logitech harmony smart control test

Ultimate Boot CD

Ultimate Boot CD pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Par ailleurs memtest vous permettra de réaliser des tests de mémoire smart boot manager pour gérer les boots et explorer les fichiers ou encore cmos pour récupérer les mots de passe.

Réunissant une compilation d’utilitaires de dépannage et de diagnostic sur un seul cd bootable vous disposerez d’outils de test du disque dur de la mémoire ou encore d’un antivirus , L'outil indispensable...par a Lire la suite

REFOG Time Sheriff

REFOG Time Sheriff pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Control who accesses which applications on your pc and set time limits or prohibitions using this smart parental control software from refog [...] Set permits and restrictions with parental control software , If you are worried your children are spending too much time playing computer games or your workers are spending their time using instant messaging programs parental control software such as time sheriff is the solution.

Easy to use and install it...contr Lire la suite

MaxType PRO Typing Tutor

MaxType PRO Typing Tutor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Innovative features: 6 different typing modes visualized statistics daily and weekly reports learning time control function built in exercise library.

Learn to touch type in a quick and effective way! multifunctional typing tutor has features which allow you to test and develop your typing skills from the basic level to a professional one in minimal time , Qwerty dvorak azerty russian german learn how to touch type and increase your typing speed in quick...innov Lire la suite

Smart Parental Control

Smart Parental Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Take control over your kids through smart parental control.

Are you sure that you know how long your kids are spending by the pc and what exactly they are doing? smart parental control will allow you to control any user through activity logs screenshots and a set of rules , Are you sure that you know how long your kids are spending by the pc and what exactly they are doing? smart parental control will allow you to control any user through activity logs ...take Lire la suite

COM Port Stress Test

COM Port Stress Test pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Com port stress test is a compact and affordable tool for testing com rs232 and rs485 ports that generates an extremely fast data stream with alternating baud rate flow control rts and dtr states.

Try it right now and you won't be disappointed! if you are puzzled by having to stress test com/rs232 ports and see no easy way to do that make sure you don't miss com port stress test as it does exactly what you need! com port stress test is a compact and affordable tool for...com p Lire la suite

Almeza Time Organizer

Almeza Time Organizer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Almeza time organizer is a easy to use smart time organizer.

With its help you can easily plan and control your personal affairs as well as business projects , Intelligent time organizer and project manager / With almeza time organizer you will be able to: have a clear schedule for a day/month/year build up a clear to do structure have a clear view on your goals almeza time organizer has an intuitive tree structure | Each...almez Lire la suite

FLV Player for Mac

FLV Player for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3.5/5
Creating playlists smart as well as general is as easy as pie.

Free flv player for mac lets you fully control your flash movies and videos playback: rewind pause and view frame by frame , Download free flv player for mac and gain total control over flash and media files on your mac / Free flv player mac watch flash files in style | You can zoom the movie in for more detailed view ; It is possible to create manage and...creat Lire la suite

Flash Recovery Toolbox

Flash Recovery Toolbox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Get flash recovery toolbox and repair corrupted and not accessible removable medias using the fat file system including flash drives smart cards usb drives and other items [...] Get flash recovery toolbox for evaluation and test your chances of getting the data back by opening a flash drive of supported format it is easy and you can repair fat drives without additional instructions.

Provides flash drive recovery services using the fat file system / It...get f Lire la suite

Serial Port Monitoring Control

Serial Port Monitoring Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Serial port monitoring control library activex component spmc [...] Serial port monitoring control activex component spmc rs232 data acquisition and com port control component library modem access component , Connection sniffer and port test software library.

The library lets you enumerate all installed serial devices including but not limited to serial ports and modems | All kind of pnp serial devices as well as virtual devices are...seria Lire la suite


FlyTreeX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
5 sec! can work in bound unbound or use combination of these modes ole dragdrop support righttoleft support for middleeast breaks a barrier in 65535 of visible nodes ms treeview limited full support multiselection ole drag'n'drop and autoscroll on drag improved moveto procedure for moving nodes between different trees new style of tree: explorerbar looked like explorerbar in ms ie sectionslist nodes breaked on sections used working logic smart switched...5 sec Lire la suite


As-U-Read pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The window is small and being shown in a smart way: it does not cover any text you are reading and will disappear automatically if you move your mouse out of the word.

