personal brain

Personal eCards

Personal eCards pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Utilisez personal ecards pour créer des cartes de vœux spéciales personal ecards est un logiciel de conception de cartes de vœux électroniques personnalisées.

Personnalisez vos cartes de vœux on aura toujours besoin d’envoyer des cartes de vœux pour faire part de ses souhaits à ses proches à ses amis et à ses collègues , Mais dans le souci d’offrir une carte unique en son genre la tendance veut que l’on...utili Lire la suite

Personal Mail Server Pro

Personal Mail Server Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Fully featured smtp/pop3 mail server program with a range of security features and options to use along with any mail client as a personal local smtp server or as a stand alone mail server [...] Smtp/pop3 mail server program to use as a personal local smtp server or as a stand alone fully featured mail server.

Fully featured smtp/pop3 mail server program to use along with any mail client / It works in the logoff mode; smtp gateways are...fully Lire la suite

Personal Stock Monitor GOLD

Personal Stock Monitor GOLD pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Personal stock monitor gold enables the active investor to quickly research track chart and trade stock market securities within the privacy of a personal desktop windows application [...] Personal stock monitor gold enables the active investor to quickly research track chart and trade stock market securities including stocks bonds etfs options and mutual funds.

Quickly research track chart & trade stock market securities / It features technical...perso Lire la suite

Personal Timeclock

Personal Timeclock pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Personal timeclock track and report your computer time or time spent for clients personal timeclock: tracks and reports your computer usage by project and category.

Personal timeclock tm can help you with client billing and can also save you money at tax time by reporting how much of your computer use was for business purposes , It can help you with client billing time management and can provide the information needed at tax time to justify a deduction for...perso Lire la suite

Personal Finances

Personal Finances pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Simple personal finance tool to let users keep track of the budget from the usb [...] Personal finances is a freeware family finance application that you can install on any usb flash drive.

Personal finances is a freeware home budget application that can be installed on the hard disk drive or usb flash drive / This program will let you keep track of all earnings purchases and help to keep track of the budget to avoid the overspending | This...simpl Lire la suite

Personal Finances Pro

Personal Finances Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Personal finances is a home budget planner and expenses and income manager for people on the go [...] Create budget that works! personal finances is a home budget planner and expenses and income manager for people on the go , Organize your financial life with personal finances and live without stress and debt! / Home finance tool for flash drives to track income expenses and plan budget.

Once installed on the usb flash drive it enables...perso Lire la suite

Personal Stock Streamer

Personal Stock Streamer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With personal stock streamer the active investor can track stocks in real time; get live technical intraday and historical charts; execute trades; calculate gains; collaborate with groups; all free w/ supported brokerage accounts.

With personal stock streamer the active investor can track stocks in real time; get live intraday and historical charts with technical analysis; trade stocks options mutual funds and etfs; calculate portfolio gains; produce capital gains reports;...with Lire la suite

Personal Informer

Personal Informer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Create your personal home page with relevant links news and gadgets [...] Personal informer is a whole service rather than just a program , Personal informer offers you an ingenious way of creating your own home page filling it with various links news information and gadgets anything you may find useful.

Whether you begin your browsing with reading the latest news visiting a set of specific pages or taking a look at the current stock indexes ...creat Lire la suite

Personal PC Spy

Personal PC Spy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Do you want to know what others do on your computer? personal pc spy is the most powerful stealth keylogger software [...] Personal pc spy runs silently at the lowest level of windows capturing every keystroke typed including usernames and windows log on passwords.

Personal pc spy is the most powerful stealth keylogger software / Personal pc spy can also capture active window text text typed in all popular instant messengers including aol yahoo icq yo Lire la suite

Personal Knowbase

Personal Knowbase pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Take control of your notes with personal knowbase [...] Freeform note management using keywords to retrieve related notes quickly.

Capture your thoughts with this freeform note management software / Easy to use yet handles a large amount of information | Retrieve related notes quickly by filtering on your chosen keywords ; Capture your thoughts and clear your head : This freeform note management software is easy...take Lire la suite

Personal Antispy

Personal Antispy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Personal antispy can provide every computer with strong protection against most types of unauthorized activity monitoring software both known and unknown.

