winzip command line

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WinZip pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Winzip est un outil puissant et pratique qui compresse et décompresse rapidement vos fichiers afin de préserver votre espace disque et réduire le temps d'envoi de vos e mails [...] Winzip s'intègre parfaitement à windows et permet le cryptage aes.

Winzip est également disponible dans une version compatible avec les anciennes versions de windows / Le standard de compression décompression protection et archivage de...winzi Lire la suite

Winzip en java

Winzip en java pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Applet java proposant un winzip en java.

Ce winzip en java propose la quasi totalité des fonctionnalités présentes sous le winzip commercial que nous connaissons bien , Si le coeur vous en dit n'hésitez p ce winzip en java propose la quasi totalité des fonctionnalités présentes sous le winzip commercial que nous connaissons bien / Bien evidemment ces archives sont tout à fait ouvrables sous les archiveurs commerciaux tels que winzip winrar Lire la suite

Winzip 4 Mac

Winzip 4 Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
Winzip le logiciel de compression et décompression de fichier est disponible en version mac.

Winzip 4 mac supporte les formats zip zipx rar lha 7z jar war , Winzip le fameux logiciel de compression et de décompression est disponible sur mac / Winzip 4 mac qui s’intègre parfaitement au système mac os x est simple à utiliser | Winzip sur mac ne supporte malheureusement que peu de format : zip zipx...winzi Lire la suite


CompreXX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The product also contains 4 stand alone archive applications command line wizards winzip style and a professional archive studio.

Archives behave like folders in explorer! create rar sit ace 7zip! archives behave like folders in explorer! browse copy files from and add files to archives just like any regular folder , The plug in based product can directly compress rar ace sit 7zip cab zip and many more from within a single...the p Lire la suite

BenDviewClip Dview

BenDviewClip Dview pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Enter a distance value on the command line or specify first point: specify second point: clips the view obscuring portions of the drawing that are behind or in front of the front clipping plane between the camera and target [...] Clipping planes for isolating parts of the model to facilitate viewing.

Clipping planes for isolating parts of the model space to facilitate viewing / Creating the view in model space with the clipping...enter Lire la suite

iPod AudioBook

iPod AudioBook pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Get mp4 audio books in a few clicks! a user friendly interface and command line are available [...] Advanced users can use a command line , Ipod audiobook makes any audio compatible with ipod creating mp4 audio books / Ipod audiobook is a new conversion tool for ipod owners | Make any audio in unsupported formats compatible with ipod.

Unfortunately ipod supports only mp4 audiobooks : What if you have mp3 or wav...get m Lire la suite

DBConvert for SQLite & MySQL

DBConvert for SQLite & MySQL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Some of the features are unicode support primary keys and indexes conversion interactive multilingual gui mode / command line mode preverification of possible conversion errors.

Bi directional db conversion tool for sqlite and mysql databases , Dbconvert for sqlite & mysql allows two way conversion from sqlite to mysql or from mysql to sqlite / You can convert to mysql dump and to php script to overcome the restrictions | Unicode...some Lire la suite

DBF Converters Shell

DBF Converters Shell pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It displays command line parameetrs in wysiwyg mode and transfers them to the selected converter.

It displays command line parameetrs in wysiwyg mode allows you to select source files and a target file or folder the conversion direction and then transfers them to the selected converter , Handy shell for dbf converters helps to convert dbf files to csv sql xml xls mdb handy shell for dbf converters allows you to convert dbf files to csv sql xml xls mdb pdb di Lire la suite

NetStat Agent Portable

NetStat Agent Portable pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You will never need to go back to using netstat arp ipconfig ping traceroute nslookup or whois tools from the command line! netstat agent makes diagnosing network connections and troubleshooting connection problems a snap.

Combining and enhancing a number of functions provided by the command line utilities netstat agent gathers all information about the network and connection configuration in one place , You will never need to go back to using netstat arp w Lire la suite

DBConvert for Excel & MySQL

DBConvert for Excel & MySQL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Dbconvert for excel & mysql allows you to convert excel file to mysql db with an opportunity to choose particular number of records and sheets for conversion and organize unattended application work using command line or built in scheduler.

