how long should a computer last

How to Delete Duplicate Files

How to Delete Duplicate Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporpation.

Comment puis je supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double , Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les doublons facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporation comme le meilleur...comme Lire la suite

REFOG Time Sheriff

REFOG Time Sheriff pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using this software you can set time limits to various programs or set time limits for how long a certain user can be logged in [...] If you are worried your children are spending too much time playing computer games or your workers are spending their time using instant messaging programs parental control software such as time sheriff is the solution.

Set permits and restrictions with parental control software / Control who accesses which applications on...using Lire la suite

ePingu for iPhone

ePingu for iPhone pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
They were long for a vacation but that's not how they'd like to spend it [...] It won't last long so go fast , Pingus were sent to a tropical isle / You're after them handed with a teleport | A lots of pingus were teleported to a lone isle ; You've been sent after them handed with a teleport : Pingus were teleported to island.

Get them back home fast! they count on you , Study on the...they Lire la suite

Vista User Time Manager

Vista User Time Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used.

Vista user time manager lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used , Vista user time manager lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits / Schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week | You le Lire la suite

GSA Cleandrive

GSA Cleandrive pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You will be surprised how much more free disk space you will get after a cleanup.

If you do not want that your privacy will be fully destroyed you should do something against , It is a common problem that almost anything that you do on your pc can be spied out by others / There is a big market where money is made by simply tracking your online behavior what sites you surf what you like to search for | It deletes all internet traces w Lire la suite

SI Trace

SI Trace pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The tool essentially allows you to see exactly where a connectivity problem is no matter how far it is from your computer [...] Classic traceroute wrapped into a much more convenient easy to use package.

Si trace is a free visual tool for windows that traces the route of ip packets while they travel from your pc to the remote destination / Test communications with remote computer and determine the route packets travel across an ip network between your pc...the t Lire la suite

Kids PC Time Administrator

Kids PC Time Administrator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used by kids [...] It allows you to set limits on how much time your child spends on the computer or online.

If you are concerned your child may be spending too much time online or playing games this type of software will offer a solution / You can share the same computer among your children by setting an individual time table for each childit le Lire la suite

User Time Control

User Time Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used [...] User time control center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used , User time control center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits.

Schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week | le Lire la suite

User Time Administrator

User Time Administrator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
User time administrator lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used.

User time administrator lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits , Schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per day a week / You can schedule time intervals and the number of hours each child can use the computer per...user Lire la suite

Mind Pad

Mind Pad pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you really want to make use of powerful object oriented mind mapping then you should spend some time and learn how to create a frame objects using model editor.

As long as it supports powerful object oriented methodology and scripting it’s very simple software , When you need to create a new object you just tell mind pad what style it should use for this object or link / This object should have all properties you need to represent some data in...if yo Lire la suite

Emsa Save My Work

Emsa Save My Work pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
How many times you have lost your work because of power failure blue screens computer accidental reset internet failure user mistake or kids hitting the computer cables and any such unexpected events? you may have written a complicated document or email working for a lot of hours and then lost it completely.

Emsa save my work is a program that stays in system tray and records your own keystrokes as you type allowing easy recover of any typed work during the day m Lire la suite

QS Flash Magic Menu Builder

QS Flash Magic Menu Builder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This product provides tremendous flexibility by offering a wide range of parameters: each level of the menu and the submenu features have an entry effect and an exit effect you can specify how long you want the effects to last the links can be external or internal the rollover and click features are programmable and it also has a callback feature for each event which will allow you to create animation or effects linked to the menu.

We are proud to introduce a new menu...this Lire la suite

TikTokCook Personal

TikTokCook Personal pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Once you've used tiktokcook tm you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

You can work in the conventional way by putting something in to cook then setting the timer or by setting a timer for the time the meal should be served and working backwards or a combination of both , The big advantage of working backwards is that you can set a timer # minutes prior to the finish time without having to work anything out or even knowing the actual time you are setting...once Lire la suite

WinLock Professional

WinLock Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
With winlock you can control how long others can use your computer disable windows hot keys such as alt ctrl del alt tab ctrl esc etc.

Winlock professional is a powerful security solution that lets you restrict access to various computer resources , Winlock is a comprehensive security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers / It is a program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your...with Lire la suite


WinLock pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
With winlock you can control how long others can use your computer disable windows hot keys such as alt ctrl del alt tab ctrl esc etc [...] Winlock is a comprehensive security software for personal or publicly accessible computers.

It is a program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your computer / Winlock is a comprehensive security solution for personal or publicly accessible...with Lire la suite

Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver

Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ever wondered how a clock works? want to see all the "internals"? get this magnificent realistic mechanical clock 3d screensaver.

And since it is 100% free to download you should download your copy now! , We've even hired a practicing clock master to be our consultant to help us design a realistic clock screensaver selecting an 18th century swiss clock as a model / It is also great for any public place as a quick glance is all that is required...ever Lire la suite

HDD Temperature

HDD Temperature pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
So how do you monitor your hdd temperature to make sure you data is always save? simply download hdd temperature from palicksoft.

Technology included in all modern hdds hdd temperature checks and monitors the temperature of your hard drives; you can also set the maximum value of drive temperature so that you will be warned should this temperature be exceeded , For example it can monitor several hdds simultaneously and can send warning messages to a specified ho Lire la suite

Gin Rummy by MeggieSoft Games

Gin Rummy by MeggieSoft Games pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The many rule and scoring options affect when you can knock go out and how many points are awarded [...] A very comprehensive implementation including hollywood and oklahoma variations , Gin rummy has a rich user interface with many customizable visual audio and game options.

Meggiesoft games gin rummy is a very comprehensive implementation of the popular card game including hollywood and oklahoma variations | Gin rummy has a rich user...the m Lire la suite


RascalPro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Rascal provides you with information about your internet sessions including network parameters a calculation of your monthly fees and a time log of how long you've been online for the current and previous session day week month and year.

Rascal is a broadband and dial up connection manager that enhances your online experience with useful features not found in the standard windows network tool , Rascal is fast reliable and easy to use making it a tool of...rasca Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
How pcsuite works: diagnoses your windows system since diagnosis is half the cure pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes [...] Knowing how busy your life can be we created this functionality so you can set it once and have your pc auto cleaned and accelerated on a convenient schedule.

Through a lot of research and testing we have worked out p Lire la suite