win32 disk manager

Win32 Disk imager

Win32 Disk imager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
L'outil idéal pour installer un système d'exploitation sur un raspberry pi win32 disk imager est une application open source.

Avec win32 disk imager il ne vous suffira que de quelques clics pour transformer votre périphérique de stockage carte sd clé usb etc en disque virtuel , Créez en quelques clics un disque virtuel sur un périphérique de stockage carte sd clé usb transformez rapidement votre carte sd ou votre clé usb est...l'out Lire la suite

NTFS Recovery Toolkit 11.0.0

NTFS Recovery Toolkit 11.0.0 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Ntfs recovery toolkit software ntfs recovery toolkit contains file recovery tool partition recovery tool partition manager tool and disk editor utility.

Ntfs recovery toolkit contains file recovery tool partition recovery tool partition manager tool and disk editor utility , You may use the software without charge to recover partitions and files on ntfs in manual mode: read how to step by step manual; view and edit disk sectors using disk editor software; ...ntfs Lire la suite

Ubuntu Mate Raspberry Pi 2/3

Ubuntu Mate Raspberry Pi 2/3 pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 4/5
Pour l'installer sur votre nano ordinateur vous devrez vous munir du logiciel win32 disk imager et d'une carte micro sd qui vous servira de support pour l'os [...] La version d'ubuntu mate optimisée pour les raspberry pi 2 et pi 3 , Ubuntu mate est une distribution linux.

Il s'agit d'une variante d'ubuntu | La version proposée en téléchargement est spécialement conçue pour les raspberry pi 2 et 3 ; Transformez votre...pour Lire la suite

Wondershare Disk Manager Free

Wondershare Disk Manager Free pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wondershare disk manager est un outil pratique de copie de disque et de gestion des partitions pour les utilisateurs de tous niveaux [...] Un outil pratique pour les disques et la gestion des partitions.

Un outil pratique de copie de disque et de gestion des partitions / Avec ses assistants vous ne serez jamais inquiété par la perte de données lorsque vous avez besoin de copier créer supprimer redimensionner et restaurer des...wonde Lire la suite

Hard Disk Manager Professional

Hard Disk Manager Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Paragon hard disk manager 14 professional réunit dans une seule suite les solutions de gestion du disque les plus utiles.

Hard disk manager 14 professional – l'ensemble des outils indispensables à tout utilisateur pour gérer totalement ses ordinateurs personnels et professionnels , Hard disk manager fournit tous les outils nécessaires pour la gestion des disques durs d'aujourd'hui y compris le partitionnement la sauvegarde ...parag Lire la suite

1st Security Administrator-Pro

1st Security Administrator-Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Hide desktop icons disk drives etc [...] Hide desktop icons disk drives start menu items taskbar task manager tray icons , Password protect pc with access restrictions restrict access to windows / Restrict access to windows protect pc password protect boot apply access restrictions to pc deny access to control panel disable boot keys context menus dos registry editing internet network access.

Restrict access to windows...hide Lire la suite

1st Security-Administrator

1st Security-Administrator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Hide desktop icons disk dri protect pc restrict access to windows applications password protect boot apply access restrictions to pc protect your privacy deny access to control panel disable interruption boot keys context menus dos registry editing internet and network access [...] Hide desktop icons disk drives start menu items taskbar task manager tray icons.

Protect pc restrict access to windows applications password protect...hide Lire la suite

PC Security Tweaker

PC Security Tweaker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Tweak access to control panel applet functions disable selected start menu items lock and protect disk drives in my computer disable the dos and command prompt and much more [...] Tweak access to lots of control panel applet functions enforce users to use separate system profile folders disable selected start menu items lock and protect disk drives in my computer disable the dos and command prompt interruption boot keys real dos mode registry editing taskbar task manager ...tweak Lire la suite

Easy Peasy Passwords

Easy Peasy Passwords pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
There are two versions one for regular hard disk installation and one for pen drives [...] The pen drive version can be installed to a regular hard disk but requires write access to the program folder which can't always be guaranteed particularly on networked systems.

Password manager and personal data store with encrypted printout / Easy peasy passwords is an easy to use password manager and personal data store with encrypted printoutthere Lire la suite

Space Hound 4

Space Hound 4 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Duplicate file finder disk and file manager includes many additional tools.

