words gratuit

World of Words

World of Words pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
World of words apprend l'anglais d'une façon agréable et extrèmement efficace [...] Vocabulaire anglais par des images une façon agréable et extrèmement efficace.

En tout il y a environ 1000 mots et plus de 300 phrases qui traitent tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne / Words: si on indique un objet avec la souris on peut voir des étiquettes | Si on clique dessus on entend parler les mots ; Sentences: l'étudiant...world Lire la suite

Smart Words

Smart Words pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Un outil spécialisé permettant d'étudier une série de mots [...] Reconstitution d'un lexique de mots étrangers.

Plusieurs méthodes pour l'étude de mots étrangers / Les dictionnaires peuvent être créés ou modifiés de façon indépendanteun ou Lire la suite

Figures Words

Figures  Words pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Tout ! le pack de 17 mo que vous allez télécharger installera figures & words et 9 autres freewares proposés par topsharewares.

Le compte & mots en anglais , Plus de 100 000 mots anglais / Le bot trouve | Tout ! superbe adaption des chiffres et des lettrestout Lire la suite

Aphasia Tutor 1: Words

Aphasia Tutor 1: Words pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Aphasia treatment software for stroke & brain injury [...] Unlimited home practice , Computer software / Provides unlimited aphasia treatment for many of the different types of expressive aphasia: nominal aphasia amnesic aphasia broca's aphasia | These can be caused by stroke or brain injury and usually requre speech therapy.

Computer software provides unlimited aphasia treatment for many of the different types of expressive...aphas Lire la suite

Aqua Words

Aqua Words pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Un nouveau jeu de lettres avec aquatic bien connu pour de vrais fans des mots! un nouveau jeu de lettres avec aquatic bien connu pour de vrais fans des mots! ce jeu original est pour de vrais fans des mots! un nouveau jeu de lettres avec aquatic bien connu! ce jeu original est pour de vrais fans des mots! le principe du jeu est extrêmement simple: réunissez des boules à lettres et composez des mots! le petit aquatic ne vous permettra pas de vous ennuyer sur la plage de hawaii et au grand...un no Lire la suite

Burning Words Screensaver

Burning Words Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Enjoy your motto or burning on the screen! or use it as a reminder of your goals ever wondered how to be aimed at your goals all the time? or perhaps are looking for ways to express your feelings? may be just want your friends to know what you're thinking about? burning words screensaver is here to help you [...] Ever wondered how to be aimed at your goals all the time? or perhaps are looking for ways to express your feelings? may be just want your friends to know what you're...enjoy Lire la suite

Fairy Words

Fairy Words pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Use the abc to create valid words and gain powerful magic to move on to the next level.

The words game starts from the creation of the alphabet , Become a magician in english with the fairy words! test your general knowledge of english language in a breath taking battle / Pick out the letters from the game board in the order they are used in the word | Ancient magicians were having fun with combining the mysterious...use t Lire la suite

Outlook Attachment Alarm

Outlook Attachment Alarm pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
You just specify the words and phrases that may occur in the body of the message and imply an attachment "see attachment" "in attachment" etc [...] And add these words to the key words list , Then outlook attachment alarm scans all outgoing messages and if it finds words or phrases from the key words list it raises the alarm and suggests inserting an attachment.

This tool reminds you to insert an attachment in case you forget to do...you j Lire la suite

Vocabilis French Flash Cards

Vocabilis French Flash Cards pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Learn 2000 most common french words make your own word lists [...] Learn 2000 most common french words with vocabilis french flash cards , Learn words in the 'multiple choice' exercise try to remember translations in the 'flash card' exercise type the answer in the 'spelling' exercise.

Listen to words spoken | And make your own word lists with the included word list editor! learn 2000 most common frenchwords with vocabilis french flash...learn Lire la suite

RocketReader Vocab American Edition

RocketReader Vocab American Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Vocabulary builder great for sat prep! rocketreader vocab is a vocabulary builder that allows you to learn a broad range of powerful words create your own lessons to train yourself on your own vocabulary sets great for sat and to learn correct pronunciations.

