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Yahoo webmail

Yahoo webmail pour mac
Logiciel Saas
Note : 5/5
Accédez au webmail de yahoo depuis cette url connectez vous au service de messagerie de yahoo! depuis cette adresse unique.

Le webmail de yahoo! propose une interface de connexion très simple qui vous permet d'accéder à tous vos outils yahoo! le courrier en ligne ou webmail yahoo est un service gratuit proposé par le portail américain , L'interface de connexion yahoo est extrêment simple il suffit de renseigner son adresse mail et son mot de...accé Lire la suite

Yahoo LiveText Android

Yahoo LiveText Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Yahoo livetext est une application pour android qui vous propose de communiquer avec vos proches grâce à des vidéos et du texte [...] Yahoo livetext est la dernière application de messagerie instantanée à la mode , Découvrez une nouvelle manière de communiquer avec yahoo / Très facile d’utilisation vos conversations s’en retrouvent enrichies et le service est totalement gratuit.

Elle combine habilement Lire la suite

Yahoo Aviate Launcher Android

Yahoo Aviate Launcher Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Yahoo aviate launcher est une application android qui fait office de lanceur pour votre tablette ou votre smartphone.

Yahoo aviate launcher est un lanceur d’applications pour android développé par yahoo , En effet yahoo aviate launcher a été pensé pour s’adapter en fonction des différents moments de la journée / Yahoo aviate launcher se module aussi en fonction de l’endroit où Lire la suite

Yahoo Contacts Delphi Component

Yahoo Contacts Delphi Component pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Composant delphi qui permet l'accès aux contacts yahoo en utilisant l'api yahoo.

Supporte delphi 7 et plus et travaille directement avec l'api officielle yahoo! contactscompo Lire la suite

Yahoo Messenger Password

Yahoo Messenger Password pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Yahoo messenger password is a tool to recover lost password for yahoo messenger [...] Yahoo messenger password is a password recovery tool for yahoo messenger password , Yahoo messenger password recovers stored login information for the current computer user.

Yahoo messenger password is a password recovery tool for yahoo messenger | Whenever you lose or forget your password for yahoo messenger make a few mouse clicks and you will get Lire la suite

FileOn List Builder

FileOn List Builder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
But at the same time you keep only one e mail address per a web based service domains yahoo hotmail msn etc [...] While the option duplicate domains works with the domains that follow the @ sign in e mail addresses the option no duplicate url domains is responsible for taking only one e mail address from each processed url web page.

A powerful web data link email extractor utility / Collect targeted data from web for responsible internet marketing ...but a Lire la suite

GSA Email Verifier

GSA Email Verifier pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It can also verify and clean up mailing lists to avoiding bounce back or undelivered emails from your mail box [...] It is important to maintain a clean mailing list and remove undeliverable and bounced addresses because a lot of mail servers block the senders ip address for repeated sending of email messages to mail addresses that don not exist.

Gsa email verifier is an essential tool for email marketing and to avoid isps mail servers blocking or banning your ca Lire la suite

1st SMTP Server

1st SMTP Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Allows to relay emails sent to it directly to their destination bypassing your provider's mail server.

If you need to send large quantities of email set up a few of these servers on different computers and let a massmail 1st smtp server a free smtp relay server is a simplest easy to use smtp mail relay server , 1st smtp server free smtp relay server / A free smtp relay server | It is used for relaying your email messages to its...allow Lire la suite

WebMarketing Spider

WebMarketing Spider pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ces contacts comprennent: adresses de courrier électronique ; les numéros de téléphone et de télécopieur ; numéros d'identification instantanée messagers tels que yahoo messenger aol im icq msn messenger.

Les résultats contiennent quatre domaines : type de contact ; les informations de contact lui même c'est à dire le numéro de téléphone ou adresse e mail ; url où l'...ces c Lire la suite

Nero Standard 2019.

Nero Standard 2019. pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Features: backs up all your pcs ios android and windows phone backup to usb drive discs nas drive and online storagetruly infinite online driveautomatic & scheduled backupcreate scheduled and continuous backupscompression and encryption for local backupsrestore filesaccess browse stream and share your backed up files anytime anywhere with any web browser share your files privately via email or publicly by posting them on facebook google+ and twitterpassword protect your shared files or...featu Lire la suite

Detect Email 2011

Detect Email 2011 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Le logiciel a plusieurs modes d'aspiration sur moteurs de recherche "google bing yahoo altavista.

