lg tv hdmi not working

LG PC Suite

LG PC Suite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Le logiciel officiel de lg qui permet de connecter son smartphone à son ordinateur.

Lg propose son propre logiciel pour gérer son smartphone lorsque celui ci est relié à son ordinateur , Il répond au nom de lg pc suite et permet de transférer des photos vidéos et musique très facilement / Si vous avez acquis un smartphone de marque lg vous avez certainement remarqué qu’il vous fallait un logiciel pour faire interagir votre...le lo Lire la suite

Apple TV+ Android

Apple TV+ Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
La version android tv d'apple tv+ n'est pas encore disponible mais il est probable qu'apple la propose en partenariat avec les leaders du secteurs à savoir lg et samsung sur des téléviseurs de ces marques [...] Apple tv est un service de vidéo à la demande par abonnement conçu par apple , Apple tv+ n'est pas une application mais plutôt une composante de l'application apple tv accessible sur la box apple tv et sur ios.

En...la ve Lire la suite

AllCast iOS

AllCast iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Comment ? grâce à l’utilisation d’une clé hdmi comme la chromecast de google ou d’un appareil de type xbox one apple tv roku amazon fire tv ou encore wdtv.

Visualisez sur votre télé les photos et vidéos de votre iphone ou votre ipad via l’application ios gratuite allcast , Et si vous profitiez du grand écran de votre télévision pour regarder les vidéos et les photos de votre appareil ios ? c’est en tout cas...comme Lire la suite

AllCast Android

AllCast Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Compatible avec chromecast apple tv ou encore xbox one elle offre aux utilisateurs la possibilité d’écouter leur musique sur leur télé et de voir leurs photos et leurs vidéos.

Comment ? grâce à l’utilisation d’une clé hdmi de type chromecast ou encore via l’apple tv la xbox 360 et xbox one ou le fire tv d’amazon , Envoyez vos photos vidéos musiques de votre smartphone vers votre télévision grâce à...compa Lire la suite

TriDef 3D

TriDef 3D pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Il fonctionne avec des appareils de marques connues dans le domaine telles que sony lg intel hp ainsi que samsung.

Tridef 3d est un convertisseur multimédia capable de convertir n’importe quelle vidéo photo ou jeu 2d en 3d pour pc tv mobile faites l’expérience de la 3d sur votre tv pc et appareils mobiles en téléchargeant la version d’essai de tridef 3d , Dôté d’une technologie intelligente il transforme ainsi vos films...il fo Lire la suite


ControlHDDA34 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Cet très bon appareil a pour but de partagerle signal hdmi entre plusieurs systèmes tv vidéo projecteurs.

Controleur rs232 pour octava 3x4 hdmi distribution amp , Controlhdda34 est un programme contrôlant le module octava 3x4 hdmi distribution amp / Il utilise le port rs232 | Il est dommage qu'une liaison rs232 soit disponible mais qu'aucun logiciel à ma connaissance ne l'exploite ; C'est pour cela que j'ai créé...cet t Lire la suite

ZC DVD Ripper

ZC DVD Ripper pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It's the best choice for converting dvd to ipod iphone mobile phone pocket pc psp zune apple tv ect [...] Zc dvd ripper is dvd ripper all in one solution program that's not only a dvd ripper but also a dvd audio ripper , Zc dvd ripper is an easy to used dvd ripper all in one solution program.

It can convert dvd to more than 40 kinds of popular video and audio formats such as avi divx xvid mp4 wmv asf mpeg 3gp mp3 | The...it's Lire la suite


CDBFAPI.DLL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
It does not require any drivers [...] The library does not require any ado/bde/odbc or other drivers which allows for much easier configuration and a great deal of confidence that your program will run properly on most windows platforms , Powerful library for working with dbf files.

When you write your program there is no need to include multiple database drivers with it so your creation will be leaner and more efficient than ever before possibleit do Lire la suite

Wondershare PPT to Video

Wondershare PPT to Video pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wondershare ppt to video can convert powerpoint presentations to almost all popular video formats and devices such as mpeg mpeg 1 mpeg 2 avi mp4 wmv mov 3gp ipod iphone zune psp pocket pc apple tv with excellent quality wondershare ppt to video is an all in one powerpoint to video converter.

