startup manager ubuntu

Startup Sentinel

Startup Sentinel pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Startup sentinel s’interpose et vous permet de gérer les programmes en fonction de vos besoins.

Prenez le contrôle des applications au démarrage de votre ordinateur grâce à startup sentinel startup sentinel dresse une liste des programmes démarrant simultanément avec votre système , Optez pour un ordinateur plus fluide au démarrage l’ordinateur lance plusieurs programmes qui lui sont nécessaires pour...start Lire la suite

Startup Guard

Startup Guard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Startup guard capture les nouveaux éléments de démarrage de cette façon vous pouvez détecter un virus ou un espiogiciel ! comporte une fonction de retour en arrière undo [...] Protège votre ordinateur des programmes indésirables améliore les performances , Outil libre et simple pour choisir les programmes autorisés à se lancer au démarrage de windows.

Vous pouvez spécifier les applications approuvées fermer les indésirables ou en savoir...start Lire la suite

Startup Booster

Startup Booster pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Accélérez le chargement de votre pc! aucune aptitude spéciale gratuit à 100%.

Accélérez le chargement de votre pc pour obtenir la vitesse maximale! faites le en 4 étapes avec notre solution gratuite simple et puissante: analysez la liste de démarrage mettez au point windows nettoyez la base de registres les options de bios , Votre pc démarre plus lentement? c'est normal: certains programmes s'ajoutent à la liste de chargement automatique les...accé Lire la suite

Startup Genie

Startup Genie pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Startup manager for control over windows startups services dlls [...] Startup genie is a handy software utility that allows you to control what programs run at system startup when you turn on or logon to your computer , You can optimize the windows startup services dlls and other startup options.

Free download! startup genie is a handy software utility that allows you to control what programs run at system startup when you turn on or logon to your...start Lire la suite


AVG PC TuneUp pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Pour cela il intègre plusieurs outils dont startup optimizer startup manager ainsi que programme deactivator pour désactiver les programmes que vous n’utilisez jamais [...] Une solution d’optimisation pc permettant de restaurer les performances d’origine de votre machine et d’accroître sa vitesse.

Avg pc tuneup est un logiciel d’optimisation qui va vous aider à nettoyer votre ordinateur fonctionnant sous windows / Vous...pour Lire la suite Ultimate Ultimate pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Net ultimate contains tools: clean uninstaller scan files scan registry startup manager tweak ui net tweaker the privacy file shredder invisible man.

Net ultimate contains tools: clean uninstaller scan files scan shortcuts scan registry startup manager tweak ui net tweaker the privacy file shredder invisible man ie favorites , Suite of tools for increasing ms windows operating system performance / A suite of tools for increasing u Lire la suite


StartEd pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Startup manager & trojan horse detector [...] It lets you modify backup and startup and detects more than 150 trojan horses , Started is a tool which helps you to manage programs which load from the registry startup folders and as system services at windows startup.

It lets you modify and backup the startup configuration and detects more than 150 trojan horses | Started helps you to manage programs which load from the registry and as system...start Lire la suite

Innovative SysPack

Innovative SysPack pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The world's most powerful uninstaller advanced uninstaller pro a strong dose of speed up vitamin for vista and xp innovative system optimizer a keen magnifying glass to examine the tasks that run on your computer advanced task manager a powerful robotic cop which can stop bad startup programs innovative startup firewall and other powerful tools.

Powerful and easy to use suite of 6 system utilities for windows vista and xp , Innovative syspack is a utility...the w Lire la suite

Chameleon Startup Manager

Chameleon Startup Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Windows startup schedule and task manager with controlled startup.

Windows startup schedule and task manager that accelerates windows startup ensures that the operating system is more stable and allows you to run various tasks with the possibility to specify the launch condition , It disables any startup programs and fully controls startup by selecting the programs to be launched while customizing the startup settings / Full support for the windows...windo Lire la suite

EvJO Wallpaper Changer

EvJO Wallpaper Changer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
"evjo wallpaper changer" is a wallpaper manager that can change your background images at every startup once a day or at regular time intervals [...] Wallpaper manager , It features jpeg png gif and bmp support / It features jpeg png gif and bmp support.