Rocketreader vocab transforms your vocabulary by training you on a powerful set of words conveniently organized into 37 lessons , If you are a "visual" type of learner you can download images from the...vocab Lire la suite


VirtFire pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add some virtual fire to your web site! make your web site or even a simple html page more attractive with a supreme effect that makes your messages fly from the fire and on a background of fire! you can use virtual fire for generating words and move words in any direction! make your web site or even a simple html page more attractive with a superb effect that makes your messages fly from the fire! you are able to use virtual fire for generating words and moving words in any direction! you...add s Lire la suite

Type Booster

Type Booster pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A highly customizable application that completes words as you type [...] Type booster is a highly customizable word completion application that helps you type faster by automatically completing the words you type , When you type a few letters it offers you a list of words beginning with those letters / It works in all windows applications.

The program includes a huge vocabulary of 45000 english words ; It works in all windows...a hig Lire la suite

ViPNet Password Roulette

ViPNet Password Roulette pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The understanding of a password phrase is a grammatically correct sentence which consists of words picked up from special dictionaries [...] These words have been randomly chosen by the random generator from special vocabularies , The number of words in a phrase can vary from three subject verb object to four attribute subject verb object.

For example a password generated in english using the first three letters of each word in the phrase ...the u Lire la suite


Advercount pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Program with main purposes: count words count characters and convert delimiters.

Program with main purposes: count words count characters and convert delimiters like commas spaces and enters , Program with main purposes: count words count characters and convert delimiters anyone who has a product and want to advertise for it has to describe it by providing keywords & descriptions / For instance keywords have to be separated by commas or spaces;...progr Lire la suite


AlbionXP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
English explanatory dictionary that enables you to easily look up over 145 000 words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis english explanatory dictionary enables you to easily look up the meanings of english words and can be used as a convenient tool for creating word lists for learning with our vocabulary builder vocabilis.

Here are some of the key things you can do with albionxp: you can look up...engli Lire la suite

RocketReader Vocab British Edition

RocketReader Vocab British Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Rocketreader vocab is a vocabulary builder that allows you to learn a broad range of powerful words create your own lessons to train yourself on your own vocabulary sets and to learn correct pronunciations [...] Rocketreader vocab transforms your vocabulary by training you on a powerful set of words conveniently organized into 37 lessons , This is a uk edition that features uk pronunciations of all words in the lessons.

Vocabulary builder for your career...rocke Lire la suite

TranslateIt! Westlanguage version

TranslateIt! Westlanguage version pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It's that simple! translateit! is an effective remedy for translating new words you might come across while working at the computer [...] Translateit! can translate the words to and from german and english spanish and english russian and english , Translateit! saves valuable time and makes working with documents containing foreign words fun! / Instant translation of any german spanish russian word you see on the screen.

Translateit! is...it's Lire la suite

Stackz (Standard Edition)

Stackz (Standard Edition) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The stackz flashcard visualization concept helps to keep the overview over a large amount of words to be learned.

With the pda version of this program the words can be learned at any place and synchronized with the pc later on , Powerful flashcard organizer using a unique color visualization concept / The cards are graphically distributed according to the two characteristics 'mastery level' and 'date of the last mastery' | The stackz...the s Lire la suite

Stackz (Dictionary Edition)

Stackz (Dictionary Edition) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
The stackz flashcard visualization concept helps to keep the overview over a large amount of words to be learned [...] The stackz flashcard visualization concept helps to keep the overview over a large amount of words to be learned by representing your current proficiency state with one intuitive view using piles of colored flashcards.

The dictionaries are also directly available for looking up information during the process of learning words of any of these...the s Lire la suite


InstantBingoCard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Instantbingocard is an educational software that can help you make your own custom printable bingo cards bingo boards with your own custom words and your own custom pictures in minutes [...] What is instantbingocard? instantbingocard is an educational software that can help you make your own custom printable bingo cards bingo boards with your own custom words and your own custom pictures in minutes.

Bingo card maker software for teachers parents and bingo games...insta Lire la suite