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Steep Falls Screensaver

Steep Falls Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Des chutes d'eau qui coulent vers vous et vous apportent de bonnes nouvelles.

Des chutes d'eau qui coulent vers vous , Elles apportent que des bonnes nouvelles / Nous vous souhaitons une bonne et heureuse année | Ces chutes d'eau ainsi que la nouvelle année vous apporte des aspects positifsdes c Lire la suite

Sony Remote Play (Lecture à Distance)

Sony Remote Play (Lecture à Distance)  pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
L'application officielle de sony pour la lecture à distance des jeux ps4 sur pc le moyen le plus simple à l'heure actuelle pour streamer vos jeux ps4 directement sur votre ordinateur windows.

Pour streamer vos jeux ps4 sur votre pc et y jouer avec votre dualshock connectée en usb il vous suffit d’installer l’application et de l’associer à votre console en entrant vos identifiants sony entertainment network comme si vous étiez sur votre...l'app Lire la suite

Driver Updater

Driver Updater pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This simple yet powerful tool quickly detects all missing or outdated drivers on your pc and gets the latest versions installed for smoother system performance.

By keeping your drivers up to date driverupdater helps prevent system errors compatibility issues and other driver related problems making your pc run smoother faster and more productively , What you get with driver updater: scans and updates all your driversall your hardware and devices will perform at...this Lire la suite

Alerte Nettoyage PC

Alerte Nettoyage PC pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Ce logiciel vous rappelle tous les 30 jours pour faire le nettoyage dans votre pc afin d'optimiser ses performances supprimer les fichiers obsolètes.

Alerte nettoyage pc recherche automatiquement les programmes glary utilities  ccleaner , To download the english version of the program please download it from my website: http://programmation / Ce logiciel vous averti lorsqu'il est temps de faire le nettoyage avec des logiciels...ce lo Lire la suite

Les logiciels indispensables pour PC

Les logiciels indispensables pour PC pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Vous réinstallez votre pc sous windows ou vous en avez un nouveau? téléchargez ce pack complet qui regroupe tous les ténors du g ce kit de logiciels vous permet d'installer tous les logiciels essentiels en une seule fois [...] Un utilitaire de nettoyage: ccleaner un logiciel de compression: winrar un gestionnaire de jeux: steam la plateforme de jeux en téléchargement le lecteur vidéo vlc le gestionnaire multimédia lecteur audio et...vous Lire la suite

Audials Music

Audials Music pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Transformez votre pc en un média personnel cloud +++audials music: get and save music fast legally and for free!+++ audials music offers the fastest option of downloading music from music video portals and convert them easily into any format [...] ++top hits every week for free++ rock charts music video charts pop music charts dance charts us single charts and 80s charts: audials fulfills all music wishes! ++automatically get the music tracks in any desired end format with...trans Lire la suite

Compteur Cyber

Compteur Cyber pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Vous pouvez compter la minuterie de tous pc connecté sur votre réseau doté ou non de ce logiciel [...] Vous pouvez désactiver quelques processus exemple pour empêcher le client de lancer le logiciel de téléchargement comme internet download manager utorent , Compteur cyber complet avec statistique et graphe par jour et par pc.

Compteur cyber est un logiciel de compteur pour tous les cyber café | Personnalisable selon votre...vous Lire la suite

NNC Video Tools Package

NNC Video Tools Package pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Also you can grab dvd`s to your pc and burn your own ones.

Using video downloader you can download videos from your favourite sites like youtube myspace yahoo video and many more , Video converter video editor dvd ripper dvd creator and burner in one suite / Nnc suite: video converter video editor dvd ripper and burner | With this powerful software suite you have a complete set of functions for editing and converting videos into...also Lire la suite

Metacafe Video Downloader

Metacafe Video Downloader pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Com to your pc ipod iphone psp mobile phone with one click [...] Com to your pc ipod iphone mobile phone psp with one click.

Download save and convert metacafe videos metacafe / Download and save metacafe videos metacafe | Download and savemetacafe videos metacafe ; Com to your pc : No extra codecs or players needed [...] No need to use scripts for web browsers , Lire la suite

Hulu Video Downloader

Hulu Video Downloader pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Com to your pc ipod psp iphone mobile zune with one click [...] Com to your pc ipod zune psp mobile phone with one click , Download and convert hulu clips and videos hulu.

