what is a server


wodAppUpdate pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wodappupdate doesn't really care what you send and what do you do on the server side.

You can send any additional information via url to the server and that way determine if user is allowed to update the application if he uses regular licensed version etc using your own server side scripting , Developers are able to add 'update over the web' functionality to your software with a single line of code / Wodappupdate allows developers an easy way to...wodap Lire la suite

SMTP Diagnostic Tool

SMTP Diagnostic Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You will find out what are the best settings for your mass email software.

No installation is required , If you have a problem setting up your mass email software ay software diagnostic tool will analyze your smtp connection / The tool lets you diagnose your smtp server find out whether you can send direct and determines the best settings for your mass email software | If you do not know your smtp server the tool will do its best to...you w Lire la suite


OutlookDisclaimer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
This means that you actualy see what you send out.

Outlookdisclaimer is a tool to automatically format outgoing email , Outlookdisclaimer is a tool to automatically format and brand outgoing email / You don't need exchange or any other mail server to add the disclaimer because it is a client based tool | This is not the case with server based tools ; The message processing is done on the client pc but the network...this Lire la suite

LanTalk NET

LanTalk NET pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Here is what puts lantalk.

Instant messaging communication inside one office is great but what if you need to discuss something with a person in another branch located thousands of miles away and not connected to your network? or what if one of your key employees is away on business or vacation but wants so stay in touch? the number of people who telecomute makes this feature very important , Net is extremely simple / Instant messaging market is one...here Lire la suite

Internet Access Monitor for MS Proxy Server

Internet Access Monitor for MS Proxy Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using this product you can easily find out who when where to where from and what accessed the internet [...] With internet access monitor you can easily find out which employees load up the bandwidth most heavily when and what exactly they download how much time they spend online and what data transfer volume they generate by their online activity.

Internet access monitor for ms proxy server is a software for monitoring the efficiency of your company internet...using Lire la suite

Internet Access Monitor for ISA Server

Internet Access Monitor for ISA Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using this product you can easily find out who when where to where from and what accessed the internet.

With internet access monitor you can easily find out which employees use the most bandwidth when and what exactly they download and how much time they spend online , Internet access monitor for isa server is a software for monitoring the efficiency of your company internet bandwidth usage / Internet access monit for isa server or is software for...using Lire la suite

Apex SQL Edit

Apex SQL Edit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Apex sql edit offers many new features including object notes context sensitive options while editing such a what is…and open of stored procedures as well as results pane that allows grouping and filtering including the ability to provide automotive filtering with drop down selections.

Apex sql edit is an integrated sql database editing tool/ide , Apex sql edit is a complete development editing and deployment environment for sql server...apex Lire la suite

ApexSQL Diff

ApexSQL Diff pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Visually see what makes the sql objects different permissions checks indexes columns etc.

Apex sql diff is database comparison and synchronization tool for sql server , Apexsql diff is a server based high speed database comparison tool that will analyze the differences in tables procedures views users etc between two microsoft® sql server© databases in seconds / Best of all apexsql diff is fast if will process the largest database in...visua Lire la suite


Tag&Rename pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
No matter what music compressor you prefer you can keep your music collection organized with tag&rename since it is the only tag editor and organizer which has full native support for: mp3 id3v1 id3v2 [...] Tag&rename is a music organizer that easily handles all popular digital audio formats.

Com server get tags data from file names and its folders structures rename your music files and folders according to its music information in a batch create play lists ...no ma Lire la suite

PDF Password Remover Mac

PDF Password Remover Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
What can you do after removing pdf password copy the content from pdf after removing pdf password you copy the content text from the decrypted pdf and use the text wherever you want.

Pdf password remover mac is a mac os x application that removes pdf owner password and pdf restriction or limitation , Once removed the password and restrictions the pdf file can be printed very well as a normal document / Remove pdf owner password and pdf...what Lire la suite

321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac

321Soft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
No matter what kind of reason leads to the data loss you can use 321soft iphone data recovery for mac to retrieve up to 12 types of lost files from your ios devices such as sms photos videos contacts messages notes and more.

