msi to exe compiler

MSI to EXE Compiler

MSI to EXE Compiler pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Transforme un package msi en exécutable autonome exe [...] Vous avez un package msi mais votre client désire un exe? msi to exe compiler peut vous aider ! une solution professionnel pour convertir un msi en exe avec une compatibilité maximaletrans Lire la suite

MSI Package Builder Starter

MSI Package Builder Starter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Créer facilement des packages msi avec cet outil intuitif avec interface visuelle [...] Créer des packages msi facilement avec cet de création avec interface visuelle et intuitive , Vous pouvez configurer les ressources d'installation et définir les installations avec un éditeur visuel.

Vous pouvez configurer les ressources d'installation et définir les installations avec un éditeur visuel puis laisser l'application générer automatiquement un...crée Lire la suite

MSI Package Builder Enterprise

MSI Package Builder Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Un outil pour créer des packages msi pour modifier et personnaliser des installations tierces un outil pour créer des packages msi pour modifier et personnaliser des installations tierces.

Vous pouvez construire des paquets msi manuellement à l'aide d'une interface visuelle , Un outil pour créer des packages msi pour modifier et personnaliser des installations tierces / Vous pouvez construire des paquets msi manuellement à l'aide d'une...un ou Lire la suite

MSI Package Builder Professional

MSI Package Builder Professional pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Construire des packages msi manuellement ou à l'aide d'une interface.

Un outil pour créer des packages msi modifier et personnaliser des installations tierces , Vous pouvez créer un paquet msi manuellement à l'aide de l'interface visuelle ou en utilisation des technologies de surveillance / Vous pouvez créer un paquet msi manuellement à l'aide de l'interface visuelle ou en utilisation des technologies de surveillance pour suivre l'évolution du...const Lire la suite

MSI Factory MSI Installer Builder

MSI Factory MSI Installer Builder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Créateur d'installation msi pour installation de logiciels windows [...] Msi factory est un outil d'installation de logiciels pour créer des applications d'installation msi pour windows , Créez des packages microsoft windows installer avec assistant de configuration dans un environnement visuel.

Cet outil de développement génère des installateurs wix compatiblecréa Lire la suite

ByteRun Website Compiler

ByteRun Website Compiler pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Compile your website into exe and burn it to cd.

Distribute copy of your website to users without internet connection , Easy to use compiler interface allows you to customize browser toolbar / Compile your website into windows application create cd autorun | Standalone websites runs very fast and require no additional softwarecompi Lire la suite

iWinSoft Barcode Generator

iWinSoft Barcode Generator pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
It supports the most popular barcode types such as: ean 13 ean 8 upca upce isbn issn code 128 code 11 code 93 code 39 fim codes 3 types codabar itf14 postnet japanpost customer barcode horizontal bars msi and interleaved 2of5 etc.

Iwinsoft barcode generator is a powerful but easy to use barcode solution that lets anyone generate export and print barcodes ,   iwinsoft barcode generator is a powerful but easy to use barcode solution su Lire la suite

LabelMee Software Rebranding

LabelMee Software Rebranding pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Professional software rebranding tool helps you to create new brands from existing applications in a several clicks.

Powerful software rebranding tool that empowers you with all required to create and maintain several brands for your software , You don't need source code or a compiler to start rebranding because labelmee rebrander works with compiled binary files / Professional software and website rebranding tool | It supports...profe Lire la suite

VSTO Support for Delphi Prism Wizard

VSTO Support for Delphi Prism Wizard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The vsto support for delphi prism wizard gives you an opportunity to benefit from all advanced features of vsto including its programming and deployment models ribbon designer msi based setup projects outlook form regions and office task panes.

Use this free wizard to develop vsto based com add ins for ms office using delphi prism exactly in the same way as you do it using vb , Develop vsto based application level extensions for office in delphi...the v Lire la suite


Torrent2Exe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Just enter a link or a path to a torrent file and obtain an executable file that will automatically download your torrent.