Sniff out wasted space with the best duplicate file finder available , Space hound 4 eliminates duplicate and unused files that are cluttering up your hard drive and causing problems / Uncludes file & directory management zip & unzip file viewers sniff out wasted space with the best duplicate file finder available | Make your operations faster because your...dupli Lire la suite

WINner Tweak

WINner Tweak pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
In addition to the tweaks the program also offers several additional tools power utilities that include a disk cleaner registry cleaner shortcut cleaner uninstall manager file shredder start up manager popup blocker password generator internet cache analyzer process explorer translucenter access limiter and a folder protector to prevent access to selected folders.

A tools suite for tweaking optimizing and tuning of windows , Winner tweak is a ad Lire la suite

Paragon Partition Manager (Personal)

Paragon Partition Manager (Personal) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Provides easy hard drive partitioning and full range disk management [...] Partition manager provides easy and reliable hard drive partitioning and full range hard disk management , Every pc owner sooner or later meets a task of hard disk management.

An optimum allocation of disk resources is the key point to manage data and operating systems on your computer effectively | Paragon's award winning partition manager provides easy and reliable...provi Lire la suite

Paragon Hard Disk Manager 14 Suite

Paragon Hard Disk Manager 14 Suite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Paragon hard disk manager 14 suite est un logiciel extrêmement complet permettant de protéger entretenir et gérer son ordinateur [...] Paragon hard disk manager 14 suite est l'utilitaire idéal pour stocker et sauvegarder  vos données présentes sur votre pc.

Paragon hard disk manager 14 suite dispose d'une interface graphique semblable à celle de windows 8 / Un utilitaire simple et performant pour gérer et...parag Lire la suite


BKS pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Synchronizes computers disk folders using copy encryption compression.

With file access manager you now copy any file in use including sql databases , Bks synchronizes computers disks and folders / Files can be copied compressed or encrypted with the incrmental mode synchronization is done at the light speed | With the growing size of hard disks the availability of external drives using usb connection at affordable price ...synch Lire la suite

PDF Manager

PDF Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With pdf manager you will easily find the information you want in all documents on your hard disk or local network.

Pdf manager allows you to quickly search text in pdf files by performing a speedy full text search and enables you to convert pdf files to txt files , With pdf manager you will easily find the information you want in all documents on your hard disk / Another feature of pdf manager is the universal conversion which is able to convert...with Lire la suite

Visual Hindsight Professional Edition

Visual Hindsight Professional Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Visual hindsight allows viewing up to 100 live video streams while simultaneously recording up to 50 streams directly to disk as highly compressed avi files.

Also included is the automatic retention monitor™ to control the amount of disk space allocated for recording purposes through user defined values for maximum file age and total file size , Whether you're a security manager responsible for monitoring access to multiple sites a school administrator who needs...visua Lire la suite

4Musics Multiformat Converter

4Musics Multiformat Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Fast converting speed: audio format conversion executes directly without any temporary files and thus enables high converting speed and economy of hard disk resource; advanced output format settings: you can change bitrate up to 320 kbps! sample rate stereo modes and other settings; automatic source deleting: source files can be deleted automatically after convertion it is convenient if you convert from the big library in your hard drive and want to save free space on it Lire la suite

Visual Hindsight Home Edition

Visual Hindsight Home Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Visual hindsight allows viewing up to 20 live video streams while simultaneously recording up to 10 streams directly to disk as highly compressed avi files.

Also included is the automatic retention monitor™ to control the amount of disk space allocated for recording purposes through user defined values for maximum file age and total file size , Whether you're a security manager responsible for monitoring access to multiple sites a school administrator who needs...visua Lire la suite


aaxDriveManager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
The aaxdrivemanager activex control is a component that gives you an easy access to manage disk and cdrom drives.

With this component you can: eject cd and media; query for drive types and availability; get drive capacity and free space; get/set volume label this component can be used with disk drives cd rom drives floppy drives etc , Drive and cd rom manager activex control / With this component you can: eject cd and...the a Lire la suite

RIVALS Esports MOBA Manager Android

RIVALS Esports MOBA Manager Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Rivals esports moba manager est un jeu de gestion d'équipe esport dans lequel vous êtes le manager [...] Devenez le manager d'une équipe professionnelle de jeux vidéo dans ce titre pour smartphones android.

Mais que diriez vous de franchir un cap et d'essayer un tout nouveau jeu à venir sur l'esport ? rivals esports moba manager est un jeu de gestion en accès anticipé pour smartphones android / Vous deviendrez le manager officiel...rival Lire la suite