service control manager

Service Protector

Service Protector pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Service protector va redémarrer automatiquement votre service en cas de panne ou blocage problème cpu de mémoire ou autre problème.

Protège les services windows en cours d'exécution 24 / 7 , Surveille les services critiques de windows et les fait fonctionner 24 / 7servi Lire la suite

Vista Smoker Pro

Vista Smoker Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Our service manager allows you to use service presets to stop and disable services without needing any knowledge.

Plus with the new vista smoker pro user account control feature you can adjust the settings for user account control in windows vista to make it less intrusive yet just as functional or you can simply change the settings to really lock down security on your pc , Speed up windows vista with vista smoker pro / Step on the...our s Lire la suite

SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Softperfect bandwidth manager is a full featured traffic management tool for windows that offers cost effective bandwidth control and quality of service based on built in prioritized rules [...] A traffic managment solution offers cost effective bandwidth control and qos.

With softperfect bandwidth manager you can apply speed throttling rules to specified ip addresses ports and even network interfaces with no changes to existing network...softp Lire la suite

Acritum One-click BackUp for WinRAR

Acritum One-click BackUp for WinRAR pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The main features are: complete automation high compression ratio 3 archive formats rar zip exe aes 128 bit encryption remote control from internet or local network dialup error notification to the admin's e mail startup service command line support customizable appearance skins and of course hdd/floppy/usb/cd dvd/lan/ftp/smtp support.

The main features are: complete automation high compression ratio aes 128 bit encryption remote control and hdd/floppy/usb/cd...the m Lire la suite

EssentialPIM Pro

EssentialPIM Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
In addition essentialpim pro offers portability speed intuitive interface and the ability to synchronize all your information with outlook and practically any online service available google yahoo etc [...] Essentialpim pro is a personal information manager that makes it easy to control your appointments to do lists notes email messages password entries and contacts with easy to use intuitive tools.

Essentialpim pro is a personal information manager ad Lire la suite

MSD Tasks Multiuser

MSD Tasks Multiuser pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
· a service company could manage the tasks of his employees allowing project management and client management.

· a manager could control the tasks and activities of his employees , By using a password the user can control the access to the program to the configuration and to the program functions individually / A visual task manager for several workers in a network | Tareas msd multiuser allows to organize visually the tasks of...· a Lire la suite

MSD Tasks

MSD Tasks pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
· a service company could manage the tasks of his employees allowing project management and client management [...] · a manager could control the tasks and activities of his employees , By using a password the user can control the access to the program to the configuration and to the program functions individually / A visual task manager for several workers.

Tareas msd allows to organize visually the tasks of several people at the same...· a Lire la suite

Outlook Security Manager

Outlook Security Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Net visual basic 6 delphi vba word mailmerge and outlook 2000 2002 xp 2003 with /without its service packs [...] One line programming tool to control outlook security.

Outlook security manager allows you to disable outlook security warnings in add ins and applications that automate outlook / One line tool to disable outlook security alerts | Net vcl activex ; It is a programming tool to disable outlook security pop Lire la suite


RascalPro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you need to keep a computer connected to the internet without any human interaction use our apptoservice software to run rascal or rascalpro as a windows service that automatically reconnects the computer and monitors the connection following unattended reboots without the need to log on.

A command line interface is available to run rascal and control network connections remotely or from command prompts scripts and batch processes , Rascal is a...if yo Lire la suite

AQ Manager

AQ Manager pour mac
Logiciel Saas
Note : 3/5
Elle permet aux professionnels de divers secteurs d’activité de rationaliser leur service de maintenance notamment dans les secteurs de la santé des services et de l’industrie.

Une solution gmao simple riche et intuitive aq manager est un bon logiciel de maintenance adressé aux professionnels pour qui la maintenance curative et préventive est une priorité comme dans les secteurs de la santé ou bien de...elle Lire la suite

Avira Password Manager

Avira Password Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Avira password manager est un service en ligne proposé par avira qui permet de gérer facilement ses mots de passe.

