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FlashCatch pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free flash video downloader plugin for internet explorer [...] Flashcatch is a free flash video downloader plugin for windows internet explorer that lets you instantly download streaming videos from most websites like youtube break cnn etc.

Guaranteed 100% clean / No spyware | No adwarefree Lire la suite

Identity Knight

Identity Knight pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Prevent identity theft by installing this awesome safeguard tool! download now! the hole in internet explorer software allows 3d party programs access your private data.

Let us look at internet explorer the most popular web browser on the net , On the other hand internet explorer stores this information unprotected which is a severe threat when we talk identity data / 3 million americans have been victims of identity theft in the last five years! the...preve Lire la suite

Dragon Quest Walk IOS

Dragon Quest Walk IOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Dragon quest walk est la nouvelle aventure en réalité augmentée proposée par square enix dragon quest walk est la nouvelle aventure en réalité augmentée proposée par square enix dans lequel le joueur pourra combattre et explorer l'univers de dragon quest dans le monde réel.

Le jeu sortira officiellement fin 2019 au japon et une bêta fermée ouvrira ses portes pour 20 000 joueurs le 11 juin ,  il s’agit d’un free to play...drago Lire la suite

Dragon Quest Walk Android

Dragon Quest Walk Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Ce free to play s’inspire fortement du concept de pokémon go qui a connu un large succès en incitant le joueur à explorer les coins et recoins du monde réel afin de rencontrer des pnj réaliser de nombreuses quêtes et progresser dans le jeu.

Le jeu est prévu pour 2019 au japon et une bêta fermée recueillant 10 000 joueurs android et 10 000 joueurs ios ouvrira ses portes le 11...ce fr Lire la suite

Download Accelerator Plus

Download Accelerator Plus pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Un logiciel totalement gratuit pour windows qui accélérer vos différents téléchargements sur internet download accelerator plus est un logiciel conçu pour accélérer la vitesse des téléchargements quel que soit le fichier concerné [...] Download accelerator plus fonctionne avec n’importe quel navigateur web surtout ceux qui sont les plus utilisés tels : mozilla internet explorer google chrome et opera.

Parmi de nombreux gestionnaires de...un lo Lire la suite

461 astuces pour Windows XP Vista Seven

461 astuces pour Windows XP Vista Seven pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
    461 astuces pour windows xp vista seven       58 astuces pour optimiser et personnaliser windows 7 58     articles impressionnants sur les nouvelles commandes de windows 7 1 20 20     articles à propos des raccourcis et touches rapides 21 26 6     le tuning du menu contextuel 27 28 2     désactivation des options que vous ne voulez pas 29 43 15 ...  Lire la suite

Les logiciels indispensables pour PC

Les logiciels indispensables pour PC pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Un utilitaire de nettoyage: ccleaner un logiciel de compression: winrar un gestionnaire de jeux: steam la plateforme de jeux en téléchargement le lecteur vidéo vlc le gestionnaire multimédia lecteur audio et bibliothèque itunes le gestionnaire de téléchargement internet download manager le logiciel de communication skype le remplaçant de windows live messenger deux suites office gratuites: libreoffice...un ut Lire la suite

Audials One

Audials One pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Media & cloud manager +++find record download convert and enjoy music radios videos & movies+++ ++ internet recorder with 100.

000 radio stations 3 000 000 artists 1 450 000 albums 12 000 000 mp3s including the latest charts ++ enter genre artist album/sampler name or title and audials legally delivers music from internet radio stations or via straight search on websites or just let it record your favorite music after you tell it your taste , Pre...media Lire la suite

Computer monitoring

Computer monitoring pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Software features: * best parental monitoring software helps to know activity of external user surfing on internet such as pressed keys of keyboard and visited windows [...] Free download keystroke recorder tool to view user’s activity at remote location pressed key of keyboard in one by one or in summarized form and option to use short keys that provides access even in hidden form.

Computer monitoring program captures screen shots of visited window in log files...softw Lire la suite


FreeMP3Get pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A free easy to use windows application for downloading 90 million mp3 songs from internet for free.