  321soft iphone data recovery for mac is a full featured and world leading tool which runs on mac os x to recover lost files from iphone ipad and ipod touch , And due to it performs non destructive and read only scan it is...no ma Lire la suite


Mext pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Il est à noter que mext n’est pas à confondre avec un éditeur wysiwyg what you see is what you get.

Un éditeur de texte qui va à l'essentiel l’éditeur de texte est un outil indispensable aux développeurs web qui en ont besoin pour la plupart de leurs créations , Son choix est d’autant plus important devant la multitude d’éditeur de texte présent sur le marché / Mext le fidèle compagnon des...il es Lire la suite

ModusDoc Portable

ModusDoc Portable pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
How many ways do you catalog your stuff? do you have one spreadsheet for books another for movies and still another for movies? what about documents? how do you make notes? if the number of applications you use for cataloging need to be catalogued themselves it’s time to simplify matters with today’s discount software promotion modusdoc! modusdoc is a universal catalog application that lets you organize documents e books audio books movies photos and other files in a...how m Lire la suite

The Pimpouces

The Pimpouces pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Characters and objects can be taken there to meet up and discover what the general issues are [...] The pimpouces is a game of construction of discovery and of skill that allows.

The pimpouces is divided into 6 workshops and playing areas / 2/ the chest is where all the dismantled parts of the characters are stored | 3/ the assembling workshop is a 3d area used for constructing and manipulating the characters ; 4/ the cupboard...chara Lire la suite

Marées dans le Monde (English)

Marées dans le Monde (English) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The software calculates the time when the ground dries if we plan to careen or what will be the maximum depth so you know how much anchor chain you have to pay out.

The user interface is very flexible and allows the export of all results as text files a solution well adapted to the marine environment , Who indeed has a printer on board his yacht ? nevertheless the impression of tide tables is performed with a maximum resolution of 300 dpi on all paper sizes in...the s Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
In addition to keystroke logging the program also maintains a web history and an application history so users can glimpse what sites are being visited and what software is being used without their knowledge.

Plus if users know what they are expecting to find they can do an event search and see the hard evidence immediately , Spouses can stop wondering if their husband or wife is visiting pornographic internet sites or conversing with members of the opposite sex...in ad Lire la suite

REFOG Keylogger

REFOG Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Instead the keylogger software keeps track of what each user is typing which sites are being visited what programs are being used and what images are being viewed.

Refog keylogger is keylogger software that checks websites and programs , All of this data is recorded by the undetected application that runs 24/7 / The online activities of children and spouses no longer have to be a mystery thanks to refog keylogger | This keylogger...inste Lire la suite

SMS Gateway - Enterprise

SMS Gateway - Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Reliability it is a perfect option to build a reliable sms application that interacts with a large number of mobile users [...] This connection is possible over the internet or over a leased line dedicated to the sms gateway connection.

The software comes in three editions each with a different capacity: standard advanced and cluster / Ease of use it can be configured in a matter of minutes and requires very little system...relia Lire la suite

DBConvert for SQLite and MSSQL

DBConvert for SQLite and MSSQL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Dbconvert for sqlite and ms sql is a tool for a quick and accurate database conversion from sqlite database to ms sql server.

Dbconvert for sqlite and ms sql is a dependable bi directional database converter which enables you to migrate data from sqlite to ms sql server and from ms sql to sqlite , Dbconvert features: unicode support primary keys and indexes conversion interactive multilingual gui mode/command line mode preverification of possible conversion...dbcon Lire la suite

Abaiko Disk Space Monitor Server Edition

Abaiko Disk Space Monitor Server Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With abaiko disk space monitor the news that there is not enough space on the disk will not take you by surprise in the worst time any more and you will no longer have to worry about it.

Abaiko disk space monitor server edition is a program monitoring free space on the disks of your servers/workstations , The news that there is not enough space on the disk will not take you by surprise in the worst time any more and you will no longer have to worry about...with Lire la suite