list of marvel movies

Eltima SWF Toolbox

Eltima SWF Toolbox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Eltima swf toolbox is the most feature rich swf conversion utility on the web which provides a list of ways to manipulate flash movies to fit user needs.

Eltima swf toolbox offers a great amount of features for manipulating flash movies , The software converts individual or batches of flash files into most usable graphic formats projector exe avi frame by frame jpg/gif/bmp image series or single animated gif / Swf toolbox figures an extremely...eltim Lire la suite


Cinematheca pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Cinematheca allows you to rate movies share ratings with your friends search your and your friends' collections see new movies your friends have you can use cinematheca to maintain your own movie collection and also view a list of movies in your friend's collections [...] A program for creating a movie collection and viewing those of your friends.

You can maintain your own movie collection and also view what movies are in your friends' collections / The...cinem Lire la suite

SWF Toolbox

SWF Toolbox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
These along with a variety of options make swf toolbox the best choice for creation of advanced projector files and implementing a list of other conversions [...] Convert swfs into projector exe animated gif avi jpeg formats with swf toolbox! since advanced projector is the feature of swf toolbox you don’t need to install flash ocx to view swf movies which can be compressed with toolbox in a few clicks.

Now users don't need to install flash player into theirs...these Lire la suite

Marvel Realm of Champions iOS

Marvel Realm of Champions iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Un jeu de stratégie avec des super héros marvel signé kabam marvel realm of champions est un jeu de stratégie en temps réel développé par kabam sur android et ios kabam propose un nouveau jeu avec des super héros en partenariat avec la maison des idées [...] Marvel realm of champions n'est pas encore téléchargeable.

Il s'agit d'un jeu de stratégie sur android et ios / Vous y incarnerez vos super héros sur...un je Lire la suite

Marvel Realm of Champions Android

Marvel Realm of Champions Android  pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 3/5
Un jeu de rôle d'action en temps réel avec vos super héros marvel préférés marvel realm of champions est une jeu d'action en temps réel dans lequel vous pouvez incarner vos super héros préférés le partenariat entre kabam et marvel est décidément très fructueux.

L'éditeur de jeux vidéo pour mobile propose à nouveau un jeu estampillé marvel après contest of champions qui avait été plutôt bien...un je Lire la suite

Marvel Super war IOS

Marvel Super war IOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile Mobile
Marvel super war est un moba gratuit reprenant les bases de tout bon moba et fortement inspiré de league of legends [...] Marvel super war est un moba inspiré de l'univers marvel.

Marvel super war est le premier moba du studio marvel disponible sur ios dans lequel vous pouvez incarner les héros et vilains de l'univers marvel lors de batailles en temps réel / Avec le succès que connait l’univers marvel notamment grâce à...marve Lire la suite

HeroVersus Android

HeroVersus Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Cette jouabilité rappelle un peu contest of champions le free to play de marvel sur mobile.

Heroversus est un jeu de combat facile à prendre en main qui offre beaucoup de liberté au joueur , Heroversus est une excellente alternative à street fighter sur mobile / Il s'agit d'un jeu de combat aux graphismes soignés avec une jouabilité très correcte | Heroversus est un jeu de combat optimisé pour les écrans...cette Lire la suite

DVD to MP4

DVD to MP4 pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Besides converting to standard mpeg4 video format dvd to mp4 also supports h264 video codec and most of popular video formats output like avi wmv flv mov [...] You can use this tiny tool to rip all of your dvds.

Dvd to mp4 is a windows freeware tool that rips normal dvd & blue ray dvd to mp4 and more video formats and then you can watch movies on the pc or save them much easier / Dvd to mp4 is a windows freeware tool that rips normal dvd & blue...besid Lire la suite

ModusDoc Portable

ModusDoc Portable pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
How many ways do you catalog your stuff? do you have one spreadsheet for books another for movies and still another for movies? what about documents? how do you make notes? if the number of applications you use for cataloging need to be catalogued themselves it’s time to simplify matters with today’s discount software promotion modusdoc! modusdoc is a universal catalog application that lets you organize documents e books audio books movies photos and other files in m Lire la suite

Milouz Market

Milouz Market pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
It allows to download and install automatically a list of famous piece of software [...] Milouz market est un gestionnaire d'application pour windows , Milouz market est un gestionnaire d'application pour windows xp/vista/7 32/64bit / Il propose de télécharger et installer automatiquement une liste de logiciels gratuits très connus.

