reparateur flash disk

Réparateur Auto

Réparateur Auto pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Logiciel destiné aux réparateurs et garages automobiles.

Un logiciel de facturation pour garagistes et réparateur automobile qui n'on pas envie de se prendre la tête avec une usine à gaz il va vous permettre de créer des or puis des devis et des factures est incluse un de gestion de stock simplifiée un logiciel pour les garagistes ou réparateurs voulant simplement gérer leur activité sans pour autant de prendre la tête , Cependant...logic Lire la suite

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The program supports hard drives ssds usb drives flash memory cards scsi drives zip drives and more.

Active@ killdisk erases all data on hdd and usb disks completely the process removes all data from a physical disk s or logical drive's surface also active@ killdisk can wipes out all unused space on disks not touching existing data , Large sized raids disk arrays sanitizing supported as well / How to erase hard drive data securely active@...the p Lire la suite

Applexsoft File Recovery for Mac

Applexsoft File Recovery for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
You can also use this siftware to recovers all types of files from your usb flash drives sd cards compactflash memory card cd dvd and mobile devices.

This software is the best solution to recover lost data when a volume has been formatted/reformatted volume is not getting mounted files and folders are accidentally deleted drive has been initialized disk verify and repair fails any sort of corruption causing inability to boot mac c Lire la suite


AlterEgos pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Create animated talking characters in minutes video or flash output no hosting create animated talking characters in minutes video or flash output no hosting or running costs integrate into your website blogg or media easily cut & paste deployment dozens of characters change backgrounds clothing and much much more [...] Alteregos generates an industry standard video file that can be simply incorporated within your website blogg or disk based media in...creat Lire la suite

Active@ Boot Disk 14.0.0

Active@ Boot Disk 14.0.0 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using this software you can create a fully bootable operating environment allowing you to start up your computer from a cd dvd or usb flash drive even if your operating system is damaged and completely refuses to start.

Active@ boot disk provides disk utilities active@ boot disk for windows xp/vista/7/8/10 provides a full range of disk utilities for data recovery secure erasure disk imaging , Active@ boot disk provides an impressive range of utilities for your...using Lire la suite

Rohos Disk

Rohos Disk pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Capacité de cryptage illimitée cette application permet la création d’un nombre illimité de disques virtuelles cryptés dans le stokage réseau flash drive usb ou dvd rom [...] Rohos disk encryption , Rohos disk encryption fait des partitions protégéés et cachées sur le disque dur de l’ordinateur et le stockage usb.

Ceux qui disposent de mégaoctets rohos disk utilise l’algorithm crypté aes de 256 bit approuvé par...capac Lire la suite

Personal Finances

Personal Finances pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Personal finances is a freeware family finance application that you can install on any usb flash drive [...] Personal finances is a freeware home budget application that can be installed on the hard disk drive or usb flash drive , Simple personal finance tool to let users keep track of the budget from the usb.

This program will let you keep track of all earnings purchases and help to keep track of the budget to avoid the overspending | This...perso Lire la suite

FineRecovery Enterprise

FineRecovery Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Data recovery software from hard drive flash card win2000/xp/2003/2008/vista [...] Finerecovery recovers files from hard disk ntfs fat fat12 fat16 fat32 partitions and removable media sd cf ms mmc xd flash card usb drive , Finerecovery recovers files from hard disk ntfs fat fat12 fat16 fat32 partitions and removable media sd cf ms mmc flash card usb drive.

Data recovery software | You can easily recovers Lire la suite

DFIncBackup Home

DFIncBackup Home pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It can backup to cd/dvd ext usb hdd flash hdd lan.

One archive can contain several root folders from different disk volumes and any subfolder can be tuned separately , One archive can contain several folders from different disk volumes and any subfolder can be tuned separately / Personal backup program for incremental backup of files to zip archives | This is a personal backup program for incremental backup of files to ca Lire la suite


FineRecovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Recovery any files from hard drive flash card cd dvd win linux macintosh [...] Recovery any files from hard disk ntfs ntfs5 fat12/fat16/fat32 xfs partitions and removable media flash card usb drive cd dvd , Support os: windows 2000/xp/2003/2008/vista/7 linux finerecovery recovery any files from hard disk ntfs ntfs5 fat12 fat16 fat32 ext2 ext3 ext4 xfs file systems and removable media flash card usb drive cd dvd and other.

