scan to pdf program

Scan Redirector RDP Edition

Scan Redirector RDP Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Rediriger votre twain local ou wia scanner dans la session bureau à distance [...] Un logiciel simple à utiliser qui permet de numériser à partir de votre scanner connecté localement dans une session bureau à distance , Il ne nécessite pas de procédures de configuration compliquées / Le logiciel se compose de deux parties : une partie poste de travail et une partie serveur.

Tout ce que vous avez besoin est d'installer une partie...redir Lire la suite

Scan to PDF

Scan to PDF pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Placez vos documents sur votre scanner compatible twain numériser choisissez le nom du fichier pdf et voila! pas besoin d'avoir acrobat [...] Peut ajouter a des fichiers pdf existant.

Prise en charge des pdf protégés par mot de passe / Scanner et enregistrer vos documents papier sous format pdf | Logiciel en français anglais allemand espagnol italien portugais néerlandais danois grec norvégien polonaisplace Lire la suite

Scan Pages iOS

Scan Pages iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
Scan pages ios l’application gratuite qui transforme en deux temps trois mouvements votre iphone en scanner portable.

Et si votre iphone vous servez à téléphoner à naviguer sur internet et aussi à scanner vos documents ? c’est en tout cas ce que vous propose l’application ios scan pages , Scan pages ios est comme qui dirait une application utile si ce n’est indispensable pour tous les possesseurs d’iphone et...scan Lire la suite

PDF Compressor

PDF Compressor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
This tool allows users to change the compressing value to get better compressed result and content quality [...] There are lots of scanned pdf files need to be copied transferred or exchanged often on the internet , It is not easy to send emails with large pdf attachments.

Pdf compressor aims to solve a common problem of today's electronic documentation | Since the content of such files is mostly images scanned pdf documents can sometimes...this Lire la suite

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac

PDF To JPG Converter For Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
Convert pdf to jpg bmp gif png tif formats on mac os x pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff.

The program also let users customize the output image dpi dots per inch to get large or small size images , Pdf to jpg converter for mac is a mac application that fast converts pdf documents to image files like jpg png bmp gif or tiff / The program also let...conve Lire la suite

Alerte Nettoyage PC

Alerte Nettoyage PC pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
To download the english version of the program please download it from my website: http://programmation.

Un fichier d'aide au format pdf vous explique comment utiliser ces logiciels , Ce logiciel vous averti lorsqu'il est temps de faire le nettoyage avec des logiciels gratuits / Pour garder des performances optimales il faut de temps en temps faire le nettoyage dans son pc | Ce logiciel vous rappelle tous les 30 jours pour faire do Lire la suite

PDF Eraser

PDF Eraser pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Users can use the program to remove some original content from a pdf file and then add their text and images [...] Besides that pdf eraser has a built in pdf page cutter which allows users to delete unnecessary pdf pages , Deleting pdf documents information with pdf eraser is easy since this pdf erasing software works professionally for windows users to delete unwanted information on pdf documents.

Users only need to delete the objects they don't...users Lire la suite

PDF Rotator

PDF Rotator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1/5
With pdf rotator users are able to rotate pdf document pages properly and it supports page range rotation.

With pdf rotator users are able to rotate pdf document pages properly and the program also allows users to rotate pages in specified page range , Besides pdf rotator is able to rotate restricted pdf files and it supports batch mode so that users are able to rotate pdf documents in bulk /     features: permanently rotate...with Lire la suite

Win PDF Editor

Win PDF Editor pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
If you write text on the pdf you can change the text font size color and move it to anywhere you want on the page [...] If you find some words or images need to be removed simply use the eraser tool to erase ,     features:   add text  you can write text and move it to any place on the pdf page.

Win pdf editor allows you to set the text font size and color |   remove content there is...if yo Lire la suite

PDF Studio 7 Pro Windows PDF Editor

PDF Studio 7 Pro Windows PDF Editor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Un éditeur de pdf puissant et facile à utiliser sous windows mac linux visualiser un pdf impression recherche création annotation scan to pdf.