Extait directement les mails de vos programmes outlook outlook express netscape mozilla opera mail etc , Detect email 2011 est l'un des aspirateurs d'emails les plus puissants du marché detect email 2011 est l'un des aspirateurs d'emails les plus puissants du marché ! en quelques minutes vous collectez des milliers d'adresses ciblées selons vos critères ...le lo Lire la suite

SMS Gateway - Enterprise

SMS Gateway - Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It can be configured as an http sms gateway for web sms applications as an e mail sms gateway for e mail sms alerts [...] The software can send and receive up to 400 sms messages per second on an intel p4 pc , It allows up to 1000 simultaneously connected applications and up to 64 concurrent smsc connections.

Supported sms messages types: sms text unicode sms sms pdu mode multipart sms wap push flash sms ems binary sms sms port number ota sms ca Lire la suite

Chrysanth Mail Manager

Chrysanth Mail Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Chrysanth mail manager is a very effective email management software to help users keep mailboxes from junk emails.

Effective email management for a junk email free mailbox , This email management software identifies filters and stops junk emails on email server without having to download the junk emails / This saves time and resources conserves bandwidth and makes everyone more productive and email more useful | It's extremely...chrys Lire la suite

Mail-Cure for Outlook Express

Mail-Cure for Outlook Express pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Mail cure free email recovery software can recover email from a damaged dbx file or a drive [...] The mail fragment can be saved as eml file.

Mail cure supports outlook express and other email client such as foxmail / Mail cure is freeware derescue mail cure software can recover email from a damaged dbx file or deleted dbx file or drive | Mail cure supports outlook express and foxmail format ; Even if the file name is lost by...mail Lire la suite

SolarWinds Exchange Monitor

SolarWinds Exchange Monitor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Solarwinds free exchange monitor delivers a clever desktop dashboard that continuously monitors microsoft exchange to deliver real time insight into exchange services mail queue sizes and host server health.

Plus the exchange monitor offers up a 21st century transparency mode , Free desktop dashboard for continuously monitoring microsoft exchange / With exchange monitor at your fingertips you'll be able to track exchange health at a glance Lire la suite


Qixit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can save up to get a check or you can immediately spend the money online through qixit's payment platform [...] More secure email cliient and free account.

With your free qixit account 100% spam blocked / Qixit is a free proprietary email service with automatic end to end encryption that blocks 100% of unwanted email | Unparalleled email security ; So secure can send / receive money : Qixit is so secure c Lire la suite

GSA Email Spider

GSA Email Spider pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It provides benefits to your business and dramatically open up your new customer base with easy advertising! extract emails from a starting web site in addition to the email grabber you can search for phone and fax numbers send emails automated to your new customers harvest emails with the help of search engines 300+ included support for https web sites support for ssl only email providers like google mail send emails directly with internal snmp server pr Lire la suite


Bandoo pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Supplément gratuit qui apporte des tonnes de sourires sympas à votre messenger ! bandoo est un supplément gratuit à votre im aim msn & yahoo! et email msn live hotmail yahoo ! mail qui relance votre messagerie avec des tonnes de frimousses sympas des coups de coude des clins d'œil des images et plus [...] Bandoo est le nouveau moyen gratuit et amélioré de vous exprimer sur messenger et email maintenant pour yahoo! mail et im windows live messenger msn et windows...suppl Lire la suite

E-List Distributor for Mac

E-List Distributor for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Manage your mass mailing through our easy to set up and use hassle free software [...] Send personalized mass email messages using templates with multiple custom fields from the recipient database inside your messages , Send personalized mass emails using templates with multiple custom fields.

It lets you import your customer lists from files of any type and delivers most of your messages to the destination | We let you import export ...manag Lire la suite

E-Mail Server

E-Mail Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Robust smtp/pop3 server program that can be used as a corporate or personal mail server and with any smtp compliant mail client [...] Accept mail on behalf of your users.

Easy to set up and very intuitive to use / Multiple smtp gateways in case you cannot deliver your email directly to the destination | Robust and secure smtp/pop3 server ; Lots of features against spam and ddos : Lots of security and anti spam...robus Lire la suite