uninstall programs

Advanced Uninstaller PRO

Advanced Uninstaller PRO pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Advanced uninstaller pro uninstall programs completely clean your registry [...] You can uninstall programs completely and quickly using its simple and easy interface.

It can uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface / Advanced uninstaller pro contains all the tools you need to uninstall programs speed up and fix your pc protect your privacy remove lots of annoying plugins toolbars and browser hijackers that...advan Lire la suite

StartEd Lite

StartEd Lite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You can also uninstall programs directly from started lite.

Started lite helps you to manage programs which load from the registry and as system services , Started lite is a tool which helps you to manage programs which load from the registry startup folders and as system services at windows startup / It lets you modify the startup configuration and detects obsolete startup programs and more than 150 trojan horses | Startup cleaner &...you c Lire la suite


StartEd pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
02 adds the ability to uninstall programs directly from started [...] Started helps you to manage programs which load from the registry and as system services , Started is a tool which helps you to manage programs which load from the registry startup folders and as system services at windows startup.

Startup manager & trojan horse detector | It lets you modify backup and startup and detects more than 150 trojan...02 ad Lire la suite

Innovatools Add/Remove Plus! 2006

Innovatools Add/Remove Plus! 2006 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Uninstall unnecessary and unwanted windows programs quickly and efficiently [...] Innovatools add/remove plus! 2006 offers a new and better way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer.

All you have to do is double click an icon on your desktop quickly find the program you want to remove and click a button! innovatools add/remove plus! 2006 offers an easier and better way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer / All you...unins Lire la suite

Magic Utilities 2008

Magic Utilities 2008 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Magic utilities enables you to easily and safely uninstall programs inspect and manage the programs that automatically start when your turn on or logon to your computer lists and controls all currently running processes system and hidden processes are also shown quickly clean up temp files and unnecessary files on your computer and enables you to encrypt any type of file [...] Features include: more user friendly interface to list and uninstall programs that have been installed...magic Lire la suite

Uninstall Flash Player

Uninstall Flash Player pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Un logiciel entièrement gratuit pour désinstaller facilement le lecteur flash player de votre ordinateur.

Unisntall flash player est un logiciel extrêmement pratique qui vous permet de désinstaller de votre pc le lecteur flash player d’adobe , Gratuit et efficace il offre une désinstallation propre et sans risque pour vos autres données / Uninstall flash player est la solution idéale pour supprimer définitivement de votre...un lo Lire la suite

Uninstall Manager ActiveX

Uninstall Manager ActiveX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Uninstall manager activex 1.

Cet activex permet de supprimer les programmes indésirables de votre système , Un moyen simple d'intégrer à votre logiciel une fonction fiable et efficace pour supprimer les programmes indésirables de votre système / 1 est un contrôle dll pour désinstaller et supprimer les entrées fantômes de votre liste ajout/suppression de programmes | La fonction ajout/suppression du panneau de configuration...unins Lire la suite

Uninstall Explorer

Uninstall Explorer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Uninstall explorer est un utilitaire pour lister les applications installées [...] Uninstall explorer est un utilitaire pour lister les applications installées sur des machines distantes.

Il permet d'exporter la configuration des applications au format csvunins Lire la suite

Uninstall Tool

Uninstall Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
The program can also remove system and hidden applications programs that could not be removed by add/remove program! uninstall tool also removes programs that automatically run at system startup a great option to get complete control on your computer.

Quick powerful and reliable applications uninstaller , Quick powerful and reliable alternative to standard windows add/remove program / It's a fast secure and convenient way to remove unneeded...the p Lire la suite

Your Free Registry Cleaner

Your Free Registry Cleaner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Badly written programs don't bother to clean the registry when you uninstall them and sometimes add unnecessary junk to the registry [...] Registry is a database where windows and programs store their data.

Does your pc get slower and slower? you need to clean and fix registry problems / The older your pc is the more junked up its registry becomes | That's why your pc gets slower and slower ; Registry cleaner will safely clean...badly Lire la suite

1Click Uninstaller

1Click Uninstaller pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Freeware designed to facilitate the uninstall process.