Download and convert hulu episodes hulu | Download hulu clips episodes and videos hulu ; Com to your pc : You don't need any players to play flash video just play it on the default media player classic [...] Lire la suite

PC Commander

PC Commander pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Pc commander gves you total control over anything running on your windows pc all conveniently from your web browser.

Stop processes manipulate services download files log off/disconnect users view event logs restart the computer and much more , Stop processes manipulate services download files log off or disconnect users view event logs restart the computer and much more / Easily control processes services users files and more on your...pc co Lire la suite

OxyFile Pro

OxyFile Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The program works both with from phone memory and flash card oxyfile pro is a quick way to transfer files between mobile phones and pc using convenient explorer like interface [...] Oxyfile permits you to download and save photos images melodies videos ringtones documents applications etc.

Oxyfile pro permits you to download and save photos images melodies videos ringtones documents applications etc / Convenient explorer like interface for...the p Lire la suite

Loaris Trojan Remover

Loaris Trojan Remover pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You will be able to completely clean your computer of all these invasive threats! your computer will be clean and will run alot faster your privacy will be protected! if your pc is infected with adware spyware spybot trojans or another internet parasite download the latest version of loaris trojan remover right now [...] Download the latest version of loaris trojan remover right now.

Your computer will be clean and will run alot faster / You will w Lire la suite

OxyBook Pro

OxyBook Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Just in a few clicks with the help of oxybook you can download contacts from phone to pc edit them or create a new one using your usual pc keyboard.

Mobile contacts management and backup software for smartphones and cellulars , Oxybook pro is a contacts manager with complete backup and restore abilities / Offering an extended functionality which allows to manage your smartphone or classic phone contacts oxybook pro makes contacts management very easy...just Lire la suite

OxyBook Free

OxyBook Free pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Oxybook is a contacts manager with an extended functionality which allows to manage your smartphone or classic phone contacts with the help of pc easily and conveniently [...] Just in a few clicks with the help of oxybook you can download contacts from phone to pc edit them or create a new one using your usual pc keyboard.

Unique and user friendly program for mobile contacts management from pc / You can be always sure that your contacts are safely stored...oxybo Lire la suite

PicMarkr Pro Image Watermarker

PicMarkr Pro Image Watermarker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Protect local and flickr pictures automatically! protect your digital pictures by adding visible watermarks easily and automatically! picmarkr pro makes it easy to add watermarks to photos stored on your pc or in your flickr account.

Protect digital pictures by adding visible watermarks easily and automatically! picmarkr pro makes it easy to watermark photos stored on your pc or in your flickr account , Picmarkr pro makes batch jobs quick and convenient and can...prote Lire la suite

Video Converter Studio

Video Converter Studio pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With this powerful video converter you can enjoy any videos on all common digital players as iphone ipod apple tv zune psp pocket pc pda ps3 archos iriver creative zen xbox 360 pmp smart phone mobile phone etc [...] Free download now to have a try! features highlight: 1 , Convert video files between all popular video and audio formats fast and easily.

Video converter studio can help you convert video files between all popular video and...with Lire la suite

3CXPhone FREE VoIP Phone for Windows

3CXPhone FREE VoIP Phone for Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Use your pc as a phone.

Full version not a lite version! free download from http://www , Free voip phone / Works with any sip/ voip provider | Free voip / sip phone softphone for windows ; Works with popular voip providers and sip pbx's including 3cx phone system : Easy to use & light weight [...] 3cx , Com free voip / sip phone softphone for windows / The interface...use y Lire la suite


FlashCrypt pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Encrypt and password protect folders on your pc with a couple of clicks [...] Download flashcrypt and protect your files with password right now it’s free.

Flashcrypt provides easy to use but safe and secure folder encryption solution / A couple of mouse clicks converts your folder into a secure container encrypted with aes 256 algorithm | Only the correct password unlocks the encrypted data ; With just a couple of mouse...encry Lire la suite

Passware Encryption Analyzer

Passware Encryption Analyzer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free easy to use tool to scan pc and find all password protected files [...] Download now , Download now for free / Passware encryption analyzer is a free encryption scanning tool that finds password protected files on a pc | Get a free check of how secure your files are ; Full system scan takes under an hour.

If you need to unprotect your file encryption analyzer runs the required password Lire la suite