tybe mat

Ideal MP3 Music Sorter

Ideal MP3 Music Sorter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Support variety of music formats: mp3 ogg mkf wma ac3 aac dat iff paf aiff au w64 mat pvf xi sds avr sd2 wav and hundreds of other media formats.

Mp3 music sorter mp3 organizer mp3 renamer it's powerful and easy , Ideal mp3 music sorter will sort organize and rename all your music files fast and easy / Support variety of music formats: mp3 ogg wma ac3 aac wav and hundreds other media formats | Second birth of...suppo Lire la suite

MovieStarPlanet Android

MovieStarPlanet Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
Vous pourrez devenir riche et célèbre virutellement sortir avec qui vous voulez vous habiller comme vous le voulez chatter jusque 2h du mat avec qui vous voulez et même adopter un animal virtuel que vous pourrez aussi défigurer avec des accessoires et du maquillage [...] La version mobile et android du jeu social où votre fille passe ses journées au lieu de réviser ses maths.

Toi aussi deviens qui tu es vraiment! ce jeu te permet enfin...vous Lire la suite

iWinSoft Image Converter for Mac 4.2.1

iWinSoft Image Converter for Mac 4.2.1 pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
The following image formats are believed to be supported in iwinsoft image converter: jpeg jpg svg tga tif tiff gif gif87 png png24 png32 png8 ps ps2 psd eps eps2 epsf epsi bmp bmp2 bmp3 3fr art arw bay bigtiff cals cap cin cr2 crw cur cut dc2 dcm dcr dcraw dcx dng dpx epdf epi ept ept2 erf fax fff fits hrz icb ico icon iiq image j2c jng jp2 jpc k25 kdc mat mdc mef miff mng mos mrw nef nrw orf otb p7 pam pbm pcd pcds ...the f Lire la suite

DiskInternals Music Recovery

DiskInternals Music Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It also supports wma/mp3 mat tags and has the music slideshow feature [...] Recover any type of music files from your hard drive i pod usb flash cd/dvd , Diskinternals music recovery will recover almost any type of media files from your storage devices including hard drive ipod usb flash cd and dvd disks.

It supports all file systems comes with a number of useful features and works really fast | With diskinternals music recovery...it al Lire la suite


Ziggle pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Use your mouse keyboard joypad or pc dance mat to keep as many of the randomly spawning blobs on the world map for as long as you can [...] Use your mouse keyboard joypad or pc dance mat to keep as many of the randomly spawning blobs on the world map for as long as you can and at the fastest speed.

Switch control over to your pc dance mat by logic3 and available from www / Ziggle is a simple and challenging free arcade strategy puzzle...use y Lire la suite

Canasta by MeggieSoft Games

Canasta by MeggieSoft Games pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features include: realistic animated card movement; right click pop up menus; a hint facility; a tutorial; automatic play; automatic save and restore of partly finished games; multiple user scoreboards; a clean and uncluttered main window; status bar shortcut buttons; and fully customizable main display font and wallpaper effects for the table and playing mat and the card backs.

Play two player canasta against an online opponent or against your...featu Lire la suite

Euchre & Ecarte by MeggieSoft Games

Euchre & Ecarte by MeggieSoft Games pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features include: realistic animated card movement; right click pop up menus; a hint facility; a tutorial; automatic play; automatic save and restore of partly finished games; multiple user scoreboards; a clean and uncluttered main window; status bar shortcut buttons; and fully customizable main display font and wallpaper effects for the table and playing mat and the card backs.

Play two player euchre or ecarte against an online opponent or your...featu Lire la suite

Gin Rummy by MeggieSoft Games

Gin Rummy by MeggieSoft Games pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features include: realistic animated card movement; right click pop up menus; a hint facility; a tutorial; automatic play; automatic save and restore of partly finished games; multiple user scoreboards; a clean and uncluttered main window; status bar shortcut buttons; and fully customizable main display font and wallpaper effects for the table and playing mat and the card backs [...] Play online or against computer opponents.

Standard/hollywood/oklahoma...featu Lire la suite

Rummy 500 by MeggieSoft Games

Rummy 500 by MeggieSoft Games pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features include: realistic animated card movement; right click pop up menus; a hint facility; a tutorial; automatic play; automatic save and restore of partly finished games; multiple user scoreboards; a clean and uncluttered main window; status bar shortcut buttons; and fully customizable main display font and wallpaper effects for the table and playing mat and the card backs.

Play rummy 500 against an online opponent or against your computer , Meggiesoft games...featu Lire la suite