name in gallifreyan

Audials One

Audials One pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
000 radio stations 3 000 000 artists 1 450 000 albums 12 000 000 mp3s including the latest charts ++ enter genre artist album/sampler name or title and audials legally delivers music from internet radio stations or via straight search on websites or just let it record your favorite music after you tell it your taste.

++record music streams++ audials one is exclusive as the only software in the audials family to offer the fastest option of downloading directly with video to...000 r Lire la suite

GSA Photo Manager

GSA Photo Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The images of the resulting list of favourites can now be managed and optimized as follows; copy your images to a working directory optionally in another format under a new name prefix and consecutive number or in a new size all standard resample filter are applicable.

Make your choice quickly and targeted within an single scroll or switch to a multiple photo preview to make your decision by comparison images can be rotated in both modes , It includes...the i Lire la suite

iWinSoft Image Converter for Mac 4.2.1

iWinSoft Image Converter for Mac 4.2.1 pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
Converted image files retain their original name automatically.

Iwinsoft image converter for mac is an easy batch image converter application support convert multiple image files from different formats to desired format in one time with a few clicks , The following image formats are believed to be supported in iwinsoft image converter: jpeg jpg svg tga tif tiff gif gif87 png png24 png32 png8 ps ps2 psd eps eps2 epsf epsi bmp bmp2 bmp3 3fr art...conve Lire la suite

Easy2Sync for Files

Easy2Sync for Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You can also filter files by folder age creation time or name and exclude them from the sync.

It detects changes in your file system and transfers them to the respective other computer , Easy2sync professionally synchronizes files and directories / Great file sync software to transfer all changed files and folders to your second computer or laptop | This tool can also create backups or automatically move files to c Lire la suite

MagicScore School 6

MagicScore School 6 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Magicscore school 5 as the name implies has been specially created for folks who are learning music but professional musicians can use it as well.

The program offers people interested in music a variety of notation options input editing printing correctness check etc , The program offers people interested in music a variety of notation options input editing printing correctness check and much more / Specialized notation software for music...magic Lire la suite


NetMAC pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Change your network settings with 1 click of the mouse! netmac is the best solution for users who needs to change network connection settings tcp/ip parameters mac address default printer computer name dns domain workgroup/domain internet explorer settings.

Netmac is the best solution for users who needs to change network connection settings tcp/ip parameters mac address default printer computer name dns domain workgroup/domain internet explorer...chang Lire la suite

Excel Invoice Manager Pro

Excel Invoice Manager Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
For example to find the customer whose name contains "bill" you can define your search as "customer name contains bill".

To list all invoices with which you sold out products that have word "billing" in the names you can define your search as "product name contains billing" in the invoices window , The pro edition of the software has built in network support / You can use custom fields feature to easily create 9 column invoice template a complete...for e Lire la suite

Facebook Friend Blaster

Facebook Friend Blaster pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Fb adder lets you easily locate friends using a name search college search business search and more.

The affordable all in one facebook friend adder , It can help you stay in contact with your friends and finding new friends has never been easier / Fb adder is a new facebook friend adder tool to help you manage your growing facebook profilefb ad Lire la suite

Make SFX

Make SFX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Enter the name of the target sfx file [...] You can create a sfx module simple in three steps: select source folder containing the files you want to pack into sfx module , Make sfx is a free program that lets you make self extracting archives / Make sfx is a free program that lets you make self extracting archives under win32 platform.

Make sfx is particularly usable for creating installation programs ; Select executable file...enter Lire la suite

Total Doc Organizer

Total Doc Organizer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Search by part of the name date of creation language or pdf properties total doc organizer searches your pc for the right document [...] No matter how many documents you have of your computer total doc orginizer will find the necessary one in no time , Total doc organizer searches your pc for the right document.

