wav to


WAV To MP3 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Conversion rapide et simple des wav en format audio mp3 [...] Un convertisseur mp3 pour un conversion rapide et simple des fichiers audio wav au format mp3 , Les utilisateurs sont capables de convertir les wav en mp3 en quelques clics.

"wav to mp3" est un convertisseur mp3 pour un conversion rapide et simple des fichiers audio wav au format mp3 | Le logiciel fonctionne aussi en mode batch pour convertir des milliers de fichiers wav en mp3...conve Lire la suite

Free M4A WAV to MP3 Converter

Free M4A WAV to MP3 Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Free m4a wav to mp3 converter convertit les fichiers audio m4a wav en mp3.

Free m4a wav mp3 converter est un convertisseur de wav en mp3 qui peut convertir wav en mp3 m4a en mp3 ogg en mp3 etc , Ce convertisseur de wav en mp3 est extrêmement facile à utiliser / Téléchargez ce convertisseur de mp3 en wav gratuit | Free m4a wav mp3 converter comme son nom l'indique est un convertisseur de wav en mp3...free Lire la suite

Alt WAV to OGG Converter

Alt WAV to OGG Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Convertir des fichiers wav en ogg d'un seul clic et à grande vitesse [...] Convertir des fichiers wav en ogg d'un seul un clic et à grande vitesse ! caractéristiques principales : conversion en un clic vitesse très élevée options de format suppression automatique de la source drag and drop skins éditeur de tagsconve Lire la suite

Alt WAV to MP3 Converter

Alt WAV to MP3 Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Convertir rapidement les fichiers wav en mp3 d'un seul clic.

Caractéristiques principales : conversion en un clic ! vitesse très élevée réglage des options suppression automatique de la source drag and drop skins éditeur de balisesconve Lire la suite

4Musics WAV to WMA Converter

4Musics WAV to WMA Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
One way converting from wav to wma format in one click at high converting speed! one way converting from wav to wma format at high converting speed! key features: converting in one click! fast converting speed; advanced output format settings; automatic source deleting; supporting drag and drop; tag editor; one way converting from wav to wma format! the beauty of using 4musics wav to wma converter is that it works from the right click menu on a file [...] You do...one w Lire la suite

4Musics WAV to OGG Converter

4Musics WAV to OGG Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
One way converting from wav to ogg format in one click at high converting speed! one way converting from wav to ogg format at high converting speed! key features: converting in one click! fast converting speed; advanced output format settings; automatic source deleting; supporting drag and drop; tag editor.

One way converting from wav to ogg format! the beauty of using 4musics wav to ogg converter is that it works from the right click menu on a...one w Lire la suite

4Musics WAV to MP3 Converter

4Musics WAV to MP3 Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
One way converting from wav to mp3 format in one click at high converting speed! one way converting from wav to mp3 format at high converting speed! key features: converting in one click! fast converting speed; advanced output format settings; automatic source deleting; supporting drag and drop; tag editor; one way converting from wav to mp3 format! the beauty of using 4musics wav to mp3 converter is that it works from the right click menu on a file.

You do...one w Lire la suite

Kastor Free Audio Converter

Kastor Free Audio Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Convertissez tous les formats audio vers mp3 wma ogg flac wav aac [...] Convertissez vos fichiers mp3 wma aac m4a mp4 mov flv avi mkv ogg flac wmv asf ac3 ape apl alac mpc to mp3 wma ogg flac wav aac , Logiciel gratuit permettant de convertir tous vos fichiers audio et video en mp3 wma ogg flac wav aac.

Rippez vos cd audio en mp3 wma ogg flac wav aac | Permet d'extraire la bande son de vos videos ! très...conve Lire la suite


MP3Coder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Powerful handy wav to mp3 encoder freedb id3v1 tag multilanguage interface.

Mp3coder is powerful easy to use wav to mp3 encoder , Program supports wav and mp3 formats all constant and variable bitrates 8 320 bps / Mp3coder is a powerful handy explicit wav to mp3 encoder | The program supports wav and mp3 formats all constant and variable bitrates 8 320 bps ; There are presets for those who don't want to delve into...power Lire la suite

PeonySoft Audio Converter

PeonySoft Audio Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you want to convert mp3 to wav convert wav to mp3 convert wma to mp3 and so on audio converter is exactly what you are looking for.

It also allows you to adjust your favorite audio quality by setting the sample rate bit rate audio encoder channel and volume , Besides this audio converter enables you to add artist and title tags to audio files / All audio conversion processes such as convert mp4 to mp3 convert m4a to mp3 and aac to mp3 ...if yo Lire la suite

Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper

Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Direct audio converter and cd ripper is a very useful tool to convert audio files between various audio formats and rip cd audio tracks directly to mp3 wma wav ogg flac monkey's audio ape or musepack mpc [...] Direct audio converter and cd ripper allow you to convert your favorite music tracks from one format to another without any quality loss like wav to mp3 mp3 to wma mp3 to ogg mp3 to wav etc.

