ubuntu for 32 bit

Ubuntu One

Ubuntu One pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Ubuntu one a été conçu pour unifier le partage de documents sur tous les systèmes d’exploitation.

Le service ubuntu one via ce logiciel permet de stocker sur le web des fichiers , Le grand avantage de ubuntu one réside dans la possibilité d’être utilisé sur tous les systèmes d’exploitation même les os mobiles / Naturellement présent sur ubuntu ce service propose gratuitement 5 go qui...ubunt Lire la suite


Ubuntu pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 4/5
L'os libre ubuntu vous ouvre les portes de linux! la distribution linux qui se veut puissante et ergonomique parfaite pour débuter avec ce système d'exploitation.

Qu'est ce qu'ubuntu ? système d'exploitation libre et open source ubuntu est une star parmi les distribution linux , Téléchargeable et exploitable gratuitement et sans restriction il peut redonner un sérieux coup de fouet aux ordinateurs vieillissants ou au contraire...l'os Lire la suite

Ubuntu Mate Raspberry Pi 2/3

Ubuntu Mate Raspberry Pi 2/3 pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 4/5
Ubuntu mate est une distribution linux.

Ubuntu mate est un système plutôt intuitif il propose de façon native toute une batterie de logiciels libres tels que firefox la suite bureautique libreoffice vlc le lecteur multimédia ou encore thunderbird le client mail pour ne citer que ces derniers , La version d'ubuntu mate optimisée pour les raspberry pi 2 et pi 3 / Il s'agit d'une variante d'ubuntu | La version...ubunt Lire la suite

Passkey Lite

Passkey Lite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Passkey lite est une version simple et gratuite de passkey for dvd et passkey for blu ray [...] Passkey lite est un version simple de passkey for dvd et passkey for blu ray qui peut supprimer une partie des protections dvd/blu ray et vous permettre de regarder tout dvd librement sans limite de région et de lire/copier/ripper les disques dvd/blu rays avec d’autres logiciels.

Passkey lite supporte certaines protections dvd si vous voulez copier/graver/cloner dvd ...passk Lire la suite

Audio Spectrum Analyzer - OscilloMeter

Audio Spectrum Analyzer - OscilloMeter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Multi channel audio spectrum analyzer for real time [...] Audio spectrum analyzer is a set of real time multi channel gauges for investigation of data accepted from any adc you want or 16 24 32 bit adc of sound card , Multi channel audio spectrum analyzer real time fft oscilloscope frequency counter voltmeter noise and distortion meters phase shift meter.

Wdm drivers support | Fft spectrum analysis oscilloscope frequency counter ...multi Lire la suite

Icon Catcher

Icon Catcher pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Extended filtering options let the users set the color palette or size or combination of other parameters to make search for necessary icons easy and fast.

0 is a high speed batch icon extractor and processor that can scan over 3000 icons in one minute and supports 32 bit xp style icons with alpha channel , 0 is a high speed batch icon extractor and processor that can scan over 3000 icons in one minute supports 32 bit xp style icons with alpha...exten Lire la suite

Add-in Express for Internet Explorer

Add-in Express for Internet Explorer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Develop add ons for ie 6 7 and 8 customize ie gui access ie objects & events.

You can create thread safe secure isolated deployable and context sensitive add ons for internet explorer ie 6 7 and 8 32 and 64 bit with your menu items toolbar buttons context menus toolbars side bars and keyboard shortcuts , You can extend the ie 6 7 and 8 32 and 64 bit with menu items toolbar buttons context menus toolbars and side bars / All in one...devel Lire la suite

Transport Icons for Vista

Transport Icons for Vista pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Transport icons for vista is a fine icon set depicting traveling tourism the globe and all types of transport.

It's a perfect visual enhancement for a traveling agency or cars website , Transport icons for vista is what you need to turn your traveling agency or cars website into an eye candy / Icons come in various sizes and formats in 256 / 32 bit colors | A fine set of icons referring to traveling tourism and all types of...trans Lire la suite

Business Icons for Vista

Business Icons for Vista pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Business icons for vista depicts many matters associated with business activity [...] Business icons for vista is a ready made design solution which is well suited for a variety of business websites and applications.

Business icons for vista is a first rate icon collection for creating a superb look for websites and applications associated with different business activities / It will provide you with the icons necessary for depicting such things as...busin Lire la suite

Business Software Icons

Business Software Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A ready made xp style set of icons for business finance and bookkeeping.