You can publish exe files on your site or blog to make the downloads easy for visitors send exe files to your friends who don't want to be bothered with installing the client or else add extra functionality to your torrent related site , Convert torrents into stand alone exe files and download them without a client / Convert...just Lire la suite

Chameleon Flash

Chameleon Flash pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Create protected stand alone exe applications or scr screensavers from swf flash chameleon flash makes a windows executable out of any swf project offering capabilities to create fully protected license managed games and programs that can be run in a window of any shape full screen or even as a full featured screen saver [...] Chameleon flash makes a windows executable out of any swf flash project offering capabilities to create fully protected license managed games and programs...creat Lire la suite


Scriptius pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Tired of doing the same sort of work at the computer? scriptius will help you to make your work automatic [...] Add the actions you want to perform to the list and your program is ready , You can even create an exe file to run on other computers / Do you want to increase your productivity? scriptius was created for just this purpose.

You don't have to know programming the only thing you need to do is specify a sequence of actions and your...tired Lire la suite

IDAutomation Barcode Label Pro Software

IDAutomation Barcode Label Pro Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Supports advanced vb scripting capabilities and connectivity to comma delimited text csv microsoft excel access sql server odbc and oracle databases [...] The entire application runs from a single exe file and has no dependencies.

Advanced barcode label design printing software with 2d / Advanced wysiwyg barcode label design printing software that supports linear gs1 databar composite and 2d barcodes including pdf417 datamatrix aztec and qr...suppo Lire la suite

AJAX and JavaScript Barcode Generator

AJAX and JavaScript Barcode Generator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Supports interleaved 2 of 5 msi codabar code 128 gs1 128 code 3 of 9 postnet planet pdf417 and data matrix ecc200 [...] The ajax & javascript barcode generator is native javascript that may be easily integrated with ajax web applications and html to create bar code images.

Because it is pure javascript no additional components fonts or plug ins need to be installed to create barcodes; it is the complete barcode generator / A barcode generator for...suppo Lire la suite

WiXAware for Windows Installer XML

WiXAware for Windows Installer XML pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Now you too can use wixaware to build msi setups [...] Installaware is first to market with an ide targeting microsoft's open source wix platform.

Wix is used internally by microsoft teams to build world class software installers such as microsoft office / Wix is used internally by microsoft teams to build world class installers such as microsoft office | Until today wix remained hard to use as it did not provide a gui but only command y Lire la suite

Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports

Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Supported symbologies include code 39 code 128 ucc/ean 128 msi interleaved 2 of 5 postnet pdf417 and data matrix.

An easy to use barcode object for crystal reports , Create barcodes in crystal reports without installing additional fonts or other components with the idautomation native barcode generator for crystal reports / The native generator creates barcodes in crystal reports without the installation of additional fonts or other...suppo Lire la suite

Barcode Plug-in for FileMaker

Barcode Plug-in for FileMaker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Supported bar code types include code 128 postnet planet itf upc ean codabar msi and usps onecode [...] This barcode plug in easily integrates into filemaker pro to add barcodes to forms and reports , The plugin is free to use with idautomation barcode fonts which are available at: http://www.

Easily add barcodes on filemaker forms and reports with this plugin | This package contains a database example and tutorial which provides...suppo Lire la suite

Acritum One-click BackUp for WinRAR

Acritum One-click BackUp for WinRAR pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
An easy to use file backup manager for winrar.

One click backup is a powerful but easy to use file backup manager for winrar , The main features are: complete automation high compression ratio 3 archive formats rar zip exe aes 128 bit encryption remote control from internet or local network dialup error notification to the admin's e mail startup service command line support customizable appearance skins and of course hdd/floppy/usb/cd dvd/lan/ftp/ ea Lire la suite


PDF2EXE pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert pdf to exe making pdf readable on any computer without adobe software.

Pdf2exe is a freeware program to quickly convert pdf to exe making pdf readable on any computer without adobe reader or adobe acrobat software installed , The conversion from pdf to exe preserves the look and feel of the original document / Features compress encrypt pdf document set password for the converted exe file disable conversion from pdf to txt exe to...conve Lire la suite

EBook Maestro FREE

EBook Maestro FREE pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The freeware ebook maker offers full support of multimedia content and various character sets to enrich and embellish your book or presentation [...] It can also restrict cut and paste or drag and drop options to effectively limit the use of your materials to a chosen interface.

Ebook maestro is a potent ebook compiler that can both frame your ideas into an effective independent presentation and protect them against changes and copyright violations / Make...the f Lire la suite