zelda mystery of solarus

Zelda Ocarina of Time - Unreal Engine 4

Zelda Ocarina of Time - Unreal Engine 4 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Voici une démo de aa version du jeu zelda ocarina of time conçue par cryzenx avec le moteur graphique unreal engine 4.

La version du jeu zelda ocarina of time conçue par cryzenx avec le moteur graphique unreal engine 4 , Le moddeur cryzenx qui a pour projet la création d’environnement de legend of zelda : ocarina of time avec le moteur graphique unreal engine 4 vous propose une démo de « la vallée...voici Lire la suite


Ryujinx pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
On attendra donc encore un peu avant de faire tourner zelda breath of the wild ou mario odissey sur son pc portable [...] Un émulateur de la console switch en devenir , Ryujinx est un émulateur switch expérimental dans la droite lignée de yuzu qui se développe parallèlement / Il ne permet pas encore de faire tourner des jeux mais au moins certains titres sont bootables ce qui s'annonce prometteur.

Ryujinx est un projet très...on at Lire la suite

Zelda Spirit tracks Android

Zelda Spirit tracks Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
 nul ne sait exactement quand ce jeu sortira ni si zelda spirit tracks est son nom définitif [...] Et si vous partiez à l'aventure avec link dans un jeu mobile dédié ? un jeu mobile s'inspirant des aventures de link.

Nintendo n'a pas encore confirmé son développement mais les bruits de couloirs à son sujet se font plus insistants / ça y est la machine « mobile » de nintendo est...  Lire la suite


Cemu pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Cemu est d’ores et déjà capable d’émuler quelques jeux commerciaux comme the legend of zelda the windwaker hd.

Le tout premier émulateur pour wii u est enfin arrivé ! cemu est un émulateur expérimental pour wii u très prometteur puisqu’il arrive déjà à lancer quelques jeux commerciaux , Il reste encore pas mal de route avec qu’il soit compatible avec tous les jeux disponibles / L’émulation de...cemu Lire la suite

REFOG Keylogger

REFOG Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The online activities of children and spouses no longer have to be a mystery thanks to refog keylogger.

This keylogger software not only records keystrokes but also creates a log of visited web sites and used programs for each individual user , Instead the keylogger software keeps track of what each user is typing which sites are being visited what programs are being used and what images are being viewed / All of this data is recorded by the...the o Lire la suite

Cradle of Persia for Mac OS X

Cradle of Persia for Mac OS X pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Unlock a mystery never before seen by man! build the mysterious heart of ancient persia in this engaging puzzle game! seek out the riddles of the ruins as you travel through the land of a thousand and one nights [...] To do this you will need skill and a keen wit but the result will unlock a mystery never before seen by man here in the cradle of persia.

Build the mysterious heart of ancient persia in this engaging puzzle game! build the mysterious heart of ancient...unloc Lire la suite

Natalie Brooks - The Treasures of the Lost Kingdom

Natalie Brooks - The Treasures of the Lost Kingdom pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Famous teenage detective natalie brooks is back in an all new adventure! famous teenage detective natalie brooks is back in an all new adventure! in secrets of the lost kingdom she has just 24 hours to save her grandfather solve the mystery of a terrible curse and unmask the truth behind a legendary ghost train! famous teenage detective natalie brooks is back in an all new adventure! in secrets of the lost kingdom she has just 24 hours to save her grandfather solve the mystery of a...famou Lire la suite

In The Depth Screensaver

In The Depth Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Install aquarium screensaver and reveal sea mystery deep into the depth.

Download free aquarium screensaver now! the bosom of the sea hides deep secrets , Underwater sea creatures keep these secrets and unwillingly open them to strange visitors / Fish crabs horsefish and sea turtles will guide you to secret world | Download free aquarium screensaver now!insta Lire la suite

Free Space Ship Screensaver

Free Space Ship Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Let you open up the mystery of the space! space devices play an important role; they connect us to the infinity of the space.

Taking a human being to the orbit they give us a chance to open up a great mystery of the space , Space devices play an important role; they connect us to the infinity of the spacelet y Lire la suite

Matching Gems

Matching Gems pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A wizard need you to solve the riddles of the middle ages! join the merriment! in a land of darkness and mystery an ancient wizard needs you to solve the riddles of the middle ages [...] Join the medieval merriment now! in a land of darkness and mystery an ancient wizard needs you to solve the riddles of the middle ages.

Unravel the puzzles with your quick wit! match the runes and destroy the surrounding crystals / Join the medieval merriment now! superb...a wiz Lire la suite

Mystery Cookbook

Mystery Cookbook pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Mystery cookbook is a delightful hidden object challenge for gamers.