Grâce à un fonctionnement communautaire il prévient si une mise à jour d'une de vos applications al Lire la suite

Audials One

Audials One pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
++record music streams++ audials one is exclusive as the only software in the audials family to offer the fastest option of downloading directly with video to audio conversion from well known audio and video portals.

Play any music streams at double speed for recording them without any loss of quality! containing no commercials and with perfect volume adjustment , Find record download and convert music movies tv series videos and radios music movies tv...++rec Lire la suite


ModusDoc pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Universal data cataloger modusdoc was designed for cataloging diverse data: documents e books audio books movies photos and other files hyperlinks programs folders and notes in a database for the purpose of gaining quick and convenient access to them.

Modusdoc create tree groups according to the structure of folders on the disk and the relevant records links to files , Modusdoc data cataloger allows creating an unlimited number of...unive Lire la suite

EMCO Network Software Scanner

EMCO Network Software Scanner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Collect a list of installed applications and updates from windows pcs in a lan [...] Liste les applications installées et les mises à jour des pc windows sur un réseau local.

Un logiciel d'inventaire qui permet de collecter des données sur les applications installées et les mises à jour logicielles des pc windows situés dans un lan / wan / Les informations collectées comprennent le nom d'application le fournisseur la version et les autres...colle Lire la suite orthodox icon guide orthodox icon guide pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
When connected to the internet you can double click on your favorite icons in the icon list to see numerous variations of it and read the history of each icon [...] Portable offline catalog of orthodox icons the mother of god and jesus christ , Being only 6 megabytes in size this free package contains 388 orthodox icons of the mother of god and 59 icons of jesus christ.

Being only 6 megabytes in size this freeware package contains 388 orthodox icons of...when Lire la suite

Your Free DVD Copy

Your Free DVD Copy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You can now backup and therefore protect all of your movies collection from scratches theft and loss [...] Copier n'importe quel dvd vers un dvd vierge ou sur le disque dur de l'ordinateur , Copy any dvd to blank dvd or computer hard drive with ease.

It also can burn dvd from hard drive to blank dvd | And it is freeware ; Copier facilement n'importe quel dvd vers un dvd vierge ou sur le disque dur c Lire la suite

Around the World: Athens

Around the World: Athens pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Marvel at the splendor and magnificence of athens by day and night! embark on a captivating journey back to ancient greece! find yourself in the heart of glorious athens the city worshipped by gods and people [...] Get a glimpse of the magnificent acropolis an enduring symbol of antiquity.

Embark on a captivating journey back to the cradle of western culture! find yourself in the heart of glorious athens the city worshipped by gods and people / Take a...marve Lire la suite

GSA Photo Manager

GSA Photo Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The images of the resulting list of favourites can now be managed and optimized as follows; copy your images to a working directory optionally in another format under a new name prefix and consecutive number or in a new size all standard resample filter are applicable [...] The resulting list of favourites can be stored with all made settings for later processing or presenting.

The selection of your favourite photos is a breeze whether for organizing slide shows...the i Lire la suite


MyLanViewer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It displays your network computers in an easy to read buddy list style window that provides the machine names shared resources and other technical details for each computer [...] It displays your network computers in an easy to read buddy list style window that provides the machine names mac addresses shared resources and other technical details for each computer.

It is able to monitor ip and show notifications when the states of some di Lire la suite

IPSec VPN Client

IPSec VPN Client pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Top features: more than 90+ certified vpn gateways full ipsec x auth & certificates support usb token & smart card features: • compliant with more than 100+ enterprise vpn router/gateways see list • easiest & fastest integration in existing networks on the market right now • full ipsec full ike • strong authentication: x auth certificates preshared key usb token hybrid authentication method • strong encryption: des 3des f Lire la suite

Software Informer

Software Informer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
A useful lightweight utility that creates a list of all of your installed programs and their versions then compares each item on that list against software informer's database automatically on a daily basis to identify newer versions of programs.

Whenever a more recent version of any program becomes available software informer notifies the user and offers a link for downloading the update , It also allows one to keep track of comments and questions on...a use Lire la suite