Convert excel data/sheets to mysql database and back to ms excel with dbconvert , Dbconvert for excel & mysql with scheduler feature converts excel file / Xls to mysql and mysql to excel...dbcon Lire la suite


http-ping pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Http ping is a small free easy to use command line utility that probes a given url and displays relevant statistics.

Http ping probes a given url and displays relevant statistics , It is similar to the popular 'ping' utility but works over http/s instead of icmp and with a url instead of a computer name/ip / It is similar to the popular 'ping' utility but works over http/s instead of icmp and with a url instead of a computer name/ip...http Lire la suite

DB Elephant SQLite Converter

DB Elephant SQLite Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Sqlite converter has command line support activex included [...] Converts sqlite to dbf xml csv txt sql , Creates reports in xls doc html / Sqlite converter will lighten your work with databases | Using it you can easily convert tables to data formats xml dbf txt and csv and sql.

In few steps you will create reports in xls doc html pdf : Try it now for free to know all the benefits sqlite converter...sqlit Lire la suite

GS1 DataBar Barcode Image Generator

GS1 DataBar Barcode Image Generator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Gs1 databar image generator for windows with command line options [...] The gs1 databar image generator allows easy generation of quality barcodes for pasting into other windows applications or generation of high quality graphic image files for desktop publishing.

Supports all databar variants including the coupon code / The gs1 databar image generator allows easy generation of quality barcodes for pasting into other windows applications or generation of...gs1 d Lire la suite

Total CAD Printer

Total CAD Printer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Prints dwg dxf plt and other cad files in batches via gui or command line.

Well thought interface and command line support make it best deal , A nice interface and command line support make it indispensable for cad users / Total cad printer is a time saver due to its ability to automate printing tasks | It prints folders of dwg dxf plt prn svg and other cad drawings requiring min actions from you ; Imagine how much...print Lire la suite

ReaJPEG Standard

ReaJPEG Standard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Batch job automation features windows explorer right click menu integration command line usage capabilities and multiple editing functions are included [...] Batch job automation features include windows explorer right click menu integration and command line usage capabilities , Convert common used image formats to jpeg / Batch converting.

Editing functions ; As easy as abc image converter from common graphic files to...batch Lire la suite


special-functions pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The first interpreter is a command line interpreter which can handle simple mathematical formula in which you can include various special functions calls like the classical transcendal functions and the special functions.

This calculator is a double interpreter specialized in the special functions , The special function calculator is a double interpreter specialized in the mathematical special functions : gamma bessel airy exponential integral clausen rieman...the f Lire la suite


CDBFlite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
Multi platform command line dbf viewer and editor.

Dbf files format from command line , Generally speaking the program is high grade command line dbf viewer and editor / The cdbflite program allows users to work with | You can carry out various actions which don't requires presence of the man in a batch mode ; Cdbflite program can be applied on web server : Cdbflite supports all existing...multi Lire la suite

Sherrod FTP Client

Sherrod FTP Client pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free ftp client for home and business with multiple connections scheduled jobs command line options quick history connect log viewer optional automatic pgp encryption/decryption secure ftp connections and much more! free ftp client for home and business with multiple connections scheduled jobs command line options quick history connect log viewer optional automatic pgp encryption/decryption [...] Free ftp client for home and business with multiple connections Lire la suite


BDB pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
* database design tool — create er diagrams for database designing support forward engineering and reverse engineering * database deployment — carrying out database deployment supply the support of outer command line invoking the database auto installation * database migration — supply a complete database synchronization schedule * inquiry analysis — auto complete and intellisense for sql query * development languages support c# java & delphi bdb offers all...* da Lire la suite

Voicent VoiceXML Gateway

Voicent VoiceXML Gateway pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Eveloper can integrate voicent gateway easily with http web interface command line api [...] Voicexml gateway voip pstn skype tapi development api for telephony applications voicexml gateway voip pstn tapi development sdk for interactive telephony apps , High level w3c development platform / Supports text to speech voice recognition dtmf tones for both inbound outbound apps | Works with voip skype and voice modem.

Voicexml...evelo Lire la suite