
All That Chords!

All That Chords! pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Visualisez les accords sur un piano virtuel et retrouvez ceux que vous jouez [...] Visualisez comment former un accord de piano.

Selectionnez l'accord et voilà / Vous pouvez aussi dessiner les notes sur un clavier virtuel ou les jouer sur un clavier midi il vous dira quel accord c'est | Un bon utilitaire pour les pianistes jazz visualisez tous les accords sur un clavier virtuel ; Selectionnez l'accord voulu du cm au bb7 b5...visua Lire la suite


wodWebServer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Activex component that implements server side of http and https protocols [...] Activex component that implements server side of http and https protocols httpserver , It's main purpose is to serve html pages gif/jpg/png images documents and other resources that are accessible through browser clients.

It's main purpose is to serve html pages gif/jpg/png images documents and other resources that are accessible through browser clients such as internet...activ Lire la suite

TempoPerfect Computer Metronome

TempoPerfect Computer Metronome pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Keep the beat with this metronome that runs on your computer.

Tempoperfect is a metronome that runs on your pc and can be controlled using your mouse or hotkeys , Unlike mechanical metronomes that wind down tempoperfect provides a clear and precise beat that can be acurately adjusted for the correct bpm / It features a visual beat indicator bar that bounces from left to right in time with the beat | This provides musicians with a very...keep Lire la suite

Froggys Adventures

Froggys Adventures pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Help froggy save the day in our exciting new arcade adventure! he can blow bubbles that can trap the trespassers and collect powerups that grant him special abilities [...] All that work makes our hero hungry so watch for the candy bonuses that appear when you beat a level quickly.

To help he can blow bubbles that can trap the trespassers and collect powerups that grant him special abilities / Can you help froggy save the day? guide our hero as he Lire la suite

Emsa WinStartup Manager

Emsa WinStartup Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Emsa winstartup manager is a tool that helps controlling programs that startup with your windows [...] You can enable or disable any program that automatically runs at window startup both through system registry settings or folders.

Emsa winstartup manager is a tool that will help you control the list of programs that startup with your windows / You can enable or disable any program that automatically runs at window startup both through system registry...emsa Lire la suite

Reciprocal Link Checker

Reciprocal Link Checker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Verify that websites who are supposed to link to you really do! verify that sites who are supposed to be linking to you really are! manage your reciprocal links with the unique ability to spider entire websites instead of just individual pages and integrate with your existing website/database.

Verify that sites who are supposed to be linking to you really are! manage your reciprocal links with the unique ability to look for links throughout entire websites instead of just...verif Lire la suite

HDD Temperature

HDD Temperature pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Hdd temperature is monitoring software that prevents hdd damage from overheating [...] Hdd temperature is monitoring software that protects your hard drives from getting overheated.

If you remember your physics lessons well you know that spinning something at several thousand revolutions per minute causes heat plenty of heat / That is why servers and computers have coolers fans and other gadgets that prevent overheating | Technology...hdd t Lire la suite

HDD Temperature SCSI

HDD Temperature SCSI pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Monitoring software that prevents hdd damage from overheating.

Hdd temperature is monitoring software that protects your ide and scsi hard drives from getting overheated , If you remember your physics lessons well you know that spinning something at several thousand revolutions per minute causes heat / That is why servers and computers have coolers fans and other gadgets that prevent overheating | Hdd temperature pro is created...monit Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Through a lot of research and testing we have worked out precise techniques that allow locating issues which can be safely removed with no risk of damaging your operating system.

We have tested our software ensuring that it repairs the causes of most errors and crashes to restore smooth and stable performance with no side effects , We included privacy tools that help eliminate traces of your activity and safeguard your sensitive personal...throu Lire la suite

Driver Updater

Driver Updater pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Improves computer performance enjoy faster speed and better system stability manufacturers often release driver updates with improved functionality or new features that can help your hardware components and devices work better.