Fast | Search criteria include filename creation date language or pdf properties like author creator keywords subject ...searc Lire la suite

PDF Splitter and Merger

PDF Splitter and Merger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
* intuitive interface an easy ui enables you to quickly learn how to split and merge * merge pdf documents through an easy 3 step process add files > name new file > hit merge button * offers several methods to split pdf files [...] Pdf splitter and merger is a pdf tool developed for quicker and more efficient access to information needed from your pdf files reorganizing them in a way that makes them easier to manage and handle.

Merge pdf documents and split...* int Lire la suite

Valgetal Falling Numbers

Valgetal Falling Numbers pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A high score board lets you post your name and results.

The game's name means ''falling numbers'' in dutch: english friesian dutch german and spanish interfaces are included , Not tetris but you play with falling numbers and improve your math! valgetal "falling numbers" in dutch is an educational falling blocks style math game with 20 progressively difficult levels for addition subtraction multiplication and division / If you create a...a hig Lire la suite

Speedy Make

Speedy Make pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
A lot of tasks are automated for example the parser needs only for the name of the main source file to build a whole project.

For building software faster replace make and use makefile in xml format , Replaces make by the simplest parser and its makefile format by a portable xml document / Some predefined actions are sufficient to give tasks to the interpreter and turn xml into commands to process | Some predefined actions are...a lot Lire la suite

SEO SpyGlass Enterprise

SEO SpyGlass Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
It will quickly lay bare your competitors' link sources and evaluate each backlink page using 60 factors: alexa and compete ranks blog forum and social media mentions you name it.

Ever wonder where your online rivals get their links? find out in a snap with seo spyglass seo tool helping you trace your top competitors' link sources and finding how well each backlink page ranks in social media outlets and 412 search engines , Keep your online rivals in wi Lire la suite

SI NetworkMechanics

SI NetworkMechanics pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A unique referral whois algorithm implemented in si network mechanics provides complete information about the owner of any domain name up to the level of mailing addresses and telephone numbers.

Ping traceroute ip lookup and whois tools in a single convenient package , Get ping traceroute ip lookup regular whois and referral whois tools in a single convenient package! si network mechanics offers great ergonomics quick keyboard operation and clean printable...a uni Lire la suite

Bengal Lights Screensaver

Bengal Lights Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Bengal lights got the name thanks to ancient indian craftsmen who lived in bengalia.

A little holiday on your desktop! bengal lights the simplest way to organize a holiday for yourself your family and children , Put a holiday spirit on your desktop! bengal lights the simplest way to organize a holiday for yourself your family and children / Put a holiday spirit on your desktop!benga Lire la suite

Rapid File Renamer

Rapid File Renamer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The file name designer makes using the program easy and clear.

Simple and fast file renamer for all your renaming needs! the purpose of this program is to allow you to easily and comfortably rename a large number of files according to a specified template in seconds , The purpose of this program is to allow you to easily and comfortably rename a large number of files according to a specified template in seconds / The program can independently process...the f Lire la suite


SearchSites pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Searches multiple software sites for any given program's name and allows you to quickly and easily see where your program is listed and where you need to submit or update.

It searches multiple software sites for any given program's name and allows you to quickly and easily see where your program is listed and where you need to submit or update , The software works by sending your search query to the sites that you select from a list and opening up the results...searc Lire la suite

Fsum Frontend

Fsum Frontend pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Verify a file which has a checksum in its name ex: readme[b7b9c51e] [...] Put a checksum in the file name , This is a windows frontend for fsum / This is a windows frontend for the fsum command line utility by slavasoft.

It can calculate checksums and validate/generate checksums files ; Fsum frontend is a free and easy to use tool that allows to compute message digests checksums and hmacs for files and text...verif Lire la suite

Handy CD Ripper

Handy CD Ripper pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Customizable output file name you name it! can work via aspi layer constant and variable bit rate for output audio files media tags are supported for each audio format mp3 aac wma ogg portable version of handy cd ripper is available! multilanguage interface with full unicode support.

Built in nice cd player retrieve title/artist info from free internet cd database http://freedb , Exctracteur cd audio facile qui vous...custo Lire la suite