sentry remote control codes


Sentry pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Sentry verrouille votre ordinateur sur demande de sorte qu'il reste en sécurité lorsque vous ne l'utilisez pas.

Verrouillez votre pc lorsque vous êtes absent et empêche tout accès non autorisé , Verrouille votre ordinateur sur demande de sorte qu'il reste en sécurité lorsque vous ne l'utilisez pas / D'autres programmes peuvent pas être lancés l'historique du navigateur na peux pas être espionné et personne ne pourra toucher vos fichiers...sentr Lire la suite

Sentry Remote

Sentry Remote pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Sentry remote parental controls instant alerts via email or cell phone [...] Monitor and control any computer remotely with sentry remote.

Sentry remote displays the screen monitors and logs your child's chat and internet habits automatically alerting you when inappropriate words phrases or slang is used via email; or your cell phone in real time! lock down your child's computer remotely even from your cell phone! sentry remote is available as a full featured...sentr Lire la suite

Bytescout BarCode Generator SDK

Bytescout BarCode Generator SDK pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Net avec bytescout barcode generator sdk qui fournit 4 types de contrôles pour générer afficher enregistrer les codes barres : windows forms webimage control asp [...] Net ssrs control activex.

Générer des codes barres 1d et 2d à partir de / Net générer des codes barres à partir de | Générer des codes barres à partir de ; Supporte plus de 30 codes barre 1d et 2dnet a Lire la suite

IDAutomation 2D Barcode ActiveX Control

IDAutomation 2D Barcode ActiveX Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Control activex de code barre facile à utiliser qui supporte com ou des composants activex [...] Ce composant professionnel activex control est couramment utilisé pour créer des codes barres dans microsoft access visual basic frontpage internet explorer et c + +.

Il travaille très vite a une petite taille et pas de dépendances / Inclus les fichier dll et le cabcontr Lire la suite

Computer monitoring

Computer monitoring pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Free download keystroke recorder tool to view user’s activity at remote location pressed key of keyboard in one by one or in summarized form and option to use short keys that provides access even in hidden form.

Computer monitoring program captures screen shots of visited window in log files parental control software keeps watch on computer activities of students employees friends and spouses in office college home or somewhere else , Visual Lire la suite

IDAutomation MaxiCode Font and Encoder

IDAutomation MaxiCode Font and Encoder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Comprend un cab avec un control activex signé [...] Collection de polices et composants pour générer des codes barres maxicode.

Permet l'impression de codes barres 2d maxicode à partir d'une police / Truetype postscript et pcl sont fournis avec des exemples pour excel word access vb et crystal reportscompr Lire la suite

Bytescout BarCode SDK

Bytescout BarCode SDK pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Net fournit 3 types de contrôles afin de générer afficher enregistrer les codes barres : windows forms control webimage control asp [...] Net et activex pour créer afficher enregistrer des codes à barres 1d et 2d , Supporte plus de 30 codes à barres 1d et 2d / Sdk.

Bytescout barcode sdk pour ; Netnet f Lire la suite

Zap-Le-Web (English Version)

Zap-Le-Web (English Version) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It looks like a familiar remote control and has 19 easily configurable buttons so you can have at hand all the functions you need.

It looks like a familiar remote control and has 19 easily configurable buttons so you can have at hand all the functions you need : it can run programs already installed in your pc open your webbrowser to specific webpages open folders or files of your computer and provides a magnifying glass an easy to use mp3 player an easy to use audio lo Lire la suite

AggreGate Device Management Platform

AggreGate Device Management Platform pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It also helps you to aggregate device data into a common database where you can "slice and dice" it using a rich set of device management data processing and remote service tools as well as let other enterprise applications transparently access it.

Aggregate device management platform is a multi industry m2m solution that employs modern communication technologies to control configure and monitor different electronic devices , Aggregate device management al Lire la suite


WMouseXP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Bluetooth wireless presenter mouse + media player remote control software [...] Wireless presenter mouse + media player rc on mobile! uniquely easy to setup uniquely easy to use uniqely smooth mouse movement uniqely powerful functions , Simple stable and straightforward.