Improves computer performance enjoy faster speed and better system stability manufacturers often release driver updates with improved functionality or new features that can help your hardware components and devices work better , Improves...impro Lire la suite

GSA Cleandrive

GSA Cleandrive pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Software that cleans up your system from privacy violations and make it faster [...] It deletes all internet traces like the web sites you have visited recently opened files like your last played video files or even the logs that show what programs you have run lately.

It is a common problem that almost anything that you do on your pc can be spied out by others / If you do not want that your privacy will be fully destroyed you should do something...softw Lire la suite

FastFox Typing Expander

FastFox Typing Expander pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Fastfox text expander is an easy to use typing expansion utility that can create and store keyboard shortcuts that when pressed will expand to lines of text [...] Fastfox allows the user to define keywords that become the shortcuts.

When fastfox sees that a keyword has been typed by the user that keyword will then be replaced by the expanded text / Fastfox text expander text expansion utilityfastf Lire la suite

SE Image Extractor

SE Image Extractor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Solidedge automation tool that easily extracts images from solidedge files [...] Solidedge automation tool that easily extracts 2d and 3d drawings into different image formats bmp jpg etc.

Let's take a look at the options that are available in se image extractor: first you setup paths to your folders with solid edge files / Se image extractor can work with your files that are managed by sharepoint and insight | If you can not do that ...solid Lire la suite

Mister Alibi Windows Cleaner

Mister Alibi Windows Cleaner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Cover your internet tracks! delete cookies typed urls and more! the only software of its kind that lets you specify which cookies and typed urls should not be deleted! there are plenty of reasons you might want to use privacy software to cover your tracks [...] However there are two major problems with most privacy software out there: problem number one: they delete important things like cookies that have passwords! problem number two: after you run them it is obvious that...cover Lire la suite

3D Aqua Icons Collection

3D Aqua Icons Collection pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
All sizes! check out these royalty free icon collections with over 175 icons and small graphics elements that come in all sizes from 16x16 to 128x128 8 to 32 bits.

Are you not satisfied how your website or application looks like? do you use customary free icons that thousands of other webmasters and programmers already utilize in their projects? want your product to stand out and look better then your competitors to generate more sales? then check out these professional...all s Lire la suite

Artistic Icons Collection

Artistic Icons Collection pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
All sizes! check out these royalty free icon collections with over 190 icons and small graphics elements that come in all sizes from 16x16 to 128x128 8 to 32 bits.

Are you not satisfied how your website or application looks like? do you use customary free icons that thousands of other webmasters and programmers already utilize in their projects? want your product to stand out and look better then your competitors to generate more sales? then check out these professional...all s Lire la suite

MessLess Inventory

MessLess Inventory pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Messless inventory is an inventory tracking utility that is 100% customizable [...] Try free! do you have inventory tracking software that only works almost the way you want it? then you should try messless inventory: the most flexible inventory software you can download from the internet.

We understand that "inventory" may mean anything: from antique furniture to liquid fertilizer and gardening tools / That's why we created a software application that...messl Lire la suite


TrayList pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Traylist is a popular plug in for winamp that gives you the power of hotkeys hothits media organizer on screen display osd and statistics features.

Yet even the most avid and staunch winamp fans admit that some things could be done better and some important features aren't available in the current version of the widespread music media player , That is why both amateurs and professionals in droves download traylist — a popular plug in for winamp that gives you...trayl Lire la suite

Desktop Notes

Desktop Notes pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
Desktop notes is a program that will allow you to post notes on your desktop! desktop notes is a program that will allow you to post notes on your windows desktop.

The fact that you can use various pictures as a background an , Desktop notes is a program that will allow you to post notes on your windows desktop / The fact that you can use various pictures as a background and special fonts that are supplied along with the program makes these notes not...deskt Lire la suite


Buzof pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Simply teach buzof how to click the button that you would normally click to get rid of the annoying window.

Buzof is designed to handle many different situations that would otherwise need to be addressed individually by specialized software , In fact buzof handles all kinds of messages and dialog boxes so well that many users think that it was designed for their specific needs / Since all of the information is stored in a small data file it is easy...simpl Lire la suite