older versions of xbmc

Best data recovery

Best data recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
* micron data recovery program easily executes on older as well as newer versions of windows os and servers.

Best data recovery program gets back lost directories from virus infected drives micron data recovery application does restoration of lost directories when storage media is virus infected formatted or crashed , Best data recovery program easily retrieves missing official document audio songs video clips digital images and other typ micron data recovery...* mic Lire la suite


WinNc pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Winnc also works on the older versions of windows [...] It also works on the older versions of windows , This nc clone file manager is inspired on the dual panel concept of the old file manager norton commander.

From existing zip files it allows the creation of self extracting | Winnc a tabbed file manager for windows 7 winnc is a tabbed file manager especially developed for windows 7 ; Winnc is a tabbed file manager especially...winnc Lire la suite

Clash of Celestials Android

Clash of Celestials Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Ce dernier s'inspire principalement de la mythologie nordique mais pas que !  dans un monde semblable au nôtre les dieux nordiques et grecques ont perdu une guerre contre leurs versions maléfiques.

Clash of celestials est un jeu de rôle en ligne sur mobile s'inspirant des dieux de la mythologie nordique , Clash of celestials est un jeu de rôle en ligne basé sur la mythologie nordique / Clash of celestials est un jeu de rôle...ce de Lire la suite

Buildtopia PC Client

Buildtopia PC Client  pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
L'éditeur est même allé plus loin en proposant des versions pc pour certains de ces titres [...] Logitheque vous propose les deux versions du jeu.

Netease l'éditeur derrière creative destruction et rules of survival a proposé au cours des derniers mois de nombreux jeux battle royale sur android et ios / Un jeu battle royale axé ingénierie et construction grâce à la collecte d’éléments sur la carte ...l'&ea Lire la suite

Apex Legends Android

Apex Legends Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
Attention de fausses versions d'apex legends pullulent déjà sur google play une version mobile attendue au menu de ce free to play vous trouverez une ribambelle d'armes et d’accessoires typiques de titanfall et de nouveaux.

Pour nos lecteurs anglophones : dont' be fooled by the fake versions of apex legends on google play une date de sortie pour apex legends sur android ? pour l'heure electronic arts n'a pas communiqué sur la date de sortie...atten Lire la suite

Rules of survival Pc Client

Rules of survival Pc Client pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Il est d’ailleurs apparu sur google play bien avant les versions officielles de pubg.

Vous pouvez jour avec plus de précision à rules of survival android grâce à ce client pc netease propose désormais de jouer à rules of survival android via un client pc dédié rules of survival est un jeu d’action et de tir qui suit la tendance des jeux de battle royale initiée par pubg , C’est pour cette raison que netease a décidé de...il es Lire la suite

PUBG Mobile sur PC

PUBG Mobile sur PC  pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Une version pc du jeu mobile? eh oui  c'est une tendance entreprise il y a plusieurs mois: des éditeurs proposent des versions "mobile" mais sur pc ou mac qui tournent via un programme dédié.

Logitheque propose deux versions de l'émulateur tencent pour pubg : une version vietnamienne et une version internationale , Il s'agit d'un mode de jeu qui s'inspire du mode "king of the hill" ou "last man standing" à savoir un joueur...une v Lire la suite

Driver Updater

Driver Updater pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This simple yet powerful tool quickly detects all missing or outdated drivers on your pc and gets the latest versions installed for smoother system performance [...] What you get with driver updater: scans and updates all your driversall your hardware and devices will perform at their best driver updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions which effectively resolves driver related...this Lire la suite

A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Les terres de l'orage renly barathéon le nord robb stark le val nestor royce le conflans hoster tully dorne doran martell peyredragon stannis barathéon les terres de l'ouest tywin lannister le bief mace tyrell les îles de fer balon greyjoy braavos seigneur de la mer pentos prince norvos haut magistrat myr archon tyrosh archon lys lorath archon ...les t Lire la suite

Nero Standard 2019.

Nero Standard 2019. pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Now they can even access and restore backups created with former versions of nero backitup and make use of the free mobile app of nero backitup to simply backup their mobile data including phone data and messages even wirelessly.

