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PCSpeedUP pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Then pcspeedup defragments your hard drive cleans up the registry tweaks system and internet settings and speeds up system shutdown to make your pc visibly faster.

We have developed powerful scanners that zero in on registry errors fragmentation incorrect system or internet settings and other speed thieves for a precise verdict , Add an extra speed boost for real time effect we included automatic tools you can enable to keep your pc running at optimal...then Lire la suite

Password Recovery for MSN

Password Recovery for MSN pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password recovery for msn is the msn password finder [...] Password recovery for msn is the msn password finder that instantly cracks and decrypts the msn messenger and windows messenger passwords stored on your computer.

Password recovery for msn is the msn password finder that instantly cracks and decrypts the msn messenger windows live messenger and windows messenger passwords stored on your computer / All versions of msn messenger and windows...passw Lire la suite


SpotAuditor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Spotauditor récupére les mots de passe dans l' internet explorer le firefox l'opera l'outlook express le msn messenger le windows live messenger le windows messenger le rdp l' icq le vnc le dial up leras le vpn le trillian le miranda im.

Spotauditor récupére les mots de passe dans l' internet explorer le firefox l'opera l'outlook express le msn messenger le live messenger le windows messenger le google talk le rdp l' icq le vnc le dial up leras le...spota Lire la suite

Enterprise Permission Reporter

Enterprise Permission Reporter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
'where does user x have access to?' answering these questions usually takes days for professionals and even after these days would you sign that document? epr solves the problem who is member of these groups? groups can and often will contain other groups [...] Answering that will end up with many open windows of your users and computers mmc , Get a list of members who have access to folders.

These problems won't persist when you use epr'wher Lire la suite

Real PDF Converter

Real PDF Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Main features include 128 bit rc4 encryption with password and access control; truetype opentype type1 cid type1 multiple masters type1 opentype/cff pure cff cef windows fnt/fon x11 pcf font embedding into pdf files; cie color space and icc profile integrated with pdf files; export pdf to jpeg bmp png gif tiff image formats; restore microsoft word document from pdf file; convert pdf into web pages; create cmyk pdf; restrict viewing printing editing or copying of documents to only...main Lire la suite

Radmin Communication Server

Radmin Communication Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
One standard server license permits the use of radmin cs on one server computer with up to 50 connections in both voice chat and text chat modes [...] It is also a secure im tool for confidential remote meetings and conferences , Radmin communication server by famatech is secure communication software for instant messaging.

You can use this program as a chat for employees intranet messenger and/or voip analog | It has options for s Lire la suite


CoolPDF pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Making pdf files of anything that can normally be printed pdf creation is as simple as selecting the 'print' command from any application up to 4000 dpi printing resolution color printing and publishing large paper size up to 14400 x 14400 points 200 x 200 inch 5080 x 5080 millimeters live hyperlink support pdf content protection with user password and/or user password secure pdf documents from being modified copied converted printed signed and assembled pdf 128 bit encryption...makin Lire la suite

Pop-Up Stopper

Pop-Up Stopper pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Block netscape internet explorer mozilla and desktop pop up windows [...] Block netscape internet explorer mozilla and desktop pop up windows with the latest upgrade of this small tool now with added support for mozilla and new technology to block annoying messenger service and gain adserver desktop ads! block netscape internet explorer mozilla and desktop pop up windows with the latest upgrade of this small tool now with added support for mozilla and new technology to block...block Lire la suite

Windows Live Essentials 2012 - Windows

Windows Live Essentials 2012 - Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Windows live essentials 2012 regroupe les 7 outils les plus utiles de microsoft.

Avec windows live essentials 2012 windows regroupe ses meilleures applications utilitaires en un seul endroit , Grâce à windows live essentials 2012 vous aurez 7 outils microsoft gratuits et pratiques à portée de main / Des outils de communications : windows live messenger correspond à la messagerie instantanée...windo Lire la suite

Paltalk Mac

Paltalk Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3.5/5
Cette application gratuite est disponible sur plusieurs plateformes dont ios windows et android.