You...recov Lire la suite


RoboSetup pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can copy the disk to a cd/dvd or to a folder on your hard or flash drive and use it to perform automatic installation on your or any other computer [...] Using robosetup you can create a disk with an autorun shell which will install software automatically.

Automatic software installation of any complexity including inserting your data automatic software installation of any complexity including inserting your data into installation dialog c Lire la suite

WinCatalog 2012

WinCatalog 2012 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Hard drives external storage cds dvds blu ray's flash drives and whatever else will be organized for quick browsing and searching.

Search various media for the files you want! no matter if your files are stored on a cd dvd flash memory card or the hard disk wincatalog will find exactly what you are looking for in just seconds , Find information in seconds! organize your disc collection for faster browsing / Organize your collection...hard Lire la suite


eBoostr pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
It allows you to use an additional drive such as flash memory or hard disk as another performance boosting memory caching mechanism for speeding up your os and applications.

It allows you to use an additional drive such as flash memory or hard disk as an extra memory cache for windows xp which improves the overall performance of your operating system allows you to run more applications and access data much quicker , Eboostr lets you enjoy vista's al Lire la suite

Flash Recovery Toolbox

Flash Recovery Toolbox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Provides flash drive recovery services using the fat file system [...] Get flash recovery toolbox and repair corrupted and not accessible removable medias using the fat file system including flash drives smart cards usb drives and other items.

Get flash recovery toolbox for evaluation and test your chances of getting the data back by opening a flash drive of supported format it is easy and you can repair fat drives without additional instructions / It...provi Lire la suite

DVD Device Lock

DVD Device Lock pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Hide or disable access to removable devices like cd dvd floppy flash usb.

Hide or disable access to removable devices such as cd dvd floppy flash and usb; deny access to partitions of your hard disk drives with the program , Hide or restrict access to removable media devices such as cd dvd floppy flash and usb drives and deny access to partitions of your hard disk drives with the program / Stop copying data between removable media and hard...hide Lire la suite

Auslogics File Recovery

Auslogics File Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
File recovery software recover all deleted files from usb flash or sd cards.

From any type of storage device external hard disk sd card flash card or usb stick , From any type of storage device external hard disk sd card flash card or usb stick and any file system ntfs fat16/32 or exfat / Easy to use high quality file recovery software that recovers documents photos videos and every other file type you can think...file Lire la suite

Infine Capture Flash

Infine Capture Flash pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Capture flash files from open web pages and cache files and save flash to disk.

Infine capture flash is a flash capture tool allows you to capture flash files from all open web pages and temporary internet files and save flash files to disk in one second , Com/captureflash/ infine capture flash is a flash capture tool allows you to capture flash files from all open web pages and temporary internet files and save flash to disk in one second / You can...captu Lire la suite

Dekart Private Disk

Dekart Private Disk pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Private disk vous permet de stocker vos informations sur des médias tels que les disques durs disquettes cd disques zip disques flash tous les types de cartes à mémoire flash pda et même les appareils photo numériques.

Private disk crée un ou plusieurs disques virtuels sur votre disque dur et/ou vos périphériques de stockage externes , Private disk crypte/décrypte les données se trouvant sur le disque crypté avec pratiquement aucun perte de...priva Lire la suite

Happy Wheels Android

Happy Wheels Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Le plus difficile sera de réussir à contrôler votre moyen de locomotion ! vieux jeu flash disponible sur navigateurs internet happy wheels est un jeu qui a fait le bonheur de nombreux joueurs et notamment youtubers [...] Happy wheels est un jeu de course dans lequel vous contrôlez un personnage difficilement maniable.

Happy wheels est un jeu déjanté dans lequel vous incarnez un personnage de votre choix devant aller jusqu'à une ligne...le pl Lire la suite


Quidol pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Au programme :  quidol grand live : tous les soirs à 20h30 quidol snack à l'heure du déjeuner quidol earth pour "réconcilier l'homme et la nature" quidol challenge à n'importe quelle heure quidol unkorrect pour des questions barrées et des réponses décalées quidol flash pour gagner des bons d'achat et d'autres cadeaux tout un ensemble de quiz différents pour pimenter vos soirées et qui sait pr Lire la suite