Searh and download 90 000 000+ mp3 songs for free 100% legal , No limits and totally free download it now! / You can search your favorite music in freemp3get built in search engine listen or download songs in few seconds for free | You can search your favorite music in freemp3get built in search engine listen or download songs in few...a fre Lire la suite

GSA Radio Stream Recorder

GSA Radio Stream Recorder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Software to record internet radio station streams to mp3 acc or ogg format [...] There are many so called internet radios who stream music , You don't even need to know the name or url of such an internet radio to record.

You can record not only one station but as many as you want or your internet connection lets you | Only classic rock feel free to pick such a station and see what it gets you ; Gsa radio stream recorder...softw Lire la suite

Screensavers and Wallpapers Toolbar

Screensavers and Wallpapers Toolbar pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You will get tens of gadgets live radio weather panel powerful internet search e mail notifier free screensavers different wallpapers and more.

Download free screensavers and wallpapers toolbar! saversplanet toolbar ehances capabilities of your browser , Download it now! saversplanet toolbar ehances capabilities of your browser and gives you instant access to the important features / Download it now and get full power of your...you w Lire la suite

Burn My Files

Burn My Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It intergrates with windows explorer so you can burn a dvd or cd with one click [...] Need to burn a cd or burn a dvd fast? download and try burn my files free for 30 days , Burn my files lets you directly write a cd or dvd from windows explorer / Burn a cd or dvd fast with burn my files.

Cd/dv burning software has never been made so easy ; No more wasting time creating image files before you write a cd or dvd : It...it in Lire la suite


1Topix pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Being disconnected from the internet you still stay approachable for your favorite forum community.

Save your web traffic with picture caching 1topix aggregator is a new solution for web forums reading that allows you to download the whole internet conferences or separate their threads in local database , 1topix free useful tool for forum downloading/reading/posting in offline mode / 1topix is a handy web forum reader that pieces together your most...being Lire la suite

Explorer Context Menu Platinum (.Net Component)

Explorer Context Menu Platinum (.Net Component) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add your items to explorer shell context menu easily with context menu platinum.

Add custom items to explorer shell context menu easily with context menu platinum , Easy to start just install easy to add your menu items easy to deploy add custom items to windows explorer shell context menu easily with context menu platinum / Want to add your items to explorer shell context menu? do it easily with context menu platinum | More info and...add y Lire la suite

Island of Fear and Terror

Island of Fear and Terror pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Thanks to the internet you can download free games like this! the game greedy spooks a brave captain is going to a mysterious island to find the ancient treasures [...] Thanks to the internet you can download free games like this! the action of the game takes place in those times when wind driven frigates were plowing the seas and the life was full of adventures and surprisesthank Lire la suite

Passware Encryption Analyzer

Passware Encryption Analyzer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Enjoy the easy to use explorer like interface with all the necessary options at hand.

Free easy to use tool to scan pc and find all password protected files , Passware encryption analyzer is a free encryption scanning tool that finds password protected files on a pc / Get a free check of how secure your files are | Download now ; Download now for free : Full system scan takes under an hour [...] If...enjoy Lire la suite


ALPass pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
While automatic functions are only available for internet explorer you can drag and drop logins and passwords for firefox netscape or any alternative browser [...] * alpass is brought to you free from estsoft the makers of alzip zip utility alftp ftp utility alsee image viewer alsong audio jukebox alshow movie player almap highly detailed map program and altoolbar internet helper.

Automatically login to web sites email and manage web site logins...while Lire la suite

IDM Internet Download Manager

IDM Internet Download Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Internet download manager idm est un utilitaire accelerateur de téléchargement internet download manager idm est un utilitaire qui accélère le téléchargement sur internet qui arrête et relance les téléchargements et permet de récupérer des fichiers directement depuis sa page de navigateur tout en multipliant la vitesse par 5.

Internet download manager 6 , Idm internet download manager fonctionne parfaitement avec les ftp serveurs proxy pare feu ...inter Lire la suite

History Killer

History Killer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Protect your privacy by removing traces of computer and internet activities [...] Protect your privacy by removing traces of computer and internet activities with a single click.

History killer kills set of targets supports all popular web browsers such as internet explorer firefox mozilla netscape opera and flock / History killer helps to protect your privacy by removing traces of computer and internet activities with a single mouse...prote Lire la suite