Une application de messagerie instantanée gratuite et hors du commun un messenger qui donne accès des milliers de discussions et de diffusions live de webcam en provenance du monde entier paltalk est un programme de messagerie instantanée qui donne un accès illimité à des milliers de webcams live partout dans le monde , Vous pouvez vous y...cette Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
We want you to have a great pc experience so we included tools to speed up every aspect of your pc’s operation [...] The most complete package of tools for your pc problems , When you enter passwords or credit card details this data is saved on your hard drive invisible to you but easy prey for a skilled hacker.

Guards smooth performanceyour pc stays fast and stable for all your tasks to boost the effect you get from complete optimization we...we wa Lire la suite

AppleXsoft Data Recovery Professional

AppleXsoft Data Recovery Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Whether you are a veteran or beginner you will feel applexsoft data recovery is developed for you to recover your data [...] Even if you have reinstalled windows or your hard drive won't mount , Fully compatible with windows 7.

It also provides recovery of lost emails from outlook outlook express windows live mail eudora mozilla becky | A powerful yet easy to use professional data recovery utility to recover...wheth Lire la suite

Nero Standard 2019.

Nero Standard 2019. pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Features: backs up all your pcs ios android and windows phone backup to usb drive discs nas drive and online storagetruly infinite online driveautomatic & scheduled backupcreate scheduled and continuous backupscompression and encryption for local backupsrestore filesaccess browse stream and share your backed up files anytime anywhere with any web browser share your files privately via email or publicly by posting them on facebook google+ and twitterpassword protect your shared files or...featu Lire la suite

Messenger Reviver

Messenger Reviver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Une application gratuite qui va vous permettre d’utiliser windows live messenger jusqu’à la fermeture définitive du service.

Messenger reviver est un utilitaire très pratique qui permet à tous les utilisateurs de windows live messenger de « réparer » leur client de messagerie et de continuer à l’utiliser sans passer par skype , Pour cela rien de plus simple il vous suffit de télécharger...une a Lire la suite

Win PDF Editor

Win PDF Editor pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
You can add your signature image to the pdf document and easy to sign now [...]   rotate pdf the program has the ability to rotate pdf 90 180 and 270 degrees for single page and all pages.

You can use this function to make an inserted image as watermark for the pdf document / Win pdf editor is a windows pdf editing software that lets users modify and edit pdf documents like adding text and images removing unwanted content drawing lines c Lire la suite

MSN Slide Max

MSN Slide Max pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Faire des diaporamas dans msn messenger ou windows live messenger.

Msn slide max enables you to make slideshows as display pictures of all versions of msn messenger , You can search and download pictures online change personal message with pictures automatically and can even make animation as display pictures / Vous permet de faire des diaporamas de photos dans toutes les versions de msn messenger | Vous pouvez rechercher et...faire Lire la suite


SpyMyMSN pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Spymymsn est un petit logiciel de surveillance discret autonome et très efficace qui permet de recevoir par mail les conversations de votre messagerie instantanée windows live messenger msn ainsi que des captures d'écran de l'ordinateur.

Fonctionnalites : envoi des historiques de conversation par mail envoi de capture d'écran par mail fréquence d'envoi des mail paramétrable fonctionne en tache de fond compatible windows...spymy Lire la suite

Actual Virtual Desktops

Actual Virtual Desktops pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Create an activity focused work environment scatter the piled up application windows over independent desktops showing one desktop at a time [...] Handy utility for expanding and organizing workspace: create an activity focused environment even automatically using rules scatter the piled up application windows over the unlimited number of independent desktops showing one desktop with its applications at a time.

Move windows between desktops set custom...creat Lire la suite

Zap-Le-Web (English Version)

Zap-Le-Web (English Version) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It looks like a familiar remote control and has 19 easily configurable buttons so you can have at hand all the functions you need : it can run programs already installed in your pc open your webbrowser to specific webpages open folders or files of your computer and provides a magnifying glass an easy to use mp3 player an easy to use audio cd player and lots or system and multimedia features all of them available just by one click of your mouse ! zap le web is a new kind of software lo Lire la suite

MSN Slide Max

MSN Slide Max pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Créer diaporamas photos dans msn messenger et windows live messenger.

Vous permet de faire des diaporamas de photos dans toutes les versions de msn messenger , Vous pouvez rechercher et télécharger des photos en ligne modifier le message faire défiler automatiquement les photos et même faire des animations / Redimensionne automatiquement les images et change les photos lorsque votre statut changecrée Lire la suite