search and destroy

Spybot Search and Destroy

Spybot Search and Destroy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Spybot search and destroy est un logiciel destiné à détecter et détruire toutes les menaces susceptibles d’infecter et de ralentir votre ordinateur.

Réputé comme étant l’un des programmes les plus performants pour éliminer les menaces sur votre ordinateur spybot search and destroy n'a quasiment plus rien à prouver , En revanche si vous avez plus de temps spybot search and destroy analysera soigneusement chaque recoin...spybo Lire la suite


MachineHell pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Search and destroy all the alien machines and reclaim earth.

The mission is simple but tough search and destroy all the alien machines and reclaim earth , Your hovercraft is fully equipped and ready to go / Many different laser rocket plasma weapons and bombs are all at your disposal | Fight through the enormous amount of monster machines and their troops ; Become the one to lead humanity to victory! experience more...searc Lire la suite

Star Conflict

Star Conflict pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Star conflict propose trois types de jeu : pve : missions en coopération du type hold & fire ou search and destroy à partir de 4 joueurs.

Prenez place à bord d'un vaisseau spatial star conflict est un jeu de combats qui se déroulent dans des champs d’astéroïdes ou des mondes lointains où se croisent des lasers chauds et rapides , Pour les connaisseurs le jeu est un mélange entre eve et world of tanks Lire la suite

Search for Duplicate Files

Search for Duplicate Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Recherche des fichiers dupliqués trouver les doublons [...] Recherche des fichiers dupliqués trouver les fichiers dupliqués et supprimer les fichiers en double recherche de fichiers en double facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporation.

Ce programme peut trouver les fichiers dupliqués supprimer les fichiers en double et supprimer les fichiers en double partout / Recherche des fichiers dupliqués téléchargez le...reche Lire la suite

Search For Meaning screensaver

Search For Meaning screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Un écran de veille avec des citations sur le sens de la vie le but de la vie [...] Un écran de veille avec une collection de citations centrée autour du sens de la vie.

Certaines de ces citations pourraient vous faire sourire comme celle ci: «peut être le seul sens de ma vie est de servir comme un avertissement" un écran de veille avec une collection de citations centrée autour du sens de la vie / Certaines de ces citations pourraient vous faire...un é Lire la suite

Search for Russian legal entities

Search for Russian legal entities pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Recherche de personnes morales russes.

Le logiciel est destiné à obtenir des informations sur les personnes morales établie et enregistrée conformément à la législation de la fédération de russie et qui exercent leurs activités sur le territoire de la fédération de russiereche Lire la suite

Search Icons

Search Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Une excellente collection d'icônes de recherche pour barres d'outils et sites web [...] Toutes les icônes sont soigneusement créées pixel par pixel à la main par un artiste professionnel.

De couleurs brillantes elles sont lisses et bien arrondiesune e Lire la suite

Search GT

Search GT pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Search gt is a very fast light and handy file search add on for windows.

Search gt is a file search add on for windows based on an extremely fast and light search engine , Completely integrated into the windows explorer search gt looks like the standard search tool but is up to 100 times faster / Search gt is a file search add on for windows based on a new extremely fast and light search engine | Search gt does not use background...searc Lire la suite

Search My Network

Search My Network pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Professional software for file search & management on lan and desktop pc [...] Search my network is a professional file search and management program for lans and desktop pcs , Try it now! search my network is a professional lan and desktop search & management program.

The program includes a search scheduler ip search time/size/content search filters lan tree for browsing through workgroups computers shares and folders | Quickly find...profe Lire la suite

G-Lock Blog Finder

G-Lock Blog Finder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
G lock blog finder is no spam search engine friendly blog commenting tool [...] G lock blog finder is blog commenting software that provides you with a great way to get backlinks for your sites without using any risky tactics that could destroy your search engine rankings.

Blog finder searches for blog posts that rank in google for a particular phrase and makes it easy to comment on them / It brings up blogs with both dofollow and nofollow...g loc Lire la suite


Deletor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
The program can search multiple root folders and delete files according to their size time properties attributes name and name patterns including wildcards [...] Deletor: delete and shred files.

Includes date filtering and command line access deletor helps you keep your disks clean by deleting or shredding files corresponding to file name patterns or extensions that you specify / Deletor also has support for custom filter packs file date filtering and...the p Lire la suite

Météo 3.0 (Windows Phone)

Météo 3.0 (Windows Phone) pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
1 added a large tile with more information new search system of cities on a external database ability to scroll through several towns on the dynamic tile new style background for the tile ability to associate events to the weather changing the user experience with design updates.

0 : new weather service with many new countries and cities added transparent tiles for windows phone 8 , Consultez rapidement et simplement la météo de votre ville de france ou de...1 ad Lire la suite

Audials One

Audials One pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
000 radio stations 3 000 000 artists 1 450 000 albums 12 000 000 mp3s including the latest charts ++ enter genre artist album/sampler name or title and audials legally delivers music from internet radio stations or via straight search on websites or just let it record your favorite music after you tell it your taste.

Find record download and convert music movies tv series videos and radios music movies tv series videos podcasts & radio stations: find record save ...000 r Lire la suite

MSN Slide Max

MSN Slide Max pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You can search and download pictures online change personal message with pictures automatically and can even make animation as display pictures [...] Faire des diaporamas dans msn messenger ou windows live messenger.

Msn slide max enables you to make slideshows as display pictures of all versions of msn messenger / Vous permet de faire des diaporamas de photos dans toutes les versions de msn messenger | Vous pouvez rechercher c Lire la suite

Issue Tracker YouTrack

Issue Tracker YouTrack pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A keyboard centric bug and issue tracker that features easy bug reporting stylish bug search language flexible customization per issue visibility settings easy migration from other bug trackers and fast commands to modify multiple issues [...] Search for issues using intuitive query syntax aided by intelligent query completion.

Youtrack from jetbrains customizable yet easy to use bug and issue tracker / A keyboard centric bug and issue tracker ...a key Lire la suite

Best data recovery

Best data recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
* free data recovery technology works on standard search strategies that easily restore erased information from any storage device.

Best data recovery program easily retrieves missing official document audio songs video clips digital images and other typ micron data recovery application does restoration of lost directories when storage media is virus infected formatted or crashed , Best data recovery program easily retrieves missing official document audio...* fre Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Plus if users know what they are expecting to find they can do an event search and see the hard evidence immediately.

With refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating spouses can use this keylogger for mac to monitor a comprehensive history of visited sites Lire la suite

SEO PowerSuite Tools

SEO PowerSuite Tools pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Is it safe? you bet work behind proxies set the software to imitate human like search behavior use api keys all you need to do seo quickly and securely.

Get top google rankings fast and at ease download seo powersuite tools! a secret to top google rankings? just get seo powersuite and hit "run" the seo software will do the rest: help you optimize your content for keywords improve your site's crawlability get thousands of high pr backlinks check rankings and more! it Lire la suite


FreeMP3Get pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can search your favorite music in freemp3get built in search engine listen or download songs in few seconds for free.

You can search your favorite music in freemp3get built in search engine listen or download songs in few seconds , Searh and download 90 000 000+ mp3 songs for free 100% legal / No limits and totally free download it now! | A free easy to use windows application for downloading 90 million mp3 songs from internet c Lire la suite

MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint

MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Web statistics on sharepoint usage reports about search integration with ad [...] Integration with active directory deeply detailed reports reports on search support of any topology.

Pproduct offers reports about users and their behavior usage statistics and perception of content document libraries and lists accessed search queries and growth in the number of documents sites or database size / Effective tool for collecting and analyzing...web s Lire la suite