oxyboo serial


Serial pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Serial ou le journalisme façon enquête policière au format mp3 ou podcast.

Retrouvez tous les épisodes du célèbre podcast serial au format mp3 ainsi qu'en lien vers le service de podcast de votre choix , Vous avez toujours eu envie d'écouter un bon feuilleton radiophonique dans la langue de shakespeare? alors serial est fait pour vous / Si vous souhaitez écouter les 12 épisodes de la première saison de serial ils...seria Lire la suite

FIFA 17 Mobile Football Android

FIFA 17 Mobile Football Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
  vous allez pouvoir rejoindre des ligues et exposer vos talents de serial dribbler dans le monde entier.

Fifa 17 sur android pour les mordus de foot , Le nouveau fifa est enfin là ! créez du beau jeu en multipliant les passes et les décalages comme le barça relevez des défis et remportez tous les trophées sur fifa 17 mobile ça y est c’est le rendez vous annuel des fans de la célèbre simulation de...  Lire la suite

Serial iOs

Serial iOs pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 5/5
L'application serial pour ios pour suivre tous les épisodes.

L'application officielle de l'émission serial parce que bon il en faut une , L'application ne sert à rien d'autre qu'à écouter les épisodes de la série et éventuellement à approfondir le sujet à travers le site officiel qui met à disposition les indices recueillis par la journalistel'app Lire la suite

iWinSoft Barcode Generator

iWinSoft Barcode Generator pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
This feature is extremely useful in generating serial number and inventory barcodes.

A complete barcode solution that lets you generate and print barcodes , Iwinsoft barcode generator is a powerful but easy to use barcode solution that lets anyone generate export and print barcodes /   if you are a small mid size or large scale organization our mac barcode generator will easily create any number of colorful barcode labels in your own...this Lire la suite

iWinSoft Barcode Maker for Mac

iWinSoft Barcode Maker for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
This feature is extremely useful in generating serial number and inventory barcodes [...] The professional barcode label generator for mac osx iwinsoft barcode maker is a professional barcode label software for mac os x which create up to 20 types of barcodes.

More than 800 avery labels templates are provided / Iwinsoft barcode maker is a professional barcode label software for mac os x which create up to 20 types of barcodes | A built in...this Lire la suite

Serial to Ethernet Connector

Serial to Ethernet Connector pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Serial to ethernet connector est une solution avancée de série sur ip pour le partage de ports série [...] Avec serial to ethernet connector vous pouvez partager jusqu'à 255 périphériques série sur le réseau faisant de votre ordinateur un serveur terminal.

Avec serial to ethernet connector vous pouvez partager des ports série pour des connexions entrantes connecter un port à un hôte distant ou partager un port à l'aide d'une connexion...seria Lire la suite

Serial Port Monitor

Serial Port Monitor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Supervise l'échange des données série entre les dispositifs série et application serial port monitor a été conçu pour la supervision des com ports.

Serial port monitor d'eltima affiche enregistre et analyse tout échange des données série entre les dispositifs série et n'importe quelle application , Différents types de la représentation des données interface facile à naviguer et personnalisable complétée de la configuration flexible de com port et...super Lire la suite

I/O Ninja

I/O Ninja pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Perform and analyze arbitrary i/o operations: tcp udp serial and sniffer [...] Serial terminal telnet and a network sniffer all rolled into one with plenty of added functionality.

A combination terminal/sniffer / Handles connectionless udp including broatcasts multi node communications and moreperfo Lire la suite

Rhino Terminal

Rhino Terminal pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Rhino terminal offers emulation of different terminal types: ansi vt52 vt100 vt220 linux xterm; support of ssh telnet and serial communication protocols [...] Rhino terminal is a full featured and convenient terminal emulation client , Rhino terminal is a full featured convenient and easy to use terminal emulation client for accessing remote hosts and network devices via the telnet and ssh protocols.

Rhino terminal is a full featured terminal...rhino Lire la suite

Pro Home Manager Personal Edition

Pro Home Manager Personal Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Organizes warranty information model and serial numbers service providers [...] Organizes warranty information model and serial numbers service providers.

