting better" it is perfect for market traders.

Thanks to high level analyses tools you can see markets variations and quickly apply your strategy oddzbreaker is an optimized...inclu Lire la suite

Easy IE Translator

Easy IE Translator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Automatically translating between english french german italian spanish portuguese dutch greek russian chinese japanese and korean sarmsoft ie translator preserves the original pictures and formatting of the web site for smooth browsing.

Browse web sites in foreign languages without speaking a word , Translate web pages with a single click! sarmsoft ie translator empowers your web browser with a translation toolbar that enables you to browse web sites in...autom Lire la suite


WinNc pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Winnc is available in the following languages : english german dutch french spanish.

Winnc a tabbed file manager for windows 7 winnc is a tabbed file manager especially developed for windows 7 , Winnc also works on the older versions of windows / This nc clone file manager is inspired on the dual panel concept of the old file manager norton commander | Winnc is a tabbed file manager especially developed for windows...winnc Lire la suite

GSA Cleandrive

GSA Cleandrive pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
The program is available in 26 languages arab brazilian catalan chinese czech danish dutch english finish french german greek hebrew italian japanese malayan norwegian polish portuguese russian slovenian spanish swedish thai turkish to make it easy for you to use all the unique features.

Software that cleans up your system from privacy violations and make it faster , Get rid of most of the privacy violations you get each...the p Lire la suite

Valgetal Falling Numbers

Valgetal Falling Numbers pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Not tetris but you play with falling numbers and improve your math! valgetal "falling numbers" in dutch is an educational falling blocks style math game with 20 progressively difficult levels for addition subtraction multiplication and division [...] The game's name means ''falling numbers'' in dutch: english friesian dutch german and spanish interfaces are included , It is a clever twist on mathematical games and lots of fun.

Valgetal has some...not t Lire la suite

VintaSoftBarcode.NET SDK

VintaSoftBarcode.NET SDK pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Supporté les types des codes à barre: codabar code 11 code 128 code 16k code 32 code 39 code 39 extended code 93 ean 13 ean 8 gs1 128 gs1 databar family iata 2 of 5 interleaved 2 of 5 isbn ismn issn itf 14 jan 13 jan 8 matrix 2 of 5 msi opc patch code plus 2 plus 5 pharmacode pzn rss family sscc 18 standard 2 of 5 telepen upca upce vics bol vics scac pro vin australian post deutsche post identcode deutsche post leitcode dhl awb dutch kix ...suppo Lire la suite

Emailing pro

Emailing pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
New integrated html editor: give free rein to your creativity and put computer capabilities at work with your marketing strategy not the other way around! the software is available in english french german spanish italian dutch and portuguese.

Emailing pro is a email software for emailing your messages and documents , Emailing pro is a free email software for emailing your messages and documents / Extremely advanced management of incorrect email...new i Lire la suite

Windmill 3D Screensaver

Windmill 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Take a walk around a traditional dutch farm with a magnificent brick windmill and discover the variety of lovely countryside views [...] Take a tour around a traditional dutch farm with a magnificent brick windmill one of the major local attractions , Enjoy the peace and beauty of the rural setting with a gorgeous windmill.

Surrounded by gorgeous tulip fields you will feel especially close to the beauty and harmony of nature | Find yourself...take Lire la suite

Pool Sharks

Pool Sharks pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The site supports german french italian spanish dutch & swedish [...] Pool sharks play online pool and snooker games.

Realistic 3d game / Free! pool sharks play online pool and snooker games! pool sharks offers 4 variation of pool billiards games and 3 types of snooker games | Visit pool sharks and enjoy the web's most realistic 3d graphics ; Download now it's fast easy and 100% free! pool sharks play online pool...the s Lire la suite

ABCSpell for Outlook Express

ABCSpell for Outlook Express pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add spell checking in 13 languages thesaurus & dictionary to outlook express [...] Add spell checking thesaurus and dictionary/word lookup functions to outlook express! abcspell installs in seconds and works like part of outlook express.

Enhance outlook express with spell checking thesaurus and dictionary/word lookup functions! abcspell installs in seconds and works like part of outlook express / Checks spelling manually or automatically on...add s Lire la suite

ASPNet Spell

ASPNet Spell pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Net spell check component provides international spellchecking for your asp [...] Aspnetspell the spellchecking component for asp , Net website textboxes / The aspnetspell component provides an international spellcheck for your asp | Net web forms ; It includes familiar features such as grammar & personal dictionaries.

It looks and behaves like ms word's spellchecker [...] Compatible with...net s Lire la suite

AY Mail

AY Mail pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Easy and versatile import from outlook netscape mozilla thunderbird eudora odbc sql exel access etc ability to send directly from external data sources automatic removal of duplicate addresses fast multithreaded email address verification text or html messages built in html editor html templates mail merge spell checker active scripting real time preview flexible sending scheduling subscription forms automatic letters to new subscribers automatic bounce processing click...easy Lire la suite

MagicScore Maestro

MagicScore Maestro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Magicscore maestro is a music notation software application with extended editing capabilities and internal spell checker.

Music notation software with extended editing capabilities , It features a variety of input methods virtual keyboard external midi devices or an extended set of musical symbols / Magicscore maestro professional music notation software offering the most advanced capabilities for working with music | It lets...magic Lire la suite


Quixhibit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Its rich set of integrated tools such as a spell checker an ftp client and context sensitive help make quixhibit a great value [...] With an integrated spell checker quixhibit is especially suited for image galleries that require text for images and folders , An application that generates html image galleries / Quixhibit is a windows application that generates html image galleries for publication on the web or on cd's.

Other integrated...its r Lire la suite


InfoWonder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features: reminders text search spell checker backup advanced search import/export and much more [...] More features: spell checker calendar view automatic backup advanced search import/export and much more.

Pim for notes audio images websites and custom forms; full reminder setup / Infowonder is an advanced pim for many different types of information: formatted notes voice/audio "notes" web pages images and custom...featu Lire la suite


HeyDoc! pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Spell check highlighting read ahead input color schemes and family licensing [...] Track weight blood pressure calories and more , A comprehsive personal information manager useful in a wide range of settings / From everyday health information emergency situations and doctor visits | Ability to scan in documents save studies print emergency permission slips charts and more.

Enter personal general health information in...spell Lire la suite