Program supports all popular formats like mp3 wma wav ogg ...direc Lire la suite

Alive MP3 WAV Converter

Alive MP3 WAV Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert mp3 wav wma ogg and vox files from one to another [...] Alive mp3 wav converter converts mp3 wav wma ogg and vox files from one format to another , Just right click on files in windows explorer select convert to mp3 or wav ogg wma vox you done.

Alive mp3 wav converter converts mp3 wav wma ogg and vox files from one to another with a single right click | Just right click on files in windows explorer select convert to...conve Lire la suite

AudioConverter Studio

AudioConverter Studio pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It does cd to mp3 or wma conversion on the fly rips cd tracks to wav files and does wma to mp3 mp3 to wma ogg to mp3 and flac to mp3 conversion.

It does cd to mp3 or wma conversion on the fly rips cd tracks to wav files and does wma to mp3 mp3 to wma flac to mp3 mpc to mp3 ogg to mp3 and wav to mp3 conversion , Easy to use converter of music files with combined audio cd ripping / Audioconverter studio is an audio converter and a cd ripper...it do Lire la suite

MP3 CD Ripper

MP3 CD Ripper pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Cd ripper to rip audio cd tracks and convert mp3 to wav wma ogg [...] You can rip your favorite audio cd tracks directly to mp3 wma wav ogg as well as convert audio formats from one format to another.

With cd ripper you can easily rip your favorite audio cd tracks and save directly to mp3 wma wav and ogg files / It supports the most popular audio formats mp3 wma wav ogg | Cd ripper * rip audio cd tracks to variety of audio formats...cd ri Lire la suite

AimOne Audio/Video to MP3/WAV Converter

AimOne Audio/Video to MP3/WAV Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert from audio and extract audio from video to mp3 wav files.

Batch convert/extract audio from avi vcd dvd mpeg wmv wma dat ac3 rm and other formats to mp3 or wav format with aimone audio/video to mp3/wav conveter you can easily extract and convert audio from almost any kind of audio and video file types to mp3/wav output in batch mode , * convert avi to mp3 avi to wav support divx xvid * convert mpeg to mp3 dvd to mp3 vcd to mp3 support mpeg...conve Lire la suite

All To WMA Converter

All To WMA Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Converter from mp3 ogg and wav to wma 9 with id3v2 tag copy if you need to convert your audio files to wma 8 format try to use our all to wma converter it gives you ability to start conversion directly from explorer.

This software supports mp3 ogg and wav pcm source formats id3v2 tag copying from so , This software supports mp3 ogg and wav pcm source formats id3v2 tag copying from source or creation of a new one / If you need to convert your...conve Lire la suite

DJ Mixer Express for Windows

DJ Mixer Express for Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It  support all major audio formats including mp3 wav aiff au wma m4a mp4 format [...] Dj mixer express offers high quality sound with support for all major audio formats including mp3 wav aiff au wma m4a mp4 audio format.

Dj mixer express for windows is an ideal dj mixing software for beginners and dj pros it has an easy to use graphical interface that lets you automate common tasks like beat mixing automatic beat and tempo detection seamless...it &n Lire la suite

DRM Converter 3 for Mac

DRM Converter 3 for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
Convert itunes music to mp3 on mac os x drm converter 3 easily converts itunes m4p to mp3 wav aiff or aac on mac os x.

Batch convert itunes drm protected m4p files to unprotected mp3 aac apple lossles aiff or wav files ready for use on any computers or mobile music devices , Batch convert itunes drm protected music files to unprotected mp3 aac ac3 m4a m4r mka au flac aiff or wav files ready for use on any computer or mobile music devices such as...conve Lire la suite

Audio Converter Pro 5.10

Audio Converter Pro 5.10 pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Audio file converter for windows 7 xp 8 easily batch convert audio formats file such as mp3 wav wma ogg cue ape mpc aac mp4 m4a tta ac3 flac optimfrog speex wavpack alac with incredible speed and excellent quality.

Audio converter pro provides you taudio converter pro provides you the easiest way to convert audio between all popular audio formats: mp3 wma wav aac ac3 mp4 m4a ogg ape mpc alac flac cue tta optimfrog speex wavpack and so...audio Lire la suite

Sound Recorder Professional 1.24

Sound Recorder Professional 1.24 pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Save your recorded sound as mp3 wav wma ape ogg and etc.

Sound recorder professional makes your pc a professional sound recording and audio recording studio in the way of recording your voice online music or your vinyls from all line in line out microphone application webpages cassette player tv cd/dvd as well as other media player or recording online music played by other programs like firefox ie quicktime realplayer vlc flash games or dvd player and save...save Lire la suite