For nokia/s60/moto/se phones! uniquely simple easy & powerful | Your increased impressiveness + productivity + enjoyment!bluet Lire la suite


AgilePresenter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1/5
Use this software to remote control powerpoint/presentations from wifi phones [...] Use this software to remote control powerpoint/presentations from wifi enabled phones! imagine yourself standing presenting confidently with full presentation slide control in your hand , No need to sit or walk back to your computer anymore.

Works with any wifi enabled phone: iphone nokia s60 n series e series windows mobile blackberryuse t Lire la suite

Radmin Viewer

Radmin Viewer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Free tool for remote management of pcs with intel vpro and amt over internet/lan free tool for remote hardware management of computers based on the intel vpro platform over internet or lan.

Performs remote turn on cold reboot bios remote control network boot of the remote computer with intel amt active management technology , Radmin viewer is a free intel vpro tool for management of a remote computer over internet or lan even if it is turned off or you Lire la suite


Core FTP LE pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Htaccess editing chmod and more! core ftp le a free secure ftp client with ssl/tls ssh/sftp http https idn modez fxp dragdrop browser integration user friendly interface s ftp/http proxy socks 4/5 support remote file searching queue manager auto retry and resume of transfers transfer bandwidth control htaccess editing advanced dir listings queueing of multiple ftp transfers on multiple sites sessions start stop and resume of ftp transfers advanced directory...htacc Lire la suite

Cafe Server

Cafe Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Protects computers against unauthorized use permanent monitoring of the current state of each computer allows remote control of computers from one place you can shut down start as well as reboot of computers automatically calculates a price according to the entered parameters vat customization or accounting without vat possibility to preset different discounts and to use prepaid cards charging other products and services automatic counting and charging printed pages ...prote Lire la suite

Activity Monitor

Activity Monitor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Spy on remote computers with this computer monitoring software.

View remotely in real time screens of the remote computers typed keystrokes internet history email and im , You can see keystrokes remote screen internet history and used programs / Send instant messages copy files from a remote pc and control them | Monitor employee computers in real time and record all lan users actions ; Monitor all computers in lan...spy o Lire la suite


iRAPP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Irapp stands for interactive remote application [...] It is a remote control software which allows you to view and fully interact with a remote or local mac.

The irapp client runs on your pc and merges the remote os x system into your desktop experience / Access your mac applications remotely and merge your pc desktop experience | With irapp you can work seamlessly and simultaneously on your pc and mac applications ; Irapp is...irapp Lire la suite

Password Generator 2008 Professional

Password Generator 2008 Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Control precisely which characters can be used how often they can appear and where they need to be placed [...] Control precisely which characters can be used how often they can appear and where they should be placed.

Allow or disallow consecutive characters like abc or qwerty control repeating and duplicate characters appearance / Generate millions of strong passwords serial numbers key codes usernames pronounceable passwords that strictly follow...contr Lire la suite


wodPop3Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can specify filename starting and ending position for each email in mailbox and weonlydo! pop3server will pass it to remote client with ease [...] Wodpop3server active x control provide full pop3 protocol server implementation , Weonlydo! com pop3server activex control is a component that can be easily integrated into your applications to provide full pop3 protocol server implementation.

How? that's easy part: just put wodpop3server control on c Lire la suite

Site Publisher

Site Publisher pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Now you can sync your files with just a single mouse click! this intelligent ftp client will help you to manage local and remote files of your web site.

Unique files preview mode can be used to control synchronization process and to create profiles for every of your web site , Intelligent ftp client for synchronization local/remote files with ease / Intelligent ftp client for remote/local files synchronization | It automatically y Lire la suite

Simple Home Money Management 2008

Simple Home Money Management 2008 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Simply one of the best money management tools on the market! simple home money management 2008 will help you to closely monitor and control your spending habits credit cards bill payments and much more.

Simple home money management 2008 will help you to closely monitor and control your spending habits credit cards bill payments and much more , You can download your bank statements via qif v7 format and it auto codes the transactions for you making your data...simpl Lire la suite