popcorn times

Popcorn Time iOs Installer

Popcorn Time iOs Installer  pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Le célèbre logiciel de lecture de films via torrent déboule sans jailbreak sous ios l'installeur de popcorn time qui ne nécessite pas de jailbreak à télécharger sans plus attendre et avant sa disparition éventuelle.

Popcorn time est un logiciel qui utilise directement les fichiers torrent pour lire en streaming les fichiers vidéos , Ios installer fait parler de lui car cela pourrait être l'application qui va faire trembler apple: ce logiciel...le cà Lire la suite

Pocket Android

Pocket Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
L'application est aussi pleinement compatible avec plusieurs grands médias tels que le new york times flipboard buzzfeed ou google news [...] Pocket est une application gratuite vous permettant de sauvegarder vos contenus préférés pour en profiter plus tard , Pocket est une application gratuite vous permettant de sauvegarder vos contenus préférés sur votre smartphone pour le consulter quand vous voulez.

Pocket est une application disponible...l'app Lire la suite

VR ONE Cinéma iOS

VR ONE Cinéma iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
Si vous rêvez d’une salle de cinéma pour vous tout seul sans voisin qui parle sans téléphone qui sonne et sans bruit de popcorn voici l’application qu’il vous faut [...] Vr one cinéma vous permettra avec un casque vr de visionner vos films dans une salle de cinéma virtuelle au fond de votre cana une application en réalité virtuelle qui vous permettra grâce à votre casque vr de profiter d'une projection privée dans le confort...si vo Lire la suite

MSN Actualité- Les gros titres

MSN Actualité- Les gros titres pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Microsoft actualités a des partenariats avec des grands médias partout dans le monde comme the new york times ou encore le monde.

Une application pour recevoir toute l’actualité qui vous intéresse , Microsoft actualités anciennement msn news est une application pour android qui permet d’avoir accès rapidement et facilement à toute l’actualité qui vous intéresse dans une interface épurée et agréable / Microsoft...micro Lire la suite

Polices gratuites

Polices gratuites pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Avec ce pack de polices de caractère gratuites vous allez pouvoir rendre vos textes plus originaux et les distinguer des autres écrits en times new roman.

Pack de fonts gratuits pour vos sites documents et projets divers , Ce pack de polices ou fonts de type sans serif feront la joie des amateurs de lettres et de textes en tous genre surtout s'ils doivent améliorer la présentation d'un projet à l'aide d'une police de caractère...avec Lire la suite


ERP MEDICAL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Times change and the world moves [...] One thing remains sure and certain , For each of us but also for health professionals / Erp medical est une application créée pour aider les médecins les infirmières et tous ceux qui dans le monde médical qui veut gérer les patients et les consultations prévues.

Il vous permet de créer une base de données avec tous vos patients ; Erp medical est une application...times Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Filtering results by dates times and other elements is also part of the software [...] With refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , Refog keylogger for mac removes the secrecy from family computer activities.

Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating spouses can use this keylogger for mac to...filte Lire la suite

Ultimate Copy Paste

Ultimate Copy Paste pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ultimate copy paste is a windows clipboard enhancement which allows you to copy cut and paste multiple times and recall them individually as needed when needed.

Ucp is a tool which will help you copy and paste multiple objects at same time , You can select copied object from window or by pressing keystrokes / Ucp support most of clipboard objects formate text images files special objectsultim Lire la suite

GSA Auto Website Submitter

GSA Auto Website Submitter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The program is getting updated several times a month to make sure all included providers over 3600 and growing still work [...] Autom , Submit your web site to more then 3600 search engines and directories / Submit your web site to over 3600 search engines and directories | It will save you a lot of time and money since its fully automated.

Promoting your web site has never been easier : Get more customers and...the p Lire la suite


DART PRO MT pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Up to 8 times faster on 8 core computers [...] Fast audio tools for maximizing sound quality with eight restoration functions , Audio tools for maximizing sound quality with eight restoration functions and many other features.

