plan project management software


PLAN GANTT pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Plan gantt est un logiciel de gestion de projets ou de chantiers sous la forme du diagramme de gantt que vous soyez architecte maître d’œuvre ou entreprise général vous avez besoin au quotidien de suivre un projet ou un chantier en tenant compte de l'avancement de chaque intervenant ou corps d'état [...] Plan gannt répond aux besoins des professionnels par une approche des projets sous forme de diagramme de gannt.

Si le maçon prend du retard il...plan Lire la suite

RationalPlan Project Viewer for Mac

RationalPlan Project Viewer for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3.5/5
Although the project managers plan and control the projects from start to end and make all the necessary changes there are some other people the stakeholders that need to check and overview the projects evolution into their smallest detail.

Rationalplan project viewer: free project management software viewer , Rationalplan project viewer by stand by soft is a free project management software viewer the perfect solution for anyone from project stakeholders to...altho Lire la suite

RationalPlan Single Project for Mac

RationalPlan Single Project for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3.5/5
Here are some key reasons for using rationalplan single project: * provides a clean way to break down your project build schedules allocate resources and manage budgets * get resources and finances under control realistic cost estimates mechanisms screening cash flow time distribution for tasks and resources * gives you a step by step project guide that walks you through the project management process so you can lay down a project plan immediately * Lire la suite

RationalPlan Multi Project for Mac

RationalPlan Multi Project for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3.5/5
Here are some key reasons for using rationalplan multi project: * manage your company's projects as a multiproject tree structure and share resources between them * provides a clean way to break down your project build schedules allocate resources and manage budgets * get resources and finances under control realistic cost estimates mechanisms screening cash flow time distribution for tasks and resources * gives you a step by step project guide that walks you Lire la suite

RationalPlan Project Viewer

RationalPlan Project Viewer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Although the project managers plan and control the projects from start to end and make all the necessary changes there are some other people the stakeholders that need to check and overview the projects evolution into their smallest detail [...] Rationalplan project viewer: free project management software viewer.

Rationalplan project viewer by stand by soft is a free project management software viewer the perfect solution for anyone from project stakeholders to...altho Lire la suite

RationalPlan Single Project

RationalPlan Single Project pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Here are some key reasons for using rationalplan single project: * provides a clean way to break down your project build schedules allocate resources and manage budgets * get resources and finances under control realistic cost estimates mechanisms screening cash flow time distribution for tasks and resources * gives you a step by step project guide that walks you through the project management process so you can lay down a project plan immediately * Lire la suite

RationalPlan Multi Project

RationalPlan Multi Project pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Here are some key reasons for using rationalplan multi project: * manage your company's projects as a multiproject tree structure and share resources between them * provides a clean way to break down your project build schedules allocate resources and manage budgets * get resources and finances under control realistic cost estimates mechanisms screening cash flow time distribution for tasks and resources * gives you a step by step project guide that walks you Lire la suite

QPack - Application Lifecycle Management

QPack - Application Lifecycle Management pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Complete and structured solution or a software project from requirements definition through design and specs to customer delivery the complete application lifecycle management solution [...] Qpack application lifecycle management requirements software solution by orcanos qpack by orcanos the leading solution for application lifecycle management alm 2.

Qpack by orcanos the leading solution for application lifecycle management alm 2 / 0 ...compl Lire la suite

InLoox Outlook project management

InLoox Outlook project management pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Inloox project management software integrated in microsoft outlook.

Inloox project management integrated in microsoft outlook , The project management software inloox operates within outlook simplifying and combining the organization of projects documents resources and budgets / Inloox provides highly effective support for everyday standard business processes: project planning scheduling and monitoring | Document management and...inloo Lire la suite


SmartAssistant pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Smartassistant is an easy to use pim software enables you to maintain a secure personal information using a stylish interface and full support for plan agent tasks/todo list contacts list private passwords memos holidays [...] Smartassistant enables you to maintain a secure personal information using a stylish interface and full support for plan agent tasks/todo list contacts list private passwords memos holidays.

