oxford english dictionary free

Croatian-English Mini Dictionary

Croatian-English Mini Dictionary pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free english to croatian dictionary with recorded pronunciation and excercises.

Free english to croatian dictionary with recorded pronunciation , It contains frequently used words and expressions with english translation and ready made excercises to master the material / The dictionary is organized by topic in small units | Ideal if you go to croatia and want to speak some croatian ; Each unit contains two excercises to...free Lire la suite


As-U-Read pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The os level quick and easy one click english dictionary for online reading.

You'll read faster and easier! as u read is an os level quick and easy one click english dictionary system for online reading , As you read through on screen text and encounter a new english word that you wish to know the meaning just use your mouse and control right click the word; as u read will instantly and conveniently show you the word's meaning in a small tooltip like window next...the o Lire la suite


MP4toMP3 pour mac
Logiciel Saas Saas
No software/components installation required registration is not required crop the audio file multi language: english german french italian spanish portuguese dutch polish japanese and korean.

An online free service converts mp4 and other video files to mp3 and more audio formats , Features: 100% free to use compatible with all modern web browsers supports most video/audio formats various output formats: mp3 aac flac m4a ogg and...no so Lire la suite

PravIcon.com orthodox icon guide

PravIcon.com orthodox icon guide pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
English and russian interface for any windows version [...] Enjoy viewing orthodox icons off line with the easy to use english or russian interface , Being only 6 megabytes in size this free package contains 388 orthodox icons of the mother of god and 59 icons of jesus christ / Portable offline catalog of orthodox icons the mother of god and jesus christ.

Enjoy viewing orthodox icons off line anywhere anytime ; Being only 6...engli Lire la suite

Marées dans le Monde (English)

Marées dans le Monde (English) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Txt read me english.

After reading read me english , Free tide calculator / Marées dans le monde 4 | 00 contains a database that allows to predict the tide with an accuracy sufficient for the needs of navigation in approximately 9 500 places in the world ; In 4 190 main stations the calculations are based directly on the harmonic method : Corrections allow to deduce the water height at any time in 5 418...txt Lire la suite

GSA Cleandrive

GSA Cleandrive pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
The program is available in 26 languages arab brazilian catalan chinese czech danish dutch english finish french german greek hebrew italian japanese malayan norwegian polish portuguese russian slovenian spanish swedish thai turkish to make it easy for you to use all the unique features.

You will be surprised how much more free disk space you will get after a cleanup , Software that cleans up your system from privacy violations and make it...the p Lire la suite

BRAVIS Galaxee 4free Videochat

BRAVIS Galaxee 4free Videochat pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Galaxee 4free so far and yet so near * free vga videochat with 4 participiants * clear audioquality * intuitive and flexible usage * adressbook * works without server * spontaneous videochats * international: languages: german english french polish spanish * filetransfer new in version 1.

Bravis galaxee 4free is a slim and easy to use free videochat programm with up to 4 participiants and filetransfer which doenst need a...galax Lire la suite


AlbionXP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Electronic english explanatory dictionary [...] English explanatory dictionary that enables you to easily look up over 145 000 words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis english explanatory dictionary enables you to easily look up the meanings of english words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis.

Here are some of the...elect Lire la suite

Emailing pro

Emailing pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
New integrated html editor: give free rein to your creativity and put computer capabilities at work with your marketing strategy not the other way around! the software is available in english french german spanish italian dutch and portuguese.

Emailing pro is a free email software for emailing your messages and documents , Emailing pro is a email software for emailing your messages and documents / Extremely advanced management of incorrect email...new i Lire la suite

Word 2007 Password

Word 2007 Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the password brute force attack and dictionary search must be used [...] You can use word 2007 password program for free to recover the password , Password recovery tool to retrieve word 2007 passwords to open / Password recovery tool to crack word 2007 passwords to open.

You pay only for the result ; If the program fails to find the password you pay nothing : Password recovery tool to decrypt word...to re Lire la suite

Excel 2007 Password

Excel 2007 Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
To recover the password brute force attack and dictionary search must be used [...] You can use excel 2007 password program for free to recover the password , Password recovery tool for excel 2007 passwords to open / Passwords to open are extremely hard to break in excel 2007 | If the password is found the program informs you.