This program consists of several options including an ability to change your images in random order ; Just in a few minutes you can master your own desktop wallpaper!"evjo Lire la suite

MS Access Customer Template

MS Access Customer Template pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You will learn: how to use a scheduler in the form of a calendar how to design a security system with a login and password form how to use a date selector how to create a rolodex manager for customer or anything you like how to create a startup form how to manage a to do list how to manage reports and labels and much more.

An ms access database template designed to save you time and help you learn , You have to develop a microsoft w Lire la suite

MS Access Scheduler

MS Access Scheduler pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
You will learn: how to use a scheduler in the form of a calendar how to design a security system with a login and password form how to use a date selector how to create a rolodex manager for customer or anything you like how to create a startup form how to manage a to do list how to manage reports and labels and much more.

An ms access database template designed to save you time and help you learn , You have to develop a microsoft w Lire la suite

Acritum One-click BackUp for WinRAR

Acritum One-click BackUp for WinRAR pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The main features are: complete automation high compression ratio 3 archive formats rar zip exe aes 128 bit encryption remote control from internet or local network dialup error notification to the admin's e mail startup service command line support customizable appearance skins and of course hdd/floppy/usb/cd dvd/lan/ftp/smtp support.

An easy to use file backup manager for winrar , One click backup is a powerful but easy to use file backup manager...the m Lire la suite

Advanced Task Manager

Advanced Task Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can also manage the windows startup programs internet connections cpu and memory use [...] Advanced task manager shows you all the programs running on your computer including the hidden ones , Advanced task manager shows you all the programs running on your computer including the invisible ones / Advanced task manager can also stop quarantine or uninstall any rogue process that you find.

Get detailed information security rating c Lire la suite

AXIGEN Mail Server StartUp Edition

AXIGEN Mail Server StartUp Edition pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 3/5
Axigen startup edition est un serveur de messagerie gratuit fournissant des services e smtp pop3 imap4 et webmail pour 9 utilisateurs et un domaine.

Axigen startup edition est un serveur de messagerie gratuit fournissant des services e smtp pop3 imap4 et webmail pour 9 utilisateurs et un domaine destiné à l'utilisation à domicile et dans les petites entreprises , Axigen startup edition est offert en promotion – c'est une édition limitée disponible...axige Lire la suite

Advanced StartUp Manager

Advanced StartUp Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Advanced startup manager allows you to control programs run at system startup [...] Advanced startup manager is program that allows you to control what programs run at system startup when you turn on or logon to your computer , It supports registry startup folders in the start menu and win.

Advanced startup manager helps you handle problems with programs that are automatically launched at startup | When windows starts up it automatically...advan Lire la suite


Spytector pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Exe on the startup and whenever the log must be sent it will inject in the default browser or/and in the default emailer for firewall bypass necessity [...] Spytector is completely invisible on the user's desktop and cannot be seen in the task manager it's injected into explorer.

Spytector is the ultimate invisible keylogger used to track all pc activities / Spytector is the ultimate invisible keylogger spy tool used to track all pc...exe o Lire la suite

Emsa WinStartup Manager

Emsa WinStartup Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Startup program manager [...] Emsa winstartup manager is a tool that helps controlling programs that startup with your windows , You can enable or disable any program that automatically runs at window startup both through system registry settings or folders / Emsa winstartup manager is a tool that will help you control the list of programs that startup with your windows.

You can enable or disable any program that automatically runs at...start Lire la suite

ActiveURLs Bookmark Explorer

ActiveURLs Bookmark Explorer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The program can be loaded automatically on windows startup and run as a convenient icon in the system tray area of the windows taskbar.

Bookmark manager web site checker offline browser and personal search engine , Bookmark explorer is handy and powerful bookmark manager online / offline browser website monitoring tool and personal search engine / Gestion de signet navigateur offline outil de recherche et de monitoring | Checks web...the p Lire la suite

RIVALS Esports MOBA Manager Android

RIVALS Esports MOBA Manager Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Rivals esports moba manager est un jeu de gestion d'équipe esport dans lequel vous êtes le manager [...] Devenez le manager d'une équipe professionnelle de jeux vidéo dans ce titre pour smartphones android.

Mais que diriez vous de franchir un cap et d'essayer un tout nouveau jeu à venir sur l'esport ? rivals esports moba manager est un jeu de gestion en accès anticipé pour smartphones android / Vous deviendrez le manager officiel...rival Lire la suite