"pdf studio 7 pro" un éditeur de pdf puissant et facile à utiliser sous windows mac linux visualiser un pdf impression recherche création annotation scan to pdf , Un éditeur de pdf puissant et facile à utiliser sous windows mac linux / Enregistrer des formulaires ; fichiers pdf...un é Lire la suite


ModusDoc pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
2 you can scan a folder or an entire disk.

Universal data cataloger modusdoc was designed for cataloging diverse data: documents e books audio books movies photos and other files hyperlinks programs folders and notes in a database for the purpose of gaining quick and convenient access to them , Modusdoc create tree groups according to the structure of folders on the disk and the relevant records links to files / You can add any documents to...2 yo Lire la suite

PDF Combine

PDF Combine pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Pdf combine is a reliable tool to easily combine many pdf files into one.

Pdf combine is a truly reliable tool to easily combine many pdf files into one , Combine many pdf files into one in a few clicks via gui or command line / Works with any type of pdf files | Pdf combine has a user friendly interface and can be run via command line ; The powerful engine of the program makes the process of merging files...pdf c Lire la suite

RasterStitch x64

RasterStitch x64 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Use this program to create a panorama of several photographs or scan and join fragments of a paper document [...] Use this program to create a panorama of several photographs or scan and join fragments of a paper document which dimensions exceed the scanner workspace , Raster image stitching software.

Rasterstitch x64 is a utility for putting together multiple raster images stitchinguse t Lire la suite

Total Doc Organizer

Total Doc Organizer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The program is most easy to use and requires no tech skills [...] Search by part of the name date of creation language or pdf properties total doc organizer searches your pc for the right document , Search criteria include filename creation date language or pdf properties like author creator keywords subject title / Total doc organizer searches your pc for the right document | Fast.

No matter how many documents you...the p Lire la suite

Zulu Professional DJ Software

Zulu Professional DJ Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
When loading a music track onto a deck zulu will automatically scan the file for a beat and assign a beat per minute bpm and will change the tempo in the second deck for perfect synchronization.

Within minutes you will be able to load audio files and broadcast live while applying effects zulu dj software is a dj program for windows , Zulu dj software is an audio dj program for windows / This professional dj software lets you mix music and other...when Lire la suite


SharpEye pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Scan music with our highly acclaimed music scanning software sharpeye [...] You can use sharpeye to scan and convert printed sheet music into a music notation file or a midi file which can then be imported into a music notation program or midi sequencer , Sharpeye the best music scanning software / This process is called music ocr by analogy with the more common text ocr.

Sharpeye 2 outputs midi niff and musicxml files which can be opened...scan Lire la suite

Icon Catcher

Icon Catcher pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
0 is a high speed batch icon extractor and processor that can scan over 3000 icons in one minute and supports 32 bit xp style icons with alpha channel.

0 is a high speed batch icon extractor and processor that can scan over 3000 icons in one minute supports 32 bit xp style icons with alpha channel , Extended filtering options let the users set the color palette or size or combination of other parameters to make search for necessary icons easy and...0 is Lire la suite

Comfortable PDF to Text

Comfortable PDF to Text pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert pdf to text with utmost comfort via intuitive gui or command line.

Comfortable pdf to text is a new tool to convert pdf documents , Benefits: easy to understand interface / But the advantage of comfortable pdf to image is the interface | It's so easy to understand that even beginners find using it very comfortable ; Features: preserve original formatting images; resize pages; process any number of pdf files at a...conve Lire la suite

Comfortable PDF to Image

Comfortable PDF to Image pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert pdf to image with utmost comfort via intuitive gui or command line [...] Comfortable pdf to image is a new tool to convert pdf documents , Benefits: easy to understand interface.

But the advantage of comfortable pdf to image is the interface | It's so easy to understand that even beginners find using it very comfortable ; Features: preserve original formatting images; resize pages; process any number of pdf files at a...conve Lire la suite

Comfortable PDF to HTML

Comfortable PDF to HTML pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert pdf to html with utmost comfort via intuitive gui or command line.

Comfortable pdf to html is a new tool to convert pdf documents , Benefits: easy to understand interface / But the advantage of comfortable pdf to html is the interface | It's so easy to understand that even beginners find using it very comfortable ; Features: preserve original formatting images; resize pages; process any number of pdf files at a time...conve Lire la suite