keep vidz

Keep Out 3D Screen Savers Collection

Keep Out 3D Screen Savers Collection pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Keep out 3d screen savers collection is a spooky savers collection for the dark humor lovers [...] If you want to know which category you fall in download keep out 3d screen savers collection and observe for your own reaction.

Collection d'écran de veille 3d avec une touche d'humour pour halloween / 3d skulls bones and jack o'lantern are served to you just in time for halloween | Each screensaver comes with cool sound effects and cool 3d...keep Lire la suite

Haven : Keep Watch iOS

Haven : Keep Watch iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Gratuite et open source haven : keep watch s'adresse avant tout aux personnes qui craignent au quotidien pour leur intégrité et celle des données qu'elles manipulent.

Haven : keep watch n'est pas encore disponible sur ios mais une version serait déjà en cours de développement , Et si une application vous permettait de transformer votre iphone en outil de protection edward snowden a développé avec micah...gratu Lire la suite

Haven : Keep Watch Android

Haven : Keep Watch Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 5/5
Haven : keep watch utilise les micros les capteurs vidéos les capteurs de luminosité ainsi que l’accéléromètre du smartphone.

Snowden a mis au point une application permettant aux personnes susceptibles de subir des pressions de préserver leur sources ai une application qui permet de détecter les mouchards dans l'environnement physique des personnes qui craignent pour leur vie privée , Haven est une application...haven Lire la suite


PCSpeedUP pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Add an extra speed boost for real time effect we included automatic tools you can enable to keep your pc running at optimal speed.

They keep your memory and cpu consumption optimized for current tasks help your files open and save faster thanks to live disk management and reduce computer shutdown time , Pcspeedup helps to work your pc faster / The one solution to all your pc speed issues! pcspeedup diagnoses your windows system improves...add a Lire la suite

Google Keep

Google Keep pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4.5/5
Google keep est une application de prise de notes se positionnant dans la même lignée que son concurrent evernote [...] Google keep est un service de prise de notes entièrement gratuit utilisable en ligne ou depuis votre smartphone android.

Google keep offre également la possibilité de modifier l’agencement de vos notes via un simple glisser/déposer / Ainsi quel que soit votre niveau en informatique vous n’aurez...googl Lire la suite

Synchredible 5.100

Synchredible 5.100 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
This way you can keep your files in sync automatically! over the years our state of the art technology in synchredible has made copying files easy [...] Synchronize your folders and drives , Synchronize your folders and drives in a quick and easy way.

Whether it's an individual file or an entire drive synchredible will synchronize copy and save them for you | A software wizard will assist you to determine jobs that are either pre...this Lire la suite


Quizmaster pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Keep going until you get one wrong.

Cinq quiz amusants pour l'apprentissage avec un logiciel de qcm , Cinq quiz amusants pour l'apprentissage avec un logiciel de test à choix multiples et un éditeur pour créer vos propres quiz et tests / Trois jeux de quiz à deux joueurs : connexions serpents et échelles et courses | Deux jeux quiz de plus pour un joueur: millionnaires et "the sky's the limit ; " douze quiz...keep Lire la suite


BastaPix pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Bastapix runs anchored in the system tray so you can keep it hidden while you focus on your work and bring it up instantly when you need it [...] Utilitaires de capture écran , Bastapix est une collection d'outils intégrés pour l'écran avec une loupe une jauge une capture d'écran un sélecteur de couleur la visualisation du presse papiers.

Le logiciel que doivent avoir les graphistes ingénieurs et amateurs | Bastapix is an...basta Lire la suite

DWG Recovery Toolbox

DWG Recovery Toolbox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
You may keep on working with backup copies like before and use this application to restore the latest modifications that are absent in regular backups [...] Analyzes dwg files allows saving this data into clean illustrations.

