dictionary wordreference

Dictionary Browser

Dictionary Browser pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Permet d'accéder à google translate abbyy lingvo et multitran [...] Offre un accès facile aux dictionnaires en ligne populaires : google translate multitran abbyy lingvo.

Cette liste sera élargie / C'est un bon outil pour les traducteurs en particulier pour ceux qui utilisent l'anglais et le russeperme Lire la suite

LastBit Skype Password Recovery

LastBit Skype Password Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the password you have to use brute force attack or dictionary attack [...] Skype password is a tool to recover lost passwords for skype , Skype password is a password recovery tool for skype / In a few clicks the program will display passwords for all skype users on the pc it was launched.

No professional knowledge or experience is required ; Whenever you lose or forget your password for skype make a couple of...to re Lire la suite

LastBit FireFox Password Recovery

LastBit FireFox Password Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the master password you have to use the universal password recovery methods such as brute force attack and dictionary attack [...] Firefox password is a tool to recover lost passwords for firefox web browser , Firefox password recovers firefox master password and saved login passwords.

Firefox password displays all the login information stored by firefox | For each item the url login name and password will be...to re Lire la suite

Forgot Administrator Password

Forgot Administrator Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using advanced dictionary attack methods it can recover the vast majority of passwords quickly [...] Elcomsoft system recovery is the way if you forgot administrator password , Elcomsoft system recovery is the perfect solution if you forgot administrator password.

Using advanced methods of password recovery it can retrieve almost any lost windows administrator password by taking advantage of your cpu | Elcomsoft system recovery is the ideal...using Lire la suite


AlbionXP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
English explanatory dictionary that enables you to easily look up over 145 000 words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis english explanatory dictionary enables you to easily look up the meanings of english words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis.

Electronic english explanatory dictionary , Here are some of the...engli Lire la suite

Windows Password Cracker

Windows Password Cracker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Features: program correctly extracts windows nt/2000/xp/2003/vista users' names and passwords in national symbol encoding support bruteforce and dictionary password rerovery attacks.

Windows password cracker is a windows 2000/xp/vista password recovery software , Windows password cracker is an easy to use and fast windows nt/2000/xp/2003/vista password recovery software windows password cracker is an easy to use and fast windows nt/2000/xp/2003/vista...featu Lire la suite

Croatian-English Mini Dictionary

Croatian-English Mini Dictionary pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free english to croatian dictionary with recorded pronunciation and excercises [...] Free english to croatian dictionary with recorded pronunciation , The dictionary is organized by topic in small units / It contains frequently used words and expressions with english translation and ready made excercises to master the material.

Ideal if you go to croatia and want to speak some croatian ; Each unit contains two excercises to...free Lire la suite

Word 2007 Password

Word 2007 Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the password brute force attack and dictionary search must be used.

Password recovery tool to retrieve word 2007 passwords to open , Password recovery tool to crack word 2007 passwords to open / You pay only for the result | If the program fails to find the password you pay nothing ; Password recovery tool to decrypt word 2007 passwords to open : Passwords to open are extremely hard to break in...to re Lire la suite

Excel 2007 Password

Excel 2007 Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the password brute force attack and dictionary search must be used [...] Password recovery tool for excel 2007 passwords to open , Passwords to open are extremely hard to break in excel 2007.

If the password is found the program informs you | You can use excel 2007 password program for free to recover the password ; If the password cannot be found you pay nothing : If the password is found the...to re Lire la suite

Ambrose Bierce Selected Works

Ambrose Bierce Selected Works pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
La plupart des histoires ont des hyperliens avec le devil's dictionary ce qui vous permet de connaître le sens particulier que bierce donnait à certains mots [...] Ambrose g , Bierce selected works hyperlinked to the devil's dictionary / Ce livre virtuel ebook contient une sélection des oeuvres d'ambrose bierce ainsi que son fameux devil's dictionary.

