how to wipe a computer

How to Delete Duplicate Files

How to Delete Duplicate Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporpation.

Comment puis je supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double , Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les doublons facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporation comme le meilleur...comme Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
How pcsuite works: diagnoses your windows system since diagnosis is half the cure pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes [...] Knowing how busy your life can be we created this functionality so you can set it once and have your pc auto cleaned and accelerated on a convenient schedule.

Cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we p Lire la suite

AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy

AppleXsoft Hard Drive Copy pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
One click ssd hdd pc cloning & migration easily migrate os to ssd.

It is designed to copying all data including os applications settings to another disk hdd or ssd in three simple steps easily migrate os to ssd , Upgrading your desktop or notebook hard drive is one the easiest ways to increase performance and capacity / Applexsoft hard drive copy makes this process simple by copying all of your data documents operating systems c Lire la suite

REFOG Time Sheriff

REFOG Time Sheriff pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using this software you can set time limits to various programs or set time limits for how long a certain user can be logged in [...] Easy to use and install it provides comprehensive reports and everything you need.

You can also use it to set prohibitions or restrictions on users or whole groups / If you are worried your children are spending too much time playing computer games or your workers are spending their time using instant messaging programs ...using Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
The keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times.

With refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating spouses can use this keylogger for mac to monitor a...the k Lire la suite

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
How to erase hard drive data securely active@ killdisk provides the ultimate solution how to erase hard drive data in such a way that no one can ever retrieve it using third party software or any other method.

If you want to know how to erase hard drive data or data stored on any other type of device then active@ killdisk provides the solution that you need , Active@ killdisk is a secure data removal program that provides the perfect solution to anyone who t Lire la suite

Portable RapidTyping Tutor

Portable RapidTyping Tutor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Learn how to use your keyboard in a fun and entertaining way for absolutely free.

Learning to type can be easy and fun! learn how to use your keyboard in a fun and entertaining way for absolutely free , Portable rapidtyping tutor is designed to teach adults and kids to use their computer keyboard more efficiently than ever / Learning to type is fun with the typing game included with rapidtyping while its extensive training statistics and customized...learn Lire la suite

RapidTyping Typing Tutor

RapidTyping Typing Tutor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Learn how to use your keyboard in a fun and entertaining way for absolutely free [...] Learning to type can be easy and fun! learn how to use your keyboard in a fun and entertaining way for absolutely free.

Rapidtyping typing tutor is designed to teach adults and kids to use their computer keyboard more efficiently than ever / Learning to type is fun with the typing game included with rapidtyping while its extensive training statistics and customized...learn Lire la suite

Vista User Time Manager

Vista User Time Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used [...] Vista user time manager lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used , Vista user time manager lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits.

Schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week | You le Lire la suite

SI Trace

SI Trace pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The tool essentially allows you to see exactly where a connectivity problem is no matter how far it is from your computer.

Classic traceroute wrapped into a much more convenient easy to use package , Si trace is a free visual tool for windows that traces the route of ip packets while they travel from your pc to the remote destination / The last host to respond to traceroute is the last host that is working properly | The first one that...the t Lire la suite

SoftActivity Keylogger

SoftActivity Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Spy software that runs invisibly and records how computer has been used [...] Spy software that runs invisible and records how computer has been used , Softactivity keylogger records to an encrypted log file internet history with web page titles received and sent email pop3/smtp im chats typed keystrokes and passwords programs that user runs and work duration in every application.

It takes screen copies of every action like a surveillance...spy s Lire la suite

OpenOffice Draw Password Recovery

OpenOffice Draw Password Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Even users who are not exposed to computer technologies can learn how to use openoffice draw password recovery in just minutes and then instantly recover open document passwords and remove readonly protection to make the document editable again.

It provides a friendly interface and a carefully chosen feature set to let users recover passwords without problems , The program offers a friendly interface for effortless recovery using advanced...even Lire la suite

Acritum Femitter HTTP-FTP Server

Acritum Femitter HTTP-FTP Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You don't have to be a system administrator to understand how it works simply press a button and your friends will be able to download some of your files via internet or lan.

You don't have to be a system administrator to understand how it works simply press a button and your friends will be able to visit your computer via the net , Share files easily using simple http and ftp servers on your windows based pcs! easy to use http and ftp server is at d Lire la suite

Wipe Expert

Wipe Expert pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Did you know that a consequence of internet browsing is the recording of many confidential data on your computer: visited pages credit card info passwords? did you know that by simply deleted a document stored on your computer it continues existing on your hard drive and can be easily recovered? anyone with access to your computer may use these data against or in your loss.

It uses special data patterns to erase files and make them completely...did y Lire la suite

Kids PC Time Administrator

Kids PC Time Administrator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used by kids.

It allows you to set limits on how much time your child spends on the computer or online , If you are concerned your child may be spending too much time online or playing games this type of software will offer a solution / You can share the same computer among your children by setting an individual time table for each childit le Lire la suite

User Time Control

User Time Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used.

User time control center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used , User time control center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits / Schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week | le Lire la suite

User Time Administrator

User Time Administrator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
User time administrator lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used.

User time administrator lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits , Schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week / You can schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per...user Lire la suite

LanInfo XP

LanInfo XP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This is how laninfo works – after you integrate this software in your network you will be able to send messages to any computer connected to this network [...] Many companies ranging from small companies to large corporations found out that this software is exactly what they need.

The unique feature is that you can grant message sending privilege to your computer only and the rest of the workstations will be able to receive the messages but won’t be able to send...this Lire la suite

Burning Words Screensaver

Burning Words Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Enjoy your motto or burning on the screen! or use it as a reminder of your goals ever wondered how to be aimed at your goals all the time? or perhaps are looking for ways to express your feelings? may be just want your friends to know what you're thinking about? burning words screensaver is here to help you.

Ever wondered how to be aimed at your goals all the time? or perhaps are looking for ways to express your feelings? may be just want your friends to know what you're...enjoy Lire la suite

Internet Access Manager

Internet Access Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Online statistic monitor with comparison ability keeps track of how much time you're spending.

Schedule your access to internet or to another computer! internet access manager is a nifty utility you can use to schedule and simplify your access to the internet or to another computer , It is designed to help you make and maintain internet connection with as little fuss as possible / Internet access manager is a nifty utility you can use to schedule and...onlin Lire la suite