As you read through on screen text and encounter a new english word that you wish to know the meaning just use your mouse and control right click the word; as u read will instantly and conveniently show you the word's meaning in a small tooltip like window next to the word , The os level quick and...the w Lire la suite

Advanced eLearning Builder

Advanced eLearning Builder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
An additional feature of advanced elearning builder is test flow control which allows you to write teaching sequences that can adjust to the students' knowledge and supply students with additional information when needed [...] He created test can be compiled to exe form.

Additionally many other elements such as various types of texts graphics multimedia object linking and embedding ole and buttons ensure that your test has an attractive look and professional...an ad Lire la suite

Active System Locker

Active System Locker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Active system locker is a smart tool that allows you to protect your pc by blocking desktop keyboard and mouse.

Restrict access and protect your computer with this access control software , Active system locker allows you to protect your computer by blocking screen keyboard and mouse / Restrict access to your desktop when you are away | System locker offer flexible configuration options reminder scheduler audit and other...activ Lire la suite

Desktop Spy Agent

Desktop Spy Agent pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This tiny and smart spy software can be used at home to control what the members of your family do on the pc when you are not watching [...] Control computer activity by covertly taking screenshots of application windows , May be used for parental control or employee monitoring purposes.

Spy software for monitoring the activity of users on a pc by automatic capturing of desktop/active application screenshots and saving them to a specified directory on the...this Lire la suite

SplitBar XT

SplitBar XT pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Splitbar xt handles hosting form resizing and splitting in a smart and effective way thus providing full customization using advanced properties and events.

Individually adjust the size and position of each control based on rules you set , Add split bars panes resize without code / Build pro user i splitbar xt adds horizontal / vertical split bars and multiple window panes into your application without any code | Splitbar xt handles...split Lire la suite

GitHub iOS

GitHub iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
L'application est toujours en cours de test mais il est possible de s'y inscrire via le site officiel.

Github arrive sur mobile afin de permettre aux développeurs de suivre leurs projets , Github la célèbre plateforme dédiée aux développeurs arrive enfin sur smartphone / Retrouvez vos projets notifications et étapes directement sur votre mobile | La plateforme github débarque enfin sur mobile ; Après...l'app Lire la suite

Real Cricket 20 iOS

Real Cricket 20 iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Voici les nouveautés prévues dans real cricket 20 l'affrontement en temps réel à 2 contre 2 un mode coop pour jouer contre l'intelligence artificielle la possibilité de diffuser ou de regarder des matchs de real cricket en direct les test matchs de la coupe du monde de cricket de nouveaux commentaires féminins de nouveaux stades coups etc.

Real cricket 20 est un jeu de cricket sur mobile avec des fonctionnalités innovantes...voici Lire la suite

Real Cricket 20 Android

Real Cricket 20 Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur real cricket 20 real cricket 20 propose un mode d’affrontement en temps réel à 2 contre 2 un mode co op pour jouer contre l’ordinateur la possibilité de regarder ses amis jouer grâce au spectate mode les test matchs de la coupe du monde de cricket de nouveaux commentaires féminins de nouveaux stades coups etc.

Real cricket 20 est un jeu de simulation de cricket sur mobile considéré comme...tout Lire la suite

Reign of Dragon iOS

Reign of Dragon iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Il est actuellement en phase de développement et de test en thailande un vpn peut être nécessaire pour accéder au titre.

Reign of dragon est un jeu de stratégie dans lequel vous collectionnez plus de 100 héros différents , Reign of dragon est un jeu de stratégie dans lequel vous pouvez collecter plus de 100 héros pour constituer une équipe capable d'affronter les ennemis les plus féroces / Les jeux de stratégie...il es Lire la suite

Reign of Dragon Android

Reign of Dragon Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
N'hésitez pas à entraîner vos héros ! le jeu est actuellement en phase de test en thailande mais devrait sortir courant janvier 2020.

Reign of dragon est un jeu de stratégie où vous pouvez collecter plus de 100 héros différents pour monter votre équipe , Reign of dragon est un jeu de stratégie dans lequel vous collectez et améliorez plus de 100 héros différents pour affronter des hordes d'ennemis / Vous cherchez un...n'h&e Lire la suite