1click uninstaller is freeware designed to facilitate the uninstall process , The program eliminates the need for a standard time taking way to uninstall software / And what is more 1click uninstaller provides a user with a list of recently installed software making the uninstall process even easier! | This smart solution for those who want to save their time provides a list of...freew Lire la suite

Handy Uninstaller

Handy Uninstaller pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It shows a list of installed programs on your computer and helps to uninstall and remove unwanted programs [...] Fast and powerful alternative to the "windows add or remove programs" , Handy uninstaller is a simple powerful freeware uninstaller / It is a fast and powerful alternative to the "add or remove programs".

Handy uninstaller is a fast and powerful alternative to the "windows add or remove programs ; "it sh Lire la suite

Advanced Task Manager

Advanced Task Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Advanced task manager can also stop quarantine or uninstall any rogue process that you find [...] Advanced task manager shows you all the programs running on your computer including the hidden ones , Advanced task manager shows you all the programs running on your computer including the invisible ones.

You can also manage the windows startup programs internet connections cpu and memory use | Get detailed information security rating and...advan Lire la suite

Disk and Registry Uninstaller

Disk and Registry Uninstaller pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Capture before and after snapshots of both your hard drive and registry showing all files and programs that were added or removed whenever you install or uninstall software [...] You can always see if any hidden programs adware rogue programs spyware or program dlls are installed without your knowledge.

Uninstalls tend to leave many garbage files behind and many programs install extra files or folders adware or unnecessary spyware but this program will allow...captu Lire la suite

Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility

Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility  pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Connu également sous le nom de malwarebytes clean uninstall tool le programme permet de supprimer tous les fichiers et clés de registre des logiciels suivants : malwarebytes pour windows malwarebytes anti malware malwarebytes anti exploit malwarebytes anti ransomware malwarebytes endpoint agent le programme permet de résoudre les soucis de désinstallation les mises à jour et le problème de la protection en temps réel...connu Lire la suite

Bitdefender Uninstall Tool

Bitdefender Uninstall Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Bitdefender uninstall tool vous permet de désinstaller votre antivirus bitdefender plus efficacement que via windows.

Bitdefender uninstall tool est un programme de désinstallation des produits bitdefender sur votre pc , Bitdefender uninstall tool est un programme qui va vous aidez à désinstaller proprement votre antivirus bitdefender sur windows / Bitdefender uninstall tool est l'outil indispensable pour effacer les programmes de...bitde Lire la suite

AV uninstall Tools

AV uninstall Tools  pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Désinstallez correctement n'importe quel antivirus de votre pc avec av uninstall tools désinstallez rapidement et efficacement n'importe quel antivirus.

Un logiciel indispensable pour ne laisser aucune trace de votre antivirus sur votre pc av uninstall tools est un logiciel de désinstallation d'antivirus , Généralement chaque antivirus possède son propre outil de désinstallation mais pour vous faciliter la tâche nous...dési Lire la suite

Link2SD Android

Link2SD Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 2.5/5
Diverses fonctionnalités accompagnent link2sd pour ne citer que batch link reinstall uninstall unlink move to sd ou encore move to phone.

Le gestionnaire d'applications de référence le transfert d’applications et de programmes sur une carte sd relève de la capacité d’un programme spécialisé , Difficile à réaliser à cause de sa délicatesse les utilisateurs android ont la chance d’avoir link2sd en téléchargement gratuit pour transférer...diver Lire la suite

Sound Recorder Professional 1.24

Sound Recorder Professional 1.24 pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Sound recorder professional makes your pc a professional sound recording and audio recording studio in the way of recording your voice online music or your vinyls from all line in line out microphone application webpages cassette player tv cd/dvd as well as other media player or recording online music played by other programs like firefox ie quicktime realplayer vlc flash games or dvd player and save your recorded audio as mp3 wav wma flac ape mpc spx tta wv and ogg...sound Lire la suite

Total Uninstall

Total Uninstall pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Total uninstall est un logiciel qui vous permet de désinstaller un programme en supprimant tous les fichiers et dossiers qu’il a créés [...] Pour empêcher ce genre de situations total uninstall peut être la solution à votre problème , Faites des désinstallations propres et rapides / Cela a pour effet de ne pas alourdir le registre et ainsi de ne pas ralentir votre ordinateur.

Les installations de logiciels...total Lire la suite