Dwg recovery toolbox provides friendly image recovery services for engineers and other users working in autocad / This program allows repairing dwg files it makes sense even some backups are available this tool recovers the m Lire la suite

Platinum Hide IP

Platinum Hide IP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Use platinum hide ip to keep your real ip address hidden surf anonymously secure all the protocols on your pc and provide full encryption of your activity while working in internet all with the click of a button without any configuration [...] Use platinum hide ip to keep your real ip address hidden surf anonymously secure all the protocols on your pc provide full encryption of your activity while working in internet and much more all with the click of a button without any...use p Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Parental controls on the mac may be able to keep your children safe from some sites but not all of them.

With refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , Refog keylogger for mac removes the secrecy from family computer activities / Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating spouses can use this...paren Lire la suite

Auslogics Antivirus

Auslogics Antivirus pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Auslogics antivirus must have antivirus protection against all threats! auslogics antivirus is a comprehensive antivirus protection tool that will keep your pc safe from known and unknown threats.

Auslogics antivirus is a comprehensive antivirus protection tool that will keep your pc safe from known and unknown threats , It can detect all kinds of viruses spyware trojans and identity theft in real time without slowing down your computer / With its...auslo Lire la suite

DBSync for SQLite and MSSQL

DBSync for SQLite and MSSQL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Insert sync update sync and drop sync features enable you to accomplish overall synchronization and to keep distributed databases in agreement.

Bi directional synchronization and conversion tool for sqlite & ms sql databases dbsync for sqlite and mssql converter and synchronizer provides sqlite to ms sql and ms sql to sqlite data migration and synchronization with the ability to choose particular tables to be converted by configuring options in a wizard like...inser Lire la suite

Chrysanth Mail Manager

Chrysanth Mail Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Chrysanth mail manager is a very effective email management software to help users keep mailboxes from junk emails [...] Effective email management for a junk email free mailbox.

This email management software identifies filters and stops junk emails on email server without having to download the junk emails / This saves time and resources conserves bandwidth and makes everyone more productive and email more useful | It's extremely...chrys Lire la suite

Small Online Icons

Small Online Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Crystal crisp and utterly attractive these icons will always keep your site fresh and elegant [...] The small online icons will breathe new life and colors into your web site.

The small online icons is an excellent set of icons that will help you change the way your site looks / Available in a variety of resolutions | The small online icons is an excellent set of icons related to the internet and online...cryst Lire la suite

Accurate Printer Monitor

Accurate Printer Monitor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Accurate printer monitor an efficient tool for your printer monitoring needs! accurate printer monitor enables companies to monitor log and keep track of all documents printed as well as the employee who printed them respectively.

Accurate printer monitor: a good utility for printers logging at an acceptable price! accurate printer monitor enables companies to keep information log and monitor of all printing jobs as well as the employee who printed them...accur Lire la suite

Amelies Cafe

Amelies Cafe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Feed the famished masses! create the hippest hangout in town as you feed the famished masses! amelie's cafe will satisfy your craving for fast paced fun! feed the famished masses in amelie's cafe! you'll have to stay on your toes as you take orders tell your cooks what to make deliver the food and keep the joint shining like a new penny.

Amelie's cafe will satisfy your craving for fast paced fun!feed Lire la suite

In The Depth Screensaver

In The Depth Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Underwater sea creatures keep these secrets and unwillingly open them to strange visitors.

Download free aquarium screensaver now! the bosom of the sea hides deep secrets , Install aquarium screensaver and reveal sea mystery deep into the depth / Fish crabs horsefish and sea turtles will guide you to secret world | Download free aquarium screensaver now!under Lire la suite

LinkAssistant Enterprise SEO Tool

LinkAssistant Enterprise SEO Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Link building software to find evaluate and keep in touch with link partners.

Webmasters work hard to build links but you don't have to linkassistant link building tool does a large chunk of work for you: finds quality link prospects sends out personalized link requests in one click and lets you keep in touch with your link partners using the tool's built in mail client , Get linkassistant link building seo software and quickly find great sites to exchange Lire la suite

Software Informer

Software Informer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It also allows one to keep track of comments and questions on corresponding software ensuring effortless integration into the fast growing community.

Notifies about software updates allows you to track comments and questions , A useful lightweight utility that creates a list of all of your installed programs and their versions then compares each item on that list against software informer's database automatically on a daily basis to identify newer versions al Lire la suite