composite to component adapter

Discussion Column for SharePoint

Discussion Column for SharePoint pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Component for organizing discussion without need to enable list versioning [...] Discussion column is intended to organize conversation in the list item without need to enable list versioning , Actually discussion is similar to an im message system: many users are able to create rich text messages but there is no ability to modify previous messages.

Component allows entering rich text with formatting images tables hyperlinks etccompo Lire la suite

Might and Magic: Chess Royale iOS

Might and Magic: Chess Royale iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 5/5
Fin 2019 un accès anticipé avait déjà été ouvert pour ce free to play [...] En fonction des compétences uniques de vos personnages vous pourrez alors vous adapter et contrer ces alliances.

Ubisoft propose lui aussi son auto chess/battler / Il s'ait cette fois d'un jeu dans l'univers de might & magic | Dans ce jeu mobile vous affrontez des adversaires dans des batailles en temps...fin 2 Lire la suite

Might and Magic: Chess Royale Android

Might and Magic: Chess Royale Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 5/5
Fin 2019 un accès anticipé avait déjà été ouvert pour ce free to play [...] En fonction des compétences uniques de vos personnages vous pourrez alors vous adapter et contrer ces alliances.

Un auto battler développé par ubisoft dans l'univers de might and magic sur mobile might & magic aussi bénéficie de son autochess / Ubisoft suit une nouvelle fois la tendance et propose un auto battler dans lequel...fin 2 Lire la suite

ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control

ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Easily add barcodes to asp [...] This web server control will easily add barcodes to asp , This web component supports several linear and 2d barcode types including code 128 upc ean gs1 128 itf intelligent mail code 39 aztec pdf417 maxicode qr code and datamatrix / Net web applications with this web control | Add barcodes easily with this web control for asp.

Net web applications : Barcodes dynamically...easil Lire la suite

IDAutomation ASP Barcode Server for IIS

IDAutomation ASP Barcode Server for IIS pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add barcode generation to iis with the asp barcode server component [...] Easily add dynamic server side barcodes to web applications hosted on microsoft iis through asp active server pages.

The asp barcode server component easily adds barcode generation capability to webpages hosted on microsoft iis internet information server through asp active server pages / This implementation is compatible with all browsers and is easy to embed in html as a high...add b Lire la suite

Bricolsoft Zip ActiveX Component

Bricolsoft Zip ActiveX Component pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Fast easy to use feature rich zip activex / zip dll component.

Easy to use ultra fast feature rich activex & dll zip compression control , Try it free 30 days! powerful easy to use high performance activex data compression component that 1 enables quick and efficient zip and unzip with just a few lines of code 2 supports multithreading modern compression algorithms bzip2 lzma ppmd multipart archives large files over 4 gb winzip aes self Lire la suite

NextwaveSoft WPF Suite Chart and Gauge

NextwaveSoft WPF Suite Chart and Gauge pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Nextwave software wpf suite with wpf chart and gauge is a component suite that helps you to visualize your data in windows presentation foundation applications [...] Nextwave software wpf suite with wpf chart and gauge.

The suite contains more than 40 2d/3d charts such as area bar column line pie doughnut pyramid funnel scatter bubble stock bars candlesticks and radar charts and circular gauge linear gauge digital labels analog rolling labels switch and...nextw Lire la suite

Radmin Viewer

Radmin Viewer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Radmin viewer enables you to turn on restart and shut down the remote computer.

It also enables the user to view and change the bios settings of the remote computer and to boot it from a local cd or disk image file , With radmin server installed on the remote computer you can view that remote computer's screen control the remote pc's keyboard and mouse transfer files to or from it use telnet and at the same time communicate to the user of a remote computer via...radmi Lire la suite

Parental Control Tool

Parental Control Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Parental control tool allows you to restrict access to pc and internet [...] Parental control tool is a security utility that allows you to restrict access to windows important resources , This utility helps you to keep your computer in order.

It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions to protect your privacy | Parental control tool is a powerful security utility that allows you to restrict access to windows important...paren Lire la suite


FathZIP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It provides your applications with the capability to create and manipulate industry standard zip files.