If the password cannot be found you pay nothing : If the password is found the...to re Lire la suite

Pos-Soft Premium

Pos-Soft Premium pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Support multi language allowing your users/waiters to use pos soft on them prefer language english spanish italian danish and french it is so easy to use that a 15 to 30 minutes self training will have you set and ready to work [...] Updates are provided freely to registered customers at least once a month free download.

The most flexible and easy to use point of sales software for bars pubs restau the most flexible and easy to use point of sales software for...suppo Lire la suite

Office Key Professional

Office Key Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Dictionary brute force and brute force with xieve optimization attacks are used to recover file open passwords; other types of passwords are recovered or reset instantly [...] Download and try a free demo version , Password recovery tool for ms excel word access outlook powerpoint and vba / Easy to use password recovery tool for ms office files: excel worksheets.

Xls word documents ; Doc access...dicti Lire la suite

DivX for Windows (incl. DivX Player)

DivX for Windows (incl. DivX Player) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This package supports english french german and japanese languages.

All components are free and no adware is included in the package , Watch high quality divx videos with advanced interactive features / Divx for windows features divx player with support for advanced interactive features and offers everything you need to start watching high quality divx videos including divx high definition hd movies | Divx for windows includes the...this Lire la suite

DivX 6 for Mac

DivX 6 for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Divx 6 for mac is available in english french german and japanese in full or trial versions.

The divx codec divx web player and divx playback support are free with your download and never expire , Create and play divx videos on the mac / With divx 6 for mac the creation and playback of divx videos has never been easier | Divx 6 for mac features the divx codec with pro features the divx converter the divx web player and divx...divx Lire la suite

MagicSRF US for AutoCAD & BricsCAD

MagicSRF US for AutoCAD & BricsCAD pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Magicsrf english version 4 [...] Free english evaluation version is free and not limited , The autocad surface area manager / Automatic surface area management magicsrf is a powerful autocad r14 2004 & bricscad v6 surface area manager.

It lets you compute automatically manage and extract surface areas in drawings keeps them up to date ; 0 for autocad r14 2004 & bricscad v6 the autocad surface area manager automatic...magic Lire la suite

ViPNet Password Roulette

ViPNet Password Roulette pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The password list can be generated in 3 languages: english german and russian.

The password phrase which can be generated in english german and russian further languages planned has the function of helping to memorize the password , For example a password generated in english using the first three letters of each word in the phrase consisting of four words would look as follows: password blilibabaath password phrase blind librarian abashes...the p Lire la suite

Arrêt sur événements

Arrêt sur événements pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Choose a language : english or french.

Include a tool of help to parameter free on personal use matériel standard requis windows 9x me 2000 nt et xp processeur pentium r 300 mhz 500 mhz ou supérieur recommandé 32 mo de ram 64 mo de ram ou plus recommandés 20 mo d'espace disque minimum affichage 800x600 16 couleurs ou mieux , Programmez un arrêt ou mise en veille suivant un événement / Lié avec motherboard monitor il...choos Lire la suite

ezanga Toolbar & Free Popup Blocker

ezanga Toolbar & Free Popup Blocker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The toolbar includes informational tools such as web results from the leading search engines yellow and white pages abc news ticker and dictionary capabilities.

The free ezanga , Barre d'outil de recherche sur internet et antipub / Com toolbar serves as both a way to get relevant information right from your browser as well as a popup blocker to stop those annoying ads | The toolbar includes informational tools such as web results from...the t Lire la suite

Outlook Express Backup Genie

Outlook Express Backup Genie pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Multilingual interface: english french german dutch spanish portuguese and italian.

Download the free evaluation now! , Backup your email data / Works with outlook express and 8 other email clients | Outlook express backup genie is a backup and synchronization tool for your email database messages address book contacts accounts etc ; Works with top 9 email clients: outlook express backup microsoft outlook eudora...multi Lire la suite