model 3d sweet home

Sweet Home 3D

Sweet Home 3D pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Prenez en main l'aménagement de votre maison au lieu de contacter des professionnels du bâtiment pourquoi ne pas utiliser un logiciel de conception 3d ? d’ailleurs ils deviennent de plus en plus facile à maîtriser tout en offrant de parfaites représentations virtuelles de vos futures constructions [...] Avec sweet home 3d dessinez les contours de vos rêves fini les bouts de papier chacun peut maintenant accoucher sur son ordinateur ses aspirations pour sa future...prene Lire la suite

Home Planet Earth 3D Screensaver

Home Planet Earth 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A beautiful and educational 3d model of our home planet! try on a space suit and get a chance to experience the awesome and thrilling feeling of looking at the earth from space described by all astronauts as extremely intense and mind boggling [...] This realistic 3d model of earth will let you do that.

This is an extremely realistic 3d model of the planet! / Space tourism is a very expensive thing | Among its primary attractions is the...a bea Lire la suite

Sweet Home 3D Linux

Sweet Home 3D Linux pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 4/5
Un excellent moyen de dessiner soi même les plans de son logement avec sweet home 3d sur linux vous dessinez les plans de votre appartement ou de votre maison avec une facilité déconcertante [...] Sweet home 3d rend le desig très facile , Sweet home 3d intègre même ses propres outils d’annotation cotation orientation surface nom des pièces.

Un logiciel gratuit pour le design d'intérieur ce logiciel libre se...un ex Lire la suite

Sweet Home 3D Mac

Sweet Home 3D Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Un logiciel libre mais puissant pour réaliser sans difficulté les plans d'aménagement de son appartement sweet home 3d est un logiciel gratuit avec lequel vous allez pouvoir dessiner facilement les plans de votre maison pour mieux l'aménager [...] Pour visualiser votre projet vous disposez de plusieurs mode : la vue en 2d la vue aérienne en 3d ou le mode visiteur virtuel.

Le logiciel intègre une large palette d’outils pour le dessin des...un lo Lire la suite

My Virtual Home

My Virtual Home pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Avoir une meilleure perception de sa future maison dans my virtual home vous souhaitez construire une maison vous avez alors le choix de démarrer le plan 3d de votre future habitation à partir de rien ou sur une base de plans prêts à l’emploi [...] L’objectif consiste à offrir à l’utilisateur l’opportunité de se balader en 3d avec un côté réaliste.

My virtual home peut...avoir Lire la suite

Home Photo Studio

Home Photo Studio pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Toutes ces modifications peuvent être effectuées d'un clic de souris ! vous pouvez ajouter des effets spéciaux à vos photos comme l'éclairage les effets de météo et même la composition 3d – une fonction rarement proposée dans les logiciels d'édition photo grand public [...] Home photo studio est un logiciel d'édition de photos puissant et facile à utiliser offrant une palette complète d'outils.

Les photos peuvent être retouchées les couleurs...toute Lire la suite

Home Cinema 3D

Home Cinema 3D pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Architecture 3d home cinema.

Avis aux amateurs de home cinema : enfin un logiciel facile d'accès pour visualiser votre future installation dans votre maison ! grâce à son nouveau moteur 3d et à son interface grand public concevoir son home cinema devient facile ! avis aux amateurs de home cinema : enfin un logiciel facile d'accès pour visualiser votre future installation dans votre maison ! grâce à son nouveau moteur 3d et à son interface grand public concevoir Lire la suite

CadFaster QuickStep 2009

CadFaster QuickStep 2009 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Cadfaster|quickstep is optimized for easy 3d model navigation [...] Cadfaster|quickstep rendering is highly optimized and user interface is perfect for interactive 3d model navigation , Free 3d file viewer with professional features.

Cadfaster|quickstep is a free 3d file viewer with professional class features | Innovative out of core rendering solution ensures that even the largest 3d files can be opened and viewed...cadfa Lire la suite

Pro Home Manager Personal Edition

Pro Home Manager Personal Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Organizes warranty information model and serial numbers service providers [...] Organizes warranty information model and serial numbers service providers , Pro home manager creates home maintenance schedule organizes home inventory / Pro home manager creates and manages a customized home maintenance schedule and organizes home inventory | Keeps home repair history which is essential information for a home sale.

Your home...organ Lire la suite

Planet Earth 3D Screensaver

Planet Earth 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
A fantastically realistic 3d model of earth with great educational content! space tourism is only available to very rich people.