Use it to record from any audio source | Clean up audio files with the most troublesome problems in the shortest time ; Runs on windows vista and xp : The most advanced audio tools for...up to Lire la suite

Free Old Mills Screensaver

Free Old Mills Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
There were times when the path used to be a broad road and carriages drawn by horses moved back and forth full of sacks with wheat or flour.

This free screensaver offers you lovely views of old mills! this free old mills screensaver will show you the lost path to an old mill by a small drying up river , This free old mills screensaver will show you the lost path to an old mill by a small drying up river / Do not hesitate to install this screensaver...there Lire la suite

Air Bandits

Air Bandits pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
An arcade game simulating an airplane in the times of wwii [...] Aviate your plane in the times of wwii , Resembling a nostalgic game of the 80's sopwith the game features a simple yet addictive gameplay in the times of wwii / Destroy enemy targets and supplies.

Blow up zeppelins and collect bonuses ; Survive in dogfights with air bandits! air bandits insofta games' first arcade title is now available for...an ar Lire la suite

GSA Auto SoftSubmit

GSA Auto SoftSubmit pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The program gets updated several times a month to make sure all included providers over 8000 and growing still work [...] Autom , Submit your software pad to more then 8000 archive and directories / Submit your software to over 8000 software archives directories and search engines | It will save you a lot of time and money since its fully automated.

Promoting your software has never been easier : Load a pad file...the p Lire la suite

Music Catalogue Master

Music Catalogue Master pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
It automatically downloads and enters all the available cd vinyl record and track information into its database including artist name title label release year cover art all track titles artists and track times as well as roles/credits and much more! you can create as many user defined tracking categories as you want and attach as many of these as you want to any cd record or track.

Catalogs cds mp3s lp records into database , Catalogs cds mp3s and...it au Lire la suite

Disk Recovery Wizard

Disk Recovery Wizard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Disk recovery wizard makes data recovery easily possible to anyone and recovers damaged corrupted and inaccessible disks even if you reformatted the hard drive three times in a raw! fix damaged disks and corrupted partitions recover files and data and undelete deleted files with a disk recovery wizard [...] Disk recovery and file undelete made easy with a disk recovery wizard.

Disk recovery and file undelete made easy with a step by step wizard / Disk...disk Lire la suite


Coinz! pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
So do not be behind the times play our cognitive coinz!.

A great puzzle with unique concept! idea colors addictive gameplay! coinz!try the unique game with unique gameplay! exchange different currencies using every time the latest exchange rates and always be up to the mark! have you heard about new unique game coinz! from wellgames , Com? are you curious and are always trying to be up on latest news? try our addictive coinz! game and be up to the mark! your goal...so do Lire la suite

Undelete Memory Stick

Undelete Memory Stick pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Modern digital cameras and flash cards allow rewriting photo and video files many times and sometimes important files deleted or lost by mistake [...] Undelete memory stick is the easy photo recovery software for digicams , Undelete memory stick is a photo recovery tool for helping you to recover all types of accidentally deleted or damaged images.

Undelete memory stick guarantees safety of your photos and videos | The program will help you...moder Lire la suite

Rainbow in the Sky Screensaver

Rainbow in the Sky Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Are you bored with your daily life? you surely have seen the magnificent multi colored arch in the sky many times after rain.

But do you want to explore all the aspects of this phenomenon? you surely have seen the magnificent multi colored arch in the sky many times after rain , But do you want to explore all the aspects of this phenomenon? with free rainbow in the sky screensaver you will watch this natural wonder in the most incredible environments: in the...are y Lire la suite

Brilliant Architecture Screensaver

Brilliant Architecture Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This screensaver is composed for you to find out more about the architecture of different times and peoples! just download it on your desktop and see the works of geniuses! [...] Old castles were built to protect their owners.

The bridges were made to make someone's way easier / Houses were constructed for people to live inthis Lire la suite

John Cena's Photos Screensaver

John Cena's Photos Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
But there were times when nobody knew who he was [...] Now john cena is famous as a sportsman an actor and a singer , He has reached his goal and keeps on implementing his dreams.

There is no limit to perfection! follow the example of john cena and your dreams will come true! start new life by downloading this john cena's photos screensaver!but t Lire la suite