It can convert powerpoint presentations to almost all popular video formats such as mpeg mpeg 1 mpeg 2 avi mp4 wmv mov 3gp ipod iphone zune psp pocket pc apple tv with...wonde Lire la suite


wodCrypt pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It's not smart way to protect the data but it's necessary to make encrypted text open to other decryption tools for you to get the results as expected.

Working with blobs wodcrypt works with blobs binary large objects it doesn't have to be big of course when it comes to data manipulation , Optimized code besides working in regular way without random padding and internal wrapping wodcrypt can work in optimized mode as well / Wodcrypt is...it's Lire la suite

anyTV Free

anyTV Free pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Watch tv on your pc [...] Watch local tv world tv live tv satellite tv from countries of all world in different languages on your pc with anytv not just at home but at the office work or wireless , Watch 2630+ online tv 6910+ video clips / Watch 2630 online tv 6910 video clips.

Using anytv means you can watch numerous of international tvs without a television tv tuner card or a satellite receiver ; No extra equipment...watch Lire la suite

Flexi-Station Employee Management

Flexi-Station Employee Management pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Hours can also be entered manually if the employee is not working at a computer.

Logs employees working hours and more with this modern time card replacement , Flexi server works perfectly with home or remote working staff / Flexiserver is software for automatic employee time attendance logging | For staff who work at computers it does all hours logging automatically ; It records log on and shut down times as worked...hours Lire la suite

RocketReader Vocab American Edition

RocketReader Vocab American Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is not easy to prepare for this component of the sat.

Start working on increasing your vocabulary today! , Vocabulary builder great for sat prep! rocketreader vocab is a vocabulary builder that allows you to learn a broad range of powerful words create your own lessons to train yourself on your own vocabulary sets great for sat and to learn correct pronunciations / Develop a broad and powerful vocabulary with rocketreader vocab! the ability...it is Lire la suite


CamPermanent pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
The number of cameras is not restricted [...] It supports webcams netcams ip cams and all video devices which are working with an up to date driver for windows.

It supports webcams netcams ip cams still picture & motion jpeg & mpeg4 mode and all video devices which are working with an up to date driver for windows / The functions which are started at detection are: video recording picture capturing external program execution sound playing ftp...the n Lire la suite


ALShow pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
And with alshow tv out functionality you can watch pc videos and movies on your tv [...] If you do not have the right codecs or video filters alshow can recognize them and automatically help you download the right codecs and filters quickly , So you do not have to search the internet for video codecs.

Codecs included movie player plays videos without searching for codecs | The alshow codecs included movie player plays any video for you...and w Lire la suite

Loco Christmas Edition

Loco Christmas Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Load santa's trains with gifts for christmas! save christmas! santa's workshop is running at full capacity but production is not enough for christmas eve! thousands could be left without presents! help santa stock christmas gifts by loading trains passing through towns.

Elves are working overtime but alas production is not enough for christmas eve! thousands could be left without presents and you might be one of them! trains will be passing through every town headed for...load Lire la suite

Complete Mail Server

Complete Mail Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Simply add all your smtp servers that you use in different places to the unlimited list of gateway servers and the program will always find a correct smtp server wherever you connect your pc to the internet with any type of connection; so you do not have to modify smtp settings of your email program each time you change isps.

The smtp and pop3 services can work as nt services and will keep working in the logoff mode , Get professional smtp/pop3 mail server for...simpl Lire la suite


iNetFormFiller pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
But the objective gets more complicated if you have not only fill intermediate forms but even choose links in the text to make the following step to the main form [...] There may be many of such steps and in this case the problem would not by solved by any of existing online formfilling software.

None but inetformfiller that is capable of not only recording the process of formfilling but even checking the links you click so that to reproduce all your actions in...but t Lire la suite

Enterprise Mail Server

Enterprise Mail Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
After you enable the testing mode the server will accept your email messages store them in the queue but will not deliver them to the actual recipients [...] If the program can not deliver your email message directly it will try to deliver it through smtp gateway servers.

The smtp and pop3 services work as nt services therefore they will keep working in the logoff mode / High performance smtp pop3 server program designed for large enterprises and isp...after Lire la suite

ViPNet Safe Disk

ViPNet Safe Disk pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Vipnet safe disk does not only guarantees reliable confidential information storage and processing moreover it supports additional information security features: a the system is invisible for a pc user: while non activated the system cannot be seen only connected device of data storage reader for example can show presence of the system ; b when requested for real password use the one for "under control" mode [...] In the working process the system is creating files so...vipne Lire la suite