A fantastically realistic 3d model of the planet! space tourism is only available to very rich people , It is a fantastically realistic 3d model of the planet! / Here is a unique opportunity to do that without having to pay 20 million dollars | You will actually get to see more than a "regular" space...a fan Lire la suite

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Who do you call? how about the home sweet home team? learn about your client's tastes create fabulous interior designs and then direct your build team to assemble it all right before your eyes! with simple controls a fun style and an easy to use interface home sweet home is o.

Create fabulous designs for clients and direct your team to build it all! learn about your client's tastes create fabulous interior designs and then direct your build team to assemble it all right...who d Lire la suite

PakMan 2008

PakMan 2008 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Watch out for freeze bonuses and monsters out to stop you! inspired by classic 80's games but updated for the millennium with 3d graphics and a great soundtrack this is fun for the whole family!.

Guide your pakfamily home through the mazes! if you love arcade games you won't be able to tear yourself away from pakman 2008! guide either pakboy or pakgirl through mazes and over bridges collecting as many crystals as possible , Watch out for freeze bonuses Lire la suite


Budget pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Budget is a personal finance application based on the proactive envelope model rather than the reactive register model used by other home financial programs [...] Manage your bills using the envelope method , Living payday to payday? can't get out of debt? finances in a mess? try a better way to manage your checkbook.

Budget is based on the tried and true "envelope" method of budgeting a much easier way to see where your money is | Tired of...budge Lire la suite

Dark Castle 3D screensaver

Dark Castle 3D screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Feel the atmosphere of gothic mystery with dark castle 3d screensaver! fill your home or office with moonlight flashing torches rumbles of thunder sound of rain and great mysterious music [...] Captivating and relaxing scenes of dark castle 3d screensaver will definitely immerse you into a gothic fairytale and evoke a storm of emotions.

Immerse into gripping and mysterious atmosphere of a gothic dark castle at night relax watching the wonderful view of mystic dark...feel Lire la suite

My Pictures 3D Album

My Pictures 3D Album pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Create 3d photo albums and share them with your friends for free [...] My pictures 3d album lets you create stunning 3d photo albums , Show your photos in an artistic environment of 3d galleries and share them with friends / Amaze them by sending your photos in a 3d presentation or placing 3d albums on your home page | My pictures 3d album allows you to create stunning 3d photo albums.

Show your photos in an artistic environment...creat Lire la suite

moove online 3D World

moove online 3D World pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
3d chat world moove online: create 3d avatar & 3d home for visit chat and more.

Create own interactive virtual 3d avatars facial expressions , Virtual decorating of your own unique 3d rooms / Create your 3d online home with webcam voice full control | Match & meet friends for 3d chat with romance flirt hugs kisses and more ; Create your very own personal 3d world on your pc you alone decide what will happen in your...3d ch Lire la suite

Atlantis 3D Screensaver

Atlantis 3D Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Make your monitor the window of a submarine and explore the ruins of atlantis! hold your breath and take an exciting dive into the magic underwater world of atlantis 3d screensaver [...] Hold your breath and take an exciting dive into the magic underwater world of atlantis 3d screensaver.

Trees have been replaced by seaweed flowers by corals and the remains of the coliseum became home to a family of sharks / Deep down below the water surface you will...make Lire la suite

3D Merry Christmas Screensaver

3D Merry Christmas Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You will find yourself in a cozy room with a gorgeous christmas tree and a little toy train merrily traveling around a model railroad at its foot.

Let your screen put you in a truly heartwarming atmosphere of christmas at home! this magnificent animated 3d screensaver will help you create the right atmosphere for the joyous holiday of christmas , Get this new hit from the developers of christmas time 3d screensaver that was downloaded over 100 000 times in a w Lire la suite

3D Realistic Fireplace Screen Saver-Feu de cheminée

3D Realistic Fireplace Screen Saver-Feu de cheminée pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With 3d realistic fireplace screen saver you can now have the unmatched elegant look of a real wood fire and supply the charm comfort ambiance and romance of a fireplace to your home or office year round [...] Download the irresistible charm of a real wood fire on your windows desktop.

This screensaver instantly brings genuine flame realism and the beauty of a wood burning fire onto your windows desktop or widescreen tv / It looks better than a real...with Lire la suite

Dream Match Tennis

Dream Match Tennis pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2.5/5
The most realistic 3d tennis game [...] Dream match tennis is the most realistic 3d tennis game , Control the ball and win the match! dream match tennis is the most realistic 3d tennis game / 0c directx compatible 3d card | You can play real tennis at your home computer ; Control the ball and win the match! *game features 2 game modes challenge and exhibition.

3 court surfaces hard grass and clay...the m Lire la suite