Are you tired of the classic but Lire la suite

Advanced Time Reports Link

Advanced Time Reports Link pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Time tracking & project management solution to help you increase billable hours.

Atr link is a wizard style application for exporting your time tracking & project management data into different formats such as xml microsoft excel comma delimited text files and others , Atr link is a wizard style application for exporting your time tracking & project management data into different formats such as xml microsoft excel comma delimited text files and others or...time Lire la suite

TaskMerlin Task Management Software

TaskMerlin Task Management Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Task management software project management software to do list gtd software [...] See the taskmerlin project management software page , Supports david allen's gtd software and project management software system / Taskmerlin is a gtd software and task management software tool that gives complete flexibility in how you view your tasks projects and to do list.

Taskmerlin is an intuitive and easy to use task management software tool that...task Lire la suite

PlanSwift On Screen Digitizer & Takeoff

PlanSwift On Screen Digitizer & Takeoff pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The fastest and easiest digital plan management and takeoff software available.

The fastest and easiest digital plan management software available , The fastest and easiest digital plan management software available to architects contractors and sub contractors today / Load any plan from any computer throughout your network | Use see through overlays to easily line up different levels of the plan to find bearing points and...the f Lire la suite


Clarity pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Project management issue/bug tracking and wiki system for software teams [...] Clarity combines project management issue/bug/request tracking system and wiki platform in one universal web based solution with clear user interface and rich functionality , It helps to automate different everyday tasks in several areas of software development such as project management issue/bug tracking documentation and customer support.

Clarity system integrates...proje Lire la suite

Multi Project Planner

Multi Project Planner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Multi project planner contains a global plan representing the schedules of the organization [...] Upon this plan the gantt charts of the projects are superimposed , The core of multi project planner is a global plan containing the schedules of the work teams participating in the projects.

Upon this global plan the gantt charts of the projects are superimposed according to the resource requirements of the project activities | Multi project...multi Lire la suite

Easy Projects .NET

Easy Projects .NET pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Net is the easiest all in one web based project management software easy projects.

Net is the easiest all in one web based project management software , It is called "easy projects" because it was specially designed to make project management and task tracking straightforward and hassle free / Net is the easiest all in one web based project management system | It is called "easy projects" for a reason it was specifically designed i Lire la suite


TestLog pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A software tool that provides an integrated management environment for test cases and test project requirements [...] Testlogs inline reports quickly generate statistics which show the progress of your project and estimate if the project is still keeping to the schedule , An integrated management environment for test cases and their requirements.

Testlog offers an integrated management environment in which you will create and manage not just your test...a sof Lire la suite

Quick To-Do Pro

Quick To-Do Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
Quick to do pro can also act as project management software diary and remider.

Quick to do pro can also act as project management software letting you assign tasks to any user defined project and/or to a person responsible for a task , Quick to do pro is a to do list organizer with lots of unique features / Quick to do pro is an award winning small and easy on use personal information manager for windows 95/98/nt/2000/xp | Its main duty...quick Lire la suite

Intellisys Project Desktop

Intellisys Project Desktop pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 2.5/5
Project management software for mac linux unix windows.

Intellisys project desktop is an intuitive visual tool to manage business or home projects , Visual overviews and customizable reports give a precise view of project status / Intellisys project desktop has all the key functionality of ms project without the complexity and feature clutter | Intellisys project management software lets you manage your projects from mac linux unix...proje Lire la suite

ClickCharts - Logiciel de diagrammes

ClickCharts - Logiciel de diagrammes pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Qu'il s'agisse de dessiner un plan conceptuel de mettre en forme la structure d'une organisation ou de créer des diagrammes uml clickcharts est le programme convivial parfait pour répondre à vos besoins.

Clickcharts est un programme gratuit proposé par nch software nous proposons de nombreux autres logiciels de bureautique et d'infographie pour répondre à vos besoins et améliorer votre...qu'il Lire la suite