Pro home manager creates home maintenance schedule organizes home inventory / Pro home manager creates and manages a customized home maintenance schedule and organizes home inventory | Its expert maintenance database notifies you of household tasks ; Keeps home repair...organ Lire la suite

10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer

10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Print reports on serial numbers operating system types etc [...] Network inventory: track hardware and software installed on network computers , Inventory network computers create computer asset database / View hardware and software configuration on the network computers track changes generate and print professional looking reports on hardware and software.

Inventory network computers create a computer asset database ; The...print Lire la suite


Basic4ppc pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Basic4ppc supports a wide range of advanced features including: gps sql ftp web services networking serial ports graphics and more.

The easy way to develop windows mobile / pocket pc applications , Basic4ppc is a powerful but yet simple development environment which targets both mobile devices and desktops / Applications compiled with basic4ppc do not require any special runtime libraries pocket pc 2002 requires microsoft | Net cf...basic Lire la suite

Volume Serial Number Editor

Volume Serial Number Editor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Volume serial number editor can modify your disk drive's volume serial number [...] Krylack volume serial number editor can modify your disk drive's volume serial number not hard disk's physical serial which you can find at back of your hard disk the format of volume serial number is: xxxx xxxx krylack volume serial number editor can modify your disk drive's volume serial number not hard disk's physical serial which you can find at back of your hard disk the format of volume...volum Lire la suite

COM Port Data Emulator

COM Port Data Emulator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
An affordable flexible and highly functional emulator of com port device data! com port data emulator is a unique tool that will be a great asset in the arsenal of any developer working with serial interfaces.

If looking for a reliable and affordable com port testing and analysis tool look no further than com port data emulator! it was created for emulating a com or ethernet device generating a data stream and sending it to a specific serial com port , It was...an af Lire la suite

Serial Port Splitter

Serial Port Splitter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Allows to share dataflow of one serial port between several applications [...] Serial port splitter allows to share dataflow of one com port between several applications or vice versa to join dataflow of several com port devices to one application , Such universality is achieved by means of virtual serial ports technology.

Such program universality is achieved by means of virtual serial ports technologies | Moreover serial port splitter...allow Lire la suite

Password Generator 2008 Professional

Password Generator 2008 Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Generate millions of strong passwords serial numbers key codes usernames pronounceable passwords that strictly follow rules you define [...] Generate strong passwords using industry's most advanced password generator , Control precisely which characters can be used how often they can appear and where they need to be placed.

Control precisely which characters can be used how often they can appear and where they should be placed | Use...gener Lire la suite

Serial Printer Logger

Serial Printer Logger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Serial printer logger an efficient tool for your data logging needs! serial printer logger: an all in one solution for one or more dot matrix printers at an acceptable worth! receives a data transforms it to pdf ms rtf and saves it out with speed.

Serial printer logger can displace your old dot matrix printers and transform bytes in real time to a binary log file a pdf or a ms word file , This replacement saves you money paper consumables ...seria Lire la suite

Biometric Handpunch Manager Professional

Biometric Handpunch Manager Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Biometric handpunch manager allows you to manage all of your handpunch devices in seconds over the network modem or serial cable [...] Easy handpunch management is the application that hepls to manage punch devices , Biometric handpunch manager allows you to manage all of your handpunch devices in seconds.

Backup restore synchronize date and time setup bell schedules device calibration user enrollment and transfer | Do it all right...biome Lire la suite


PhotoSprinkle pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The program can automatically rename all files moved by serial number.

Files moved from the new party will be renamed automatically for the serial number which has a previous party , The photosprinkle is to move pictures from the cards and other external media / Photosprinkle designed for professional photographers and enthusiasts who often shoot at the camera and want to quickly and easily move files from the card to your computer automatic...the p Lire la suite

Eltima Virtual Serial Port Driver

Eltima Virtual Serial Port Driver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Virtual serial port driver d'eltima crée le nombre illimité de ports série virtuels dans votre système et les connecte dans paires via un câble virtuel null modem.

Virtual serial port driver d'eltima s'avère pratique lorsque vous avez besoin de ports série supplémentaires dans votre système ou que tous les ports sont occupés , Virtual serial ports driver permet de configurer les paramètres des ports virtuels créés directement à partir d'application ou...virtu Lire la suite