zelda the link to the past

Zelda Ocarina of Time - Unreal Engine 4

Zelda Ocarina of Time - Unreal Engine 4 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Voici une démo de aa version du jeu zelda ocarina of time conçue par cryzenx avec le moteur graphique unreal engine 4.

La version du jeu zelda ocarina of time conçue par cryzenx avec le moteur graphique unreal engine 4 , Basée sur la version 3ds cette démo propose des amélioration techniques impressionnantes / Le moddeur cryzenx qui a pour projet la création d’environnement de legend of zelda : ocarina of time avec le moteur...voici Lire la suite

Aves Bird Watcher Log

Aves Bird Watcher Log pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Aves bird watcher log can handle all popular image formats and will allow you to link unlimited number of photos to your sighting and trip records.

Easy to use with extensive on line help , Once the data is entered you can use the graph module to answer any question you might have about your past sightings such as: how many species have been observed each month last year or what species appeared more frequently in the morning and in the evening or how much data...aves Lire la suite

Zelda Spirit tracks Android

Zelda Spirit tracks Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
 nul ne sait exactement quand ce jeu sortira ni si zelda spirit tracks est son nom définitif.

Et si vous partiez à l'aventure avec link dans un jeu mobile dédié ? un jeu mobile s'inspirant des aventures de link , Ce véritable hit vidéoludique pourrait renaitre de ses cendres mais sur mobile et sans doute au format free to play / Nintendo n'a pas encore confirmé son développement mais les bruits de couloirs à son...  Lire la suite

Invoicer © Assemple

Invoicer © Assemple pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Invoicer © assemple manages 5 files : articles with photograp customer quotes with photographs of the articles quoted dynamic link orders with photographs of the articles ordered dynamic link invoices with photographs of the articles invoiced dynamic link [...] Exe don't touch to windows register database a very easy and powerful invoicing sofware.

Invoicer © assemple manages articles customer quotes orders and invoices / A very...invoi Lire la suite

LinkAssistant Enterprise SEO Tool

LinkAssistant Enterprise SEO Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Link building software to find evaluate and keep in touch with link partners.

Get linkassistant link building seo software and quickly find great sites to exchange links with send them friendly link invites in a click and track link partner performance over time , Webmasters work hard to build links but you don't have to linkassistant link building tool does a large chunk of work for you: finds quality link prospects sends out personalized link requests in one...link Lire la suite

Software Informer

Software Informer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Whenever a more recent version of any program becomes available software informer notifies the user and offers a link for downloading the update.

Notifies about software updates allows you to track comments and questions , A useful lightweight utility that creates a list of all of your installed programs and their versions then compares each item on that list against software informer's database automatically on a daily basis to identify newer versions of...whene Lire la suite


EmEx3 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Looking for a file on rapidshare? just enter its description and emex 3 will locate the exact download link for you.

Emex 3 automates the process of collecting information from one or many web sites allowing you to extract and organize useful bits of information , Emex 3 is not limited to emails icq accounts or rapidshare downloads / You can grab fax or phone numbers detect and analyze links to your web site and collect and organize just about any...looki Lire la suite


Qixit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Qixit is so secure you can send and receive money to other users of system.

85% of ad money yours 15% to qixit , Qixit is a free proprietary email service with automatic end to end encryption that blocks 100% of unwanted email / The only way past qixit's spam filter is for advertisers to pay you for permission | 85% of ad money collected is yours; 15% goes to qixit ; You can save up to get a check or you can immediately...qixit Lire la suite

Free StatusTitle Maker 6.1

Free StatusTitle Maker 6.1 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can describe the destination of a link in the title or status bar [...] You can describe the destination of a link in the title or status bar instead of showing the url associated with it.

Free maker creates javascript code to show a message in the title and status bar free maker creates javascript code to show a message in the title and status bar / Free statustitle maker creates javascript code to show a message in the title and status...you c Lire la suite

FileOn List Builder

FileOn List Builder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A powerful web data link email extractor utility.