Personal antispy doesn't use a signature based detection but it detects a suspicious software behaviour , Effectively finds and removes keyloggers stealth monitoring spy software / It effectively finds and removes keyloggers trojans and other spy software | You must remember ...perso Lire la suite

Personal Motivation Calendar

Personal Motivation Calendar pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Personal motivation calendar helps you organize your life and work by providing a simple and intuitive way to view your life flow and an effective four quadrant approach to prioritizing tasks [...] Personal motivation calendar is simple and easy to use software , Simple easy to use and effective self motivation task organizing software / It helps to set goals and pushes you to achieve them.

It helps to monitor your life flow with an...perso Lire la suite

Personal Trader 2

Personal Trader 2 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Personal trader vous permet de gérer vos portefeuilles boursiers sur différents marchés en différentes devises dollars us et australiens livres uk et euros [...] Personal trader vous permet de gérer vos portefeuilles boursiers sur différents marchés en différentes devises dollars us et australiens livres uk et euros.

Logiciel de gestion de portefeuilles boursiers / Vous pouvez acheter et vendre toutes les valeurs du...perso Lire la suite

Personal Key Manager

Personal Key Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Gérez et organisez vos fichiers et vos paramètres internet sur une clé usb.

Emportez vos sites préférés toujours avec vous , Téléchargez gratuitement le logiciel et installez le sur votre clé usbgére Lire la suite

Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Personal information manager and day planner [...] How organize the day of our life? try personal assistant powerful personal information manager and day planner.

Personal assistant will help you manage appointments to do lists schedules and more / Personal assistant uses 64 bit des encryption to keep your value information away from prying eyes | This profesionally developed and well designed event planner will track your everyday tasks...perso Lire la suite

Amusive Chess

Amusive Chess pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wreck your brain with this game! it is the most powerful chess simulator available on a personal computer.

Wreck your brain with this game! it is the most powerful chess simulator available on a personal computer playing at grandmaster level at its top strength , This chess simulator will help you to master and train chess playing skills / This chess simulator will help you to master your chess playing skills to train your intellectual capacity and...wreck Lire la suite

Big Brain Android

Big Brain Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Big brain android est une application d’entrainement cérébral qui propose une vingtaine de mini jeux pour faire travailler les deux hémisphères du cerveau.

Parmi elles on retrouve big brain développé par pocketland , La particularité des jeux proposés par big brain c’est qu’ils sont inspirés d’actions de la vie quotidienne : trouver rapidement la deuxième chaussette calculer le nombre de...big b Lire la suite

Companion : Mobile Personal Safety

Companion : Mobile Personal Safety pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Companion mobile personal safety est une application qui permet de se rassurer entre proches.

Companion mobile personal safety intègre également la fonctionnalité « i feel nervous » qui permet d’activer la géolocalisation du smarpthone lorsque l’utilisateur ou l’utilisatrice craint pour sa sécurité , Companion mobile personal safety n'est pour l'heure disponible que sur ios et...compa Lire la suite

KeyScrambler Personal

KeyScrambler Personal pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Protégez vous des keyloggers et autres dispositifs susceptibles d’enregistrer l'activité de votre clavier avec ce programme qui crypte tout bonnement la saisie keyscrambler personal est un logiciel de type anti keyloggers ces programmes capables d'enregistrer l'activité de votre clavier et par conséquent de dévoiler vos mots de passe et informations confidentielles.

  keyscrambler personal vous protègera des keyloggers lorsque vous...protà Lire la suite

Brain dots iOS

Brain dots iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 5/5
Dans brain dotz vous devrez être créatif un jeu de réflexion efficace.

Brain dotz est un jeu de réflexion dans lequel vous devrez faire entrer en contact deux boules de couleurs différentes en interagissant avec le décor à chaque niveau , Un jeu de réflexion idéal pour la fois faire travailler sa logique et son imagination / Dessinez des lignes dans chaque niveau pour faire en sorte que les deux boules se...dans Lire la suite