The nero backitup backup combo offers local automatic backup to hard disks external storage cd/dvd/blu ray and your very own personal online hard disk for that extra bit of data security! our zero hassle backup plans cover your pc laptop tablet...now t Lire la suite

Recover Files After Format

Recover Files After Format pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
It supports all versions of both the fat and ntfs file systems [...] This program gives you the best chances of getting deleted data back intact in situations where data has been lost due to accidental deletion or even a complete reformatting of the drive , Recover files after format can both recover files or securely delete data.

Recover files after format is a complete solution for data recovery or total data deletion for those who need to remove...it su Lire la suite

Salt for Sap

Salt for Sap pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Comparing object versions monitoring work in progress and even quickly finding specific pieces of code are just a few examples of salt's powerful functionality.

Salt is a change intelligence software for sap solutions that monitors change activity and helps you know the state of change across all sap systems at all times , Salt change intelligence software for sap solutions / Salt a change intelligence software for sap solutions gives instant...compa Lire la suite

MSN Slide Max

MSN Slide Max pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Msn slide max enables you to make slideshows as display pictures of all versions of msn messenger [...] Vous permet de faire des diaporamas de photos dans toutes les versions de msn messenger , Faire des diaporamas dans msn messenger ou windows live messenger / You can search and download pictures online change personal message with pictures automatically and can even make animation as display pictures.

Vous pouvez rechercher et...msn s Lire la suite

MSN Recorder Max

MSN Recorder Max pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
It supports all versions of msn [...] Record your msn chatmate's webcam video or capture msn conversation easily.

Record your msn chatmate's webcam video or capture the whole msn conversation easily / You can also choose full screen selected window or selected region to record and upload the video you recorded to youtube directly msn recorder max enables you to record your favorite msn chatmate's webcam video or capture the whole msn conversation easily...it su Lire la suite

Password Recovery for FileZilla

Password Recovery for FileZilla pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
All versions of filezilla server and client are supported [...] Admin password of filezilla server is also shown , Filezilla password recovery tool / Filezilla password recovery is a program that instantly recovers and decrypts ftp account information including passwords for all ftp sites that have been added in filezilla client.

Proxy server passwords are recovered both socks and ftp proxyall v Lire la suite

IDAutomation OCR-A and OCR-B Font Package

IDAutomation OCR-A and OCR-B Font Package pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Truetype opentype pcl laserjet soft fonts and postscript font versions are included.

Truetype opentype pcl laserjet soft fonts and postscript font versions are included for support of windows pocket pc macintosh unix and linux , Ocr a and ocr b fonts in truetype opentype and pcl / Idautomation's ocr a and ocr b fonts were created from the latest ansi and iso specifications and include the euro symbol | We have also included...truet Lire la suite

Small Network Icons

Small Network Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Each icon has 16x16 24x24 32x32 and 48x48 versions as well as variants with and without shadows [...] There are 256 color icons for old windows versions and full color transparent icons for windows xp and vista.

Small network icons is a collection of network related stock icons / Small network iocns is a collection of network related stock icons | This royalty free collection is distributed as bmp png gif and ico...each Lire la suite

Plex Recorder

Plex Recorder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It has the following advantages: can work in automatic or manual mode automatically compressing to mp3/wma formats can save as wav pcm format record conversations either in single or dual audio track all versions of skype supported doesn't inform other side that you are recording the conversation user friendly interface free for try etc.

Plex recorder is a tool for recording skype calls in automatic mode , Plex recorder is a free to try tool that works in...it ha Lire la suite

Software Informer

Software Informer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A useful lightweight utility that creates a list of all of your installed programs and their versions then compares each item on that list against software informer's database automatically on a daily basis to identify newer versions of programs.

Whenever a more recent version of any program becomes available software informer notifies the user and offers a link for downloading the update , It also allows one to keep track of comments and questions on...a use Lire la suite

Active File Recovery

Active File Recovery pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Large disks are supported large than 2tb improved extended scan algorithms recovery for all windows versions supported [...] It recovers data as a result of having been accidentally deleted formatted or otherwise lost includes a partition recovery tool.

Active@ file recovery is a file recovery software / Recovers deleted files from damaged formatted or reformatted partitionslarge Lire la suite