Dans certains textes les mots figurant au dictionnaire sont hyper liés à leur...la pl Lire la suite

ABCSpell for Outlook Express

ABCSpell for Outlook Express pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add spell checking in 13 languages thesaurus & dictionary to outlook express [...] So easy to use! just right click your mouse to open the thesaurus and dictionary word look up functions , Add spell checking thesaurus and dictionary/word lookup functions to outlook express! abcspell installs in seconds and works like part of outlook express.

Checks spelling manually or automatically on "send" | Displays suggestions for 13+...add s Lire la suite

Xidie Security Suite

Xidie Security Suite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Most of carrier types implemented in xidie are unique: tiff and word excel workbooks access databases registry keys microsoft console documents event log files cookies subtitles dictionary and pdf documents alternate data streams and attaching method with multiple files carrier.

Xidie help you to protect computer files and folders and safely store them , By combining cryptography with steganography by using strong compression algorithms well recognized...most Lire la suite

PDF password

PDF password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If a user password is unknown brute force attack and dictionary search must be used [...] Password recovery tool for acrobat pdf * , Pdf files / Pdf password recovers user and permission passwords only.

Pdf password does not allow to break drm digital right management system ; If user password also known as password to open is either not set or known it is possible to remove permission password instantlyif a Lire la suite

Money Password

Money Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ms money 2002+ protection scheme was significantly improved so universal recovery methods such as brute force attack and dictionary search must be used to recover password.

Password recovery tool for ms money database , Password recovery tool which comes in very handy if you forgot lost or misplaced your password for ms money files * / Mny * | Mbf ; Instantly recovers passwords for ms money files version 2001 and...ms mo Lire la suite

MD5 Password

MD5 Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Brute force attack dictionary attack hybrid dictionary attack and smart force attack are supported.

A tool to recover a password if its md5 hash is known , Md5 password is a tool for security professionals which allows recovering a password if you know its md5 hash / The fast recovery engine can recover up to 32 000 passwords simultaneously | Distributed recovery is supported ; Md5 password is a password recovery tool...brute Lire la suite

QuickBooks Password

QuickBooks Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Brute force attack or dictionary search must be used to restore the original password [...] Password recovery tool for quickbooks documents * , Qbw * / Qba | Quickbooks password is a password recovery tool for quickbooks files * ; Quickbooks password resets the password to a known one this can be done instantly and you can open your document immediately.

Password recovery tool for quickbooks files ...brute Lire la suite

Quicken Password

Quicken Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To crack password brute force attack dictionary search and smart force attack methods must be used.

Brute force attack dictionary search and smart force attack methods must be used to crack password for opening the file , Password recovery tool for quicken * / Qdf files | Password recovery tool quicken * ; It is possible to decrypt the transaction password instantly : Complete password recovery solution...to cr Lire la suite

Network Dictionary

Network Dictionary pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Network dictionary to help the navigation of the converged networking technology network dictionary is designed to help computer networking and telecom professionals and students to navigate the computing and communication technologies and services smoothly [...] Network dictionary is designed to help computer networking and telecom professionals and students to navigate the computing and communication technologies and services.

This dictionary includes terms from...netwo Lire la suite

Excel Password Recovery Wizard

Excel Password Recovery Wizard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The choice of available recovery methods includes brute force smart search and a dictionary based attack.

Excel password recovery lets you recover any excel password in a flash , Excel password recovery wizard provides you with a friendly interface to recover excel passwords in a flash / The built in attack profiles enable rapid password recovery with only one key press | Recovery success is guaranteed ; They can be used...the c Lire la suite

Office Key Professional

Office Key Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Dictionary brute force and brute force with xieve optimization attacks are used to recover file open passwords; other types of passwords are recovered or reset instantly [...] Password recovery tool for ms excel word access outlook powerpoint and vba.

Easy to use password recovery tool for ms office files: excel worksheets / Xls word documents | Doc access databases ; Mdb outlook personal storage...dicti Lire la suite