The button select engines opens search engines list dialog where you can select the ones you would like to use for urls searching by the specified keywords , Fileon list builder phone fax harvester module is designed to spider the web for fresh tel fax numbers targeted to the group that you want to market your product or services to / Email filter settings are used to filter emails during data...a pow Lire la suite

GSA Auto SoftSubmit

GSA Auto SoftSubmit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
But why is it so important to have your software listed there? not only that more customers will find and buy your software but also your ranking in the search engines will dramatically rise since many of the shareware sites have a back link to your web site [...] Submit your software pad to more then 8000 archive and directories.

Submit your software to over 8000 software archives directories and search engines / The gsa auto softsubmit is a program...but w Lire la suite

Jet Screenshot

Jet Screenshot pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Take a shot edit it send it to the net get a link which you can share [...] It allows you to take a snap edit it and send it to the web so that you can immediately provide anyone with a link to the image.

Download now! jet screenshot is a freeware utility enabling you to share screen snaps via the net in seconds / Such an approach allows you to speed up sharing of ideas facilitating further discussion | Free! select and capture anything...take Lire la suite

KillProcess 4.0, a Windows Processes Explorer and Killer

KillProcess 4.0, a Windows Processes Explorer and Killer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Provide improved information about application criticality * provide help to get more information about process context menu to link to fileinspect [...] Windows utility used to kill any process on windows xp windows 7 and windows 8 ukillprocess 4 , 0 is a windows utility used to explore and kill any process including services running on win xp win 7 and win8.

0 est un utilitaire windows en anglais qui termine n'importe quel processus y compris...provi Lire la suite


Torrent2Exe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Just enter a link or a path to a torrent file and obtain an executable file that will automatically download your torrent.

You can publish exe files on your site or blog to make the downloads easy for visitors send exe files to your friends who don't want to be bothered with installing the client or else add extra functionality to your torrent related site , Convert torrents into stand alone exe files and download them without a client / Convert...just Lire la suite

Magic Tale

Magic Tale pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Beautiful visuals enchanting music and seven fairytale worlds to unlock round out the features of this magical offering.

Enjoy color matching challenges set in a fairytale world! magic tale is a color matching game that takes you into the past when fairytales were born on the wings of imagination , Magic tale is a color matching game that takes you into the past when fairytales were born on the wings of imaginationbeaut Lire la suite


Blogspreading pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Blogspreading is a free utility which automatically appends a link to the latest post in your blog to your e mail signature.

Spread your blog around the world blogspreading is a small free utility which automatically appends a link to the latest post in your blog to your e mail signature , Blogspreading processes this file in such a way that it always contains a link to the latest post / This will easily catch the recipients' interest and convert...blogs Lire la suite

Intense Racing 2

Intense Racing 2 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
There are over 50 different tournaments to choose from with bonuses scattered along the track to help you win! [...] Speed past all the limits with the ultimate in racing adventure! speed past all the limits with the ultimate in racing adventure! intense racing 2 lets you experience the rush of race car driving with amazing 3d graphics.

Speed past all the limits with the ultimate in racing adventure! intense racing 2 lets you experience the rush of race car driving with...there Lire la suite

Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave

Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Sequel to episode i: dig the past more intense and mind racking [...] It comes with varying color palettes and has an overall jazzy feel which means you will need both to think hard and improvise to win it , Dig through 32 caves copied from "boulder dash iv" and "boulder dash v" while listening to 4 different background music themes / Boulder dash.

Episode ii: jive n cave ; 96 levels 4 music themes new...seque Lire la suite

Fast Directory Submitter

Fast Directory Submitter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Fast directory submitter rotates the link title description and keywords with each directory that makes each submission look as unique as possible and also helps get your website listed in search engines under many different keywords and link titles.

Fast directory submitter is an easy to use free directory submission tool , Fast directory submitter is an easy to use free directory submission tool that allows you submit your website with varying title and...fast Lire la suite


ScreenStream pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
When you run this program on your computer anyone else on your network or even the internet can view what is on your screen by typing the link and optional access code into their internet browser [...] They can continue to watch your screen until you close the program.

Screenstream lets other computers see what you are seeing on your desktop / Screenstream lets others 'watch' your screen while you work | It can be used as the modern...when Lire la suite