Packed with adventure and brimming with laughs mystery cookbook is a delightful hidden object challenge for gamers , Packed with adventure and brimming with laughs mystery cookbook is a delightful hidden object challenge for gamers with good taste! / It's bon appetite as you take the role of a go getting mouse who's out to become a skilled chefmyste Lire la suite

Natalie Brooks - Secrets of Treasure House

Natalie Brooks - Secrets of Treasure House pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Join natalie brooks as she solves a mystery buried deep within her family home! is there a better setting for an adventure game than an old house full of secret rooms and hidden corridors? no! and natalie brooks: secrets of treasure house has plenty of these and more.

Begin the journey today! is there a better setting for an adventure game than an old house full of secret rooms and hidden corridors? no! and natalie brooks: secrets of treasure house has plenty of these and...join Lire la suite


RomStation pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Vous l'aurez compris si vous souhaitez retrouver les jeux de votre enfance et revivre les aventures mythiques de zelda 64 final fantasy ou de street of rage [...] Téléchargement gratuit et gestion de jeux vidéo consoles/roms émulation , Bienvenue sur romstation la plate forme gratuite de téléchargement et de gestion des jeux vidéo consoles aujourd'hui émulés sur pc.

Amateur de rétrogaming romstation est le logiciel à...vous Lire la suite

Deep Blue Sea

Deep Blue Sea pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The mystery of the aquatic people of avalonia unfolds as you discover the scattered fragments of their sacred amulets salvaging treasure along the way.

Dive in to the deep blue sea for adventure and fun in an underwater world , Dive in to the deep blue sea and find treasure and adventure in an underwater world / The plot thickens as the amulets are assembled and their powers come to life | Who can be trusted?the m Lire la suite

Deep Blue Sea (Mac)

Deep Blue Sea (Mac) pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
The mystery of the aquatic people of avalonia unfolds as you discover the scattered fragments of their sacred amulets salvaging treasure along the way [...] Dive in to the deep blue sea for adventure and fun in an underwater world , Dive in to the deep blue sea and find treasure and adventure in an underwater world / The plot thickens as the amulets are assembled and their powers come to life.

Who can be trusted?the m Lire la suite

Dinosaurs 3D Screensaver

Dinosaurs 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Travel back in time to the exciting world of the dinosaur! unlock the mystery of dinosaurs and discover the amazing variety of prehistoric life.

Unlock the mystery of dinosaurs and discover the amazing variety of prehistoric life , This spectacular 3d screensaver gives you a chance to travel 200 million years back in time to the mind boggling world of these dangerous but elegant reptiles / This spectacular 3d screensaver gives you a chance to travel...trave Lire la suite

The Treasures Of Montezuma

The Treasures Of Montezuma pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Emily jones as she sets out to solve a mystery that reaches across time to transform the world [...] Take the role of a daring archeologist in our stunning new match three game , An epic search for the lost treasures of montezuma awaits those with a daring spirit and a clever mind.

Download our stunning new match three game and begin the adventure of a lifetime! features awesome visuals and challenging new gameplay | The treasures of...emily Lire la suite

Space Tunnels 3D Screensaver

Space Tunnels 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Embark on an exciting space adventure in the mysterious tunnels! do you want to see a black hole from the inside? explore the mystery of space together with this animated screensaver traveling at the speed of light through 3d tunnels.

Do you want to see a black hole in space from the inside? hold your breath and get ready for a mesmerizing space adventure! with this astro gemini animated screensaver you will travel at the speed of light through a maze of winding 3d tunnels ...embar Lire la suite

Ancient Clock Screensaver

Ancient Clock Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The powerful sphinxes will patiently keep your time! ancient clock screensaver immerses you into the atmosphere of ancient mystery that will help you unlock the secrets of time.

The powerful sphinxes will patiently keep your time! the unshakable calmness of the sphinxes and their glorious might will not let the time slip away , Now you have got the time under your control! the unshakable calmness of the sphinxes and their glorious might will not let the time slip...the p Lire la suite

Dark Castle 3D screensaver

Dark Castle 3D screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Feel the atmosphere of gothic mystery with dark castle 3d screensaver! fill your home or office with moonlight flashing torches rumbles of thunder sound of rain and great mysterious music.

Immerse into gripping and mysterious atmosphere of a gothic dark castle at night relax watching the wonderful view of mystic dark castle on your computer screen , You will enjoy the captivating picture of a castle at night and extremely realistic sound...feel Lire la suite