product key finder portable

Product Key Explorer

Product Key Explorer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Product key explorer vous permettra de retrouver toutes les clés des logiciels.

Product key explorer vous permettra de retrouver toutes les clés des logiciels installés sur votre pc ou sur des pc connectés au réseau : windows microsoft office et bien plus de 500 d'autres produits , Product key explorer vous permettra de retrouver toutes les clés des logiciels installés sur votre pc ou sur des pc connectés au réseau : windows microsoft office sql server...produ Lire la suite

Logix Product Key Viewer

Logix Product Key Viewer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Logix product key viewer est un utilitaire gratuit qui va récupérer les clés de produit clef de cd à partir du logiciel actuellement installé tels que microsoft windows et microsoft office.

Logix product key viewer produit est distribué en freeware , Il affiche les clés de produit windows installée cd key et d'autres informations telles que : version de windows service packs id du produit date et heure d'installation utilisateur inscrit et...logix Lire la suite

Computer monitoring

Computer monitoring pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Computer monitoring product performs all detection of user’s activity in stealth manner without being appeared on desktop start menu control panel add remove program and even overrides any kind of antispyware antikeylogger software [...] * visual surveillance product regularly informs admin about recent activities of user by sending email.

Free download keystroke recorder tool to view user’s activity at remote location pressed key of keyboard in one by one or...compu Lire la suite

Free PC Audit

Free PC Audit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It extracts details of all components of the pc shows installed software with version and product key [...] Free pc audit does not require installation and can be used as a portable application.

Freeware system hardware and software information tool / Free pc audit is a freeware system hardware and software information tool | It can be run from a removable storage device such as a cd rom drive usb flash drive flash card or floppy diskit ex Lire la suite

MP3 Speed Changer

MP3 Speed Changer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Here are some key features: change tempo of podcasts audiobooks and other audio speed up or slow down without changing the pitch batch processing supports mp3 wma ogg and many other audio and video formats extract audio track from video file and speed it up preview the change before speeding up drag and drop files directly from explorer simple and easy to use user interface.

Files will be automatically speeded up and converted to mp3 so you can move them right to Lire la suite


EncryptMe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Powerful user friendly encryption software for any files: documents images etc encryptme is a software product that is used to encrypt any user files documents images etc.

Encryptme is a software product that is used to encrypt any user files documents images etc , The program uses the aes algorithm with the 256 bit key length to encrypt data / The program uses the aes algorithm with the 256 bit key length to encrypt data which allows it to...power Lire la suite

Dekart Password Carrier

Dekart Password Carrier pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Password carrier supports all versions of windows os and provides protection of your confidential data and your online identity protecting you against phishers key loggers and other malicious software.

Portable and secure password manager: supports vista protects your online id , Portable and secure password manager eases login procedures on the web prevents identity theft protects your confidential data and online identity with data encryption biometrics...passw Lire la suite

Keyfinder Package

Keyfinder Package pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Find your product key for windows office more.

Retrieve your product key for microsoft office windows desktop and server versions , The command line version allows you to save product keys to a shared network drive with no user interaction / Four keyfinders one low price | Net studio and exchange server ; Excellent tool for network administrators or businesses undergoing a software license compliancyfind Lire la suite

Exchange Keyfinder

Exchange Keyfinder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Find your lost exchange server product key.

Exchange keyfinder finds your lost exchange product key from a current installation of exchange server , This product is part of a suite of products that find your product key for windows office / Net studio and all microsoft server productsfind Lire la suite

QS Flash Magic Menu Builder

QS Flash Magic Menu Builder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This product provides tremendous flexibility by offering a wide range of parameters: each level of the menu and the submenu features have an entry effect and an exit effect you can specify how long you want the effects to last the links can be external or internal the rollover and click features are programmable and it also has a callback feature for each event which will allow you to create animation or effects linked to the menu.