Avira password manager est un service disponible gratuitement , Avira password manager est un gestionnaire de mots de passe proposé par avira / En plus de pouvoir enregistrer vos mots de passes existants avira password manager est capable de vous proposer des nouveaux et il vous connecte automatiquement à vos sites...avira Lire la suite

Google Play Music Manager

Google Play Music Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Vous souhaitez importer votre musique sur le service gratuite google play music ? alors le plus simple est d’utiliser le logiciel fourni par google : music manager.

Google play music manager est un petit utilitaire qui va vous aider à importer ou à télécharger votre musique sur google play music , Pendant qu’il est en cours d’exécution music manager vient se placer dans votre barre des tâches et reste facilement...vous Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Landpark manager est le produit idéal pour réaliser efficacement votre gestion d'inventaire votre gestion de parc et votre gestion d'interventions sur l'ensemble de votre matériel et sur l'intégralité de vos logiciels landpark manager est le produit idéal pour réaliser efficacement votre gestion d'inventaire votre gestion de parc et votre gestion d'interventions sur l'ensemble de votre matériel et sur l'intégralité de vos logiciels : gestion multi société et multi sites sous forme...landp Lire la suite

Advanced Wallpaper Manager

Advanced Wallpaper Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Is has a simple and intuitive control panel to customize your desktop wallpaper conveniently.

Advanced wallpaper manager is an powerful wallpaper manager and changer , Is a utility that will help you configure your desktop wallpaper easilyis ha Lire la suite

AggreGate Device Management Platform

AggreGate Device Management Platform pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It also helps you to aggregate device data into a common database where you can "slice and dice" it using a rich set of device management data processing and remote service tools as well as let other enterprise applications transparently access it [...] Aggregate device management platform is a multi industry m2m solution that employs modern communication technologies to control configure and monitor different electronic devices.

Aggregate device management al Lire la suite

InterGate Policy Manager for Windows

InterGate Policy Manager for Windows pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Intergate policy manager for windows a comprehensive internet access management solution providing control of web content access usage of p2p im and skype logging and reporting of user activity as well a core ip router and firewall intergate policy manager for windows a comprehensive internet access management solution providing fine grained control of web content access usage of peer to peer instant messaging and skype networks logging and reporting of user activity as well a...inter Lire la suite

Excel Invoice Manager Pro

Excel Invoice Manager Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This new version gives you more control on printing invoice making printable invoice form more printer friendly.

Excel invoice manager is the most flexible billing software/invoice software available , Billing software & invoice software based on excel form/template / With this flexible billing software & invoice software you can create invoice email invoice extract an invoice as a file track inventory and manage customer accounts/bill...this Lire la suite

InterGate Policy Manager for Mac OS X

InterGate Policy Manager for Mac OS X pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Intergate policy manager for mac os x a comprehensive internet access management solution providing control of web content access usage of p2p im and skype logging and reporting of user activity as well a core ip router and firewall intergate policy manager for mac os x a comprehensive internet access management solution providing fine grained control of web content access usage of peer to peer instant messaging and skype networks logging and reporting of user activity as well a...inter Lire la suite

Asset Manager Enterprise Edition

Asset Manager Enterprise Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Track your assets check in check out maintain service records and more [...] Attach owner's manuals service logs and more to maintain a complete history for each of your assets , Never lose track of your assets again with asset manager 2008 you can print barcode labels for your assets and check them in/out to employees.

Never lose track of your assets again implement asset management in your business with asset manager 2008 | Asset...track Lire la suite


Core FTP LE pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Htaccess editing chmod and more! core ftp le a free secure ftp client with ssl/tls ssh/sftp http https idn modez fxp dragdrop browser integration user friendly interface s ftp/http proxy socks 4/5 support remote file searching queue manager auto retry and resume of transfers transfer bandwidth control htaccess editing advanced dir listings queueing of multiple ftp transfers on multiple sites sessions start stop and resume of ftp transfers advanced directory...htacc Lire la suite