Fathzip is a high performance data compression com component for windows developers , Fathzip is a high performance zip data compression componentit pr Lire la suite

Windows Explorer Context Menu (.Net Component)

Windows Explorer Context Menu (.Net Component) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add items to windows explorer context menu fast and easy [...] Add items to windows explorer context menu fast and easy ? then you need windows explorer context menu , Net component will add all your custom items to windows explorer shell context menu automatically.

Net c++ add items to windows explorer context menu fast and easy ? then you need windows explorer context menu | ~ add items to windows explorer shell context menu on...add i Lire la suite


BotDetect 3 ASP CAPTCHA pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Botdetect 3 asp captcha component to prevent automated form submissions [...] Botdetect 3 asp captcha is a website security component designed to protect your registration and other online forms from automated spam submissions.

Botdetect 3 asp captcha is a website security component designed to protect your registration comment and other online forms from automated spam submissions / 50 different captcha algorithms custom size and image format sound...botde Lire la suite

MSCABImage for Windows

MSCABImage for Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Abimage component generates random number and make a hard to recognize picture from it [...] Mscabimage is the cure from bots robots , Mscabimage is the best cure from nasty posting bots robots.

These bots create hundreds email accounts on your web based mail servers and spam from them fill your forums with thousands of commercial postings and screw your online polls | Mscabimage captcha code is the best cure from nasty posting bots ...abima Lire la suite


wodSSH pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Most commonly it will be used for telnet based servers running on unix os but wodssh does even more: it allows you to communicate encrypted and secured of course with ssh1 and ssh2 secure shell servers as well as any other non encrypted server such as smtp or pop3 [...] Using wodssh is easily just put it on your form set protocol type and issue connect method and just wait for things to happen.

When in secure mode you can connect to ssh servers which...most Lire la suite


wodXMPP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is used to create messaging clients [...] Each contact is drawn by wodxmpp itself so you don't need to create your own code to show contacts on the screen , No code is required to have visible contact list on the screen / You can find here methods to connect and disconnect to set your jid password etc.

Here you can add them to your contact list send authorization requests send messages ; There are dozen of objects is Lire la suite


wodWebServer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It's main purpose is to serve html pages gif/jpg/png images documents and other resources that are accessible through browser clients [...] It's main purpose is to serve html pages gif/jpg/png images documents and other resources that are accessible through browser clients such as internet explorer mozilla firefox netscape etc.

It is robust easy to use fast and can be used in all environments that support com technology / No need to's Lire la suite


wodVPN pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Creates virtual private network with another wodvpn instance on another computer wodvpn is vpn peer to peer activex component that is used to establish virtual private network between two peers [...] Peers are able to forward local and remote ports send messages etc , Wodvpn is vpn peer to peer activex component that is used to establish virtual private network between two wodvpn instances over internet.

Udp packets are used to transfer data between...creat Lire la suite


wodTelnetDLX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wodtelnetdlx a telnet client component ready to connect to terminal based client wodtelnetdlx a telnet client component ready to connect to terminal based clients most commonly to unix telnet daemon [...] It also supports secured communication through encryption using well known ssh ss1&ssh2 and ssl/tls wodtelnetdlx is a telnet client component ready to connect to various terminal based clients most commonly to unix telnet daemon.

Main features include: ...wodte Lire la suite


wodSSHTunnel pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wodsshtunnel component is server type component that will add secure tunneling based on ssh protocol capabilities to your application.

Based on your rules and definitions it will accept local connections encrypt it and forward to ssh server wodsshtunnel component is server type component that will add secure tunneling based on ssh protocol capabilities to your application , Based on your rules and definitions it will accept local connections encrypt it and...wodss Lire la suite


wodSSHServer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wodsshserver is an ssh server activex component but also telnet server activex as well that will give you ability to easily add ssh2 and sftp server capabilities to your application as well as old telnet server protocol [...] Add it to your form or create instance on the fly use internal methods to generate pair of keys for the server or import existing ones from other ssh servers and start the server.

From that moment clients will be able to connect to your...wodss Lire la suite