Key features: editing software and...this Lire la suite


DemoCharge pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Democharge allows you to capture screen activity to create animated demos and content for the web emails tutorials presentations training materials product documentation support forums and knowledge base articles [...] Anybody can now create animated demos in minutes: casual users can capture problems live and email them to support software testers can create visual bug reports during software testing technical support can answer questions visually software...democ Lire la suite

A Better Finder Launcher

A Better Finder Launcher pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 2/5
* pressing the hot key from any application instantly makes the program appear * transparent user interface a better finder launcher provides instant access to all your applications documents and folders.

* pressing the hot key from any application instantly makes the program appear * transparent user interface , A better finder launcher provides instant access to all your applications documents and folders* pre Lire la suite

AVS Video Converter

AVS Video Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Rip and burn dvds convert video split join edit rotate apply effects! upload converted video to handhelds! all key formats are supported! has a powerful converting engine and simple and easy to use interface [...] 264 real video dvr ms flv et transferez la vers sony psp apple ipod pmp telephone portable gsm ou cdma.

Rip and burn dvds convert video split join edit with avs video converter / Rippez et gravez vos dvds convertissez la a Lire la suite


myCatch pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
12 fonctionnelle pour la famille windows nt nt 2000 xp 2003 vous retrourne le contenu des champs *** le contenu de la zone d'accès protégé le product key de votre installation [...] Système mi pédagogique mi "bidouille" windows.

Pour qui connaît spy++ mycatch ne suprendra pas / Pourtant là ou s'arrête spy++ mycatch démarre | La version 2 ; 12 fonctionnelle pour la famille windows nt contient des...12 fo Lire la suite

ActiveX Easy Compression Library

ActiveX Easy Compression Library pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This product has everything you need to compress and encrypt files memory buffers and strings.

Key features: compression algorithms wide range of compression algorithms and modes fastest compression levels are extremely fast good balanced compression levels provide both good rate and high speed maximum compression levels provide much better compression rate than zip bzip rar encryption strong encryption provided by aes rijndael algorithm advanced...this Lire la suite

Pop-Up Stopper

Pop-Up Stopper pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Simply hold down control ctrl or shift key to allow selective pop up windows but most new links should now open automatically! pop up stopper is not advertising supported nor does it require registration and no information is collected from or about product users [...] Block netscape internet explorer mozilla and desktop pop up windows.

Block netscape internet explorer mozilla and desktop pop up windows with the latest upgrade of this small tool now with added...simpl Lire la suite


CreateInstall pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You can start with the basic product using the wizards and advanced your installations based on an english style functionality driven scripting language which shares some similarities in syntax with c or php.

Exe" installation file is very simple to generate and the combined compressed resulting file carry's a tiny overhead which is also very portable across the windows range of platforms , Versatile flexible and powerful installer for producing fully c Lire la suite


ZMover pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Hot key support is provided to perform operations at the touch of a key even when zmover is hidden including the ability to send the cursor to any monitor.

Zmover stores user preferences in a small portable file , Zmover: desktop layout manager that automatically positions and resizes windows / Zmover allows you to set the size position and layering of windows | You can modify windows on the fly or give zmover a list of windows k Lire la suite

Cent Browser

Cent Browser pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Néanmoins cent browser se distingue de son illustre concurrent par ses fonctionnalités très poussées : mouse gesture : une fonctionnalité qui permet d'accéder à de nombreuses commandes rien qu'avec la souris sans le clavier optimisation de la consommation de mémoire vive super drag : une façon intuitive de faire un glisser déposer avec le bouton gauche de la souris blocage des traqueurs publicitaires version...n&eac Lire la suite

Housecall Mac

Housecall Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Un logiciel portable pour détecter les menaces sur son ordinateur mac et procéder rapidement à leur suppression housecall est un "antivirus" en ligne développé par trend micro [...] Il ne requiert aucune installation pour fonctionner sur le mac , Housecall est un utilitaire d'analyse et de désinfection développé par l'éditeur trend micro.

Le programme permet de scanner le système d'exploitation et de...un lo Lire la suite