Business software icons presents an impressive collection of xp style icons for bookkeeping software and alike , Icons are provided in all standard sizes in 256 and 32 bit color / The set is of fine quality and encompasses the whole world of finance | Business software icons is a ready made icon set covering commerce money and bookkeeping ; The...a rea Lire la suite

Luxand FaceSDK

Luxand FaceSDK pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Real time precision face recognition and identification sdk for c++ c# vb [...] Working in 32 bit and 64 bit systems facesdk supports web windows linux and macintosh applications and enables still image and real time face based biometric authentication , Multi platform face recognition and identification sdk / Net java and delphi.

Facesdk enables developers to build web windows linux and macintosh applications with face...real Lire la suite

Smile Icon Set

Smile Icon Set pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
An extensive set of emoticons for application and website developers [...] Smile icon set is a ready made solution for messaging software that will help to spice up communications , It includes original status icons and emoticons for communication applications and www.

Smile icon set is a perfect icon set for any messenger application: it shines with neat smiley icons expressing various emotions and a number of status icons | Icons are...an ex Lire la suite

Travel Icon Set

Travel Icon Set pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Travel icon set includes amazing icons for developers of travel and hospitality applications and web sites.

Travel icon set includes high quality professional icons for the tourist travel and hospitality applications and web sites , All the icons included in this set are presented in bmp png gif ico formats 6 sizes 16x16 20x20 24x24 32x32 48x48 256x256 pixels and 2 color depths: 256 colors and 32 bit true color 16 / Royalty free icons...trave Lire la suite

Basic Icons for Vista

Basic Icons for Vista pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Basic icons for vista is a set of smooth and polished stock icons designed in the same manner as the original vista icons [...] Basic icons for vista and windows 7/8 is a set of brilliant stock icons designed in the same style as vista icons.

The icons come in two versions: with or without shadows and are delivered in various sizes in 256 colors & 32 bit color / The icons come in two versions: with or without shadows and delivered in various sizes and...basic Lire la suite

XPS Removal Tool

XPS Removal Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Windows vista introduces the xps document format and uses it as a document format a windows spool file format and a page description language pdl for printers [...] Easy to use! freeware! features: remove microsoft xps document writer printer from printer folder remove microsoft xps document writer print driver both 32 bit and 64 bit remove xps services library clean up xps driver package files remove mxdw print queue uninstall xps essential pack from windows xp ...windo Lire la suite

People Icons for Vista

People Icons for Vista pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
People icons for vista depict people of various jobs groups and family status [...] People icons for vista is a rich colored set of toolbar icons displaying people , Icons are delivered in various formats in sizes 16x16 24x24 32x32 and 48x48 in 256 colors and 32 bit / Icons are delivered in ico png gif and bmp formats in sizes 16x16 24x24 32x32 48x48 in 256 colors and 32 bit with transparency.

A set of toolbar icons depicting people's...peopl Lire la suite

Health Care Icons

Health Care Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Crafted with much inspiration by professional designers these icons will play a crucial role in creating captivating appearance for your application or website.

There is also 256x256 for windows vista , They are provided in all popular formats in 256 colors or 32 bit with semi transparency / A fine set of distinct and rich colored icons depicting healthcare matters | Health care icons is a set of wonderfully crafted icons associated with...craft Lire la suite


IconoMaker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Create smooth multi resolution icons for windows with this icon maker [...] For windows xp and windows vista icons you can use semi transparent areas.

This icon editor allows to make multi resolution icons in 16x16 24x24 32x32 48x48 and custom sizes in monochrome 16 colors 256 colors and 32 bit true color with alpha channel color depths / Iconomaker contains a variety of paint tools to let you edit icons in either standard or custom sizes in color...creat Lire la suite

Sib Icon Studio

Sib Icon Studio pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Create icons and animated cursors for windows 7/8 manage icons collections.

Sib icon studio is a program for editing and creating icons , The editor includes convenient tools for drawing exporting importing or editing icons / It also will create and edit windows 7/8 icons 32 bit color + transparent layers of arbitrary size | Using sib icon studio you can create icons of various sizes change color depth create transparent icons and...creat Lire la suite

Chameleon Icons

Chameleon Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert any picture or photo in bmp jpeg gif png psd tga and tiff format into icons for your windows desktop applications folders email and icq contacts [...] Convert any picture or photo in bmp jpeg gif png psd tiff format into icons for your windows desktop applications folders email and icq contacts , As it supports windows xp icons in 32 bit color depth with an alpha channel you can easily create semi transparent xp icons.

Make icons...conve Lire la suite