jre from java


Benetl pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Benetl has been written in java and requires a jre 1.

With benetl you can easily extract transform and load data from your datasource files , Benetl is a free etl tool to easily manage text files / Benetl is a free etl tool | It helps to easily manage ; Csv / : Txt / [...] Xls datasource files , 6 to run / You can contribute through benetl's forumsbenet Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Restores system stability errors and crashes are a thing of the past like an experienced surgeon pcsuite employs precision tools to carefully remove corrupt keys and invalid entries from the windows registry taking care not to damage anything vital.

Protects your privacy your system is more secure from hackers most of us are concerned about personal information getting into the wrong hands , Guards smooth performanceyour pc stays fast and stable for all your...resto Lire la suite


Verbes pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Il nécessite d'avoir la dernière jre de java installée sur son ordinateur et fonctionne sous tout type d'ordinateur indépendemment du type de système d'exploitation linux windows xp/vista/7/8 mac os.

Le programme se lançant dans la jre de java il ne nécessite aucune installation sur l'ordinateur , Logiciel de conjugaison logiciel permettant de rechercher et d'afficher la conjugaison de 7000 verbes...il n& Lire la suite


QuickEdit.jar pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Systèmes: windows ou mac avec java préinstallé controler l'installation ou télécharger gratuitement java jre sur http://www.

Freeware programme java pour windows et mac bilingue f/d • inscrit directement la description de l'image et la liste des personnes présentes dans les métadonnées ghif/exif du fichier image jpg png et exploite ces informations impression et copier/coller du calque avec la liste des noms diapo avec défilement des noms sur...systà Lire la suite


SimpleIPC pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Net com or java so it provides a simple interop from java or com to [...] Run unstable code in an expendable worker process , Interop / Net and java | Simpleipc is a development platform which allows you to have some of your application's work performed in an external process ; If there is a process crash it will be one of the external processes rather than your app.

Simpleipc uses [...] Net...net Lire la suite

LabelMee Software Rebranding

LabelMee Software Rebranding pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Professional software rebranding tool helps you to create new brands from existing applications in a several clicks.

Net java delphi and database applications and doesn't require your application source code , Net java delphi and even databases / Professional software and website rebranding tool | It supports c/mfc ; Powerful software rebranding tool that empowers you with all required to create and maintain several...profe Lire la suite

GS1 DataBar Barcode Font

GS1 DataBar Barcode Font pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Generate all gs1 databar barcode types from a single font.

Com allows easy generation of databar barcodes from a truetype postscript opentype or pcl font within windows mac linux and unix systems , Net vb java and c++ / Com/fonts/databar/ and includes encoders in vb java c++ and | The gs1 databar barcode font by idautomation ; The download includes encoders for : Com includes truetype opentype ...gener Lire la suite

DataMatrix ECC200 Font and Encoder

DataMatrix ECC200 Font and Encoder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Idautomation's datamatrix symbology barcode fonts allow printing of two dimensional datamatrix barcodes from ms windows or any computer with a java vm with truetype bdf fon postscript or pcl laserjet soft fonts [...] Net forms control dll and java library plus examples for excel word access java , Collection of fonts and components to generate ecc200 data matrix barcodes.

Idautomation's datamatrix barcode font uses idautomation vertical interleaved...idaut Lire la suite

MAC Universal Barcode Font

MAC Universal Barcode Font pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Create multiple barcode types on the mac from a single advanced font.

The idautomation universal barcode font package creates multiple barcode types from a single advanced font , Java c++ and applescript source code are available in the purchased version / Create several different barcode types with this single advanced bar code font | Supports several barcode types including code 128 gs1 128 ean 128 code 39 interleaved 2 of 5 msi ...creat Lire la suite


MoSync pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This version of mosync makes it possible to automatically port applications from c or c++ to java mosync makes development of mobile applications and content easier faster and cheaper.

This version of mosync makes the vast ecosystem of c/c++ libraries accessible to mobile developers even when targeting java! mosync makes it possible to automatically port applications that you have written in c or c++ to java or symbian , Download mosync non commercial for java for...this Lire la suite


RDM+ pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Rdm+ remote desktop for mobiles allows you to access remotely your desktop or laptop computer from java powered phones and symbian mobiles.

Easy to use reliable and secure remote access software for mobile phones , You can send and receive emails surf web edit documents in word processor copy cut paste files or folders and do hundreds other things that you typically do sitting in front of your home or office computer / Interface is user...rdm+ Lire la suite

oXygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger

oXygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
It offers a powerful code insight that can follow a dtd relax ng or an xml schema or even can learn the structure from a partial edited document [...] Oxygen provides support for importing database content microsoft excel sheets and legacy text data files into xml documents and also for generating xml schema from database tables.

Oxygen is a java based xml editor and xslt debugger with support for xsd dtd / Oxygen is an xml editor xslt/xquery debugger...it of Lire la suite


VirtFire pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Add some virtual fire to your web site! make your web site or even a simple html page more attractive with a supreme effect that makes your messages fly from the fire and on a background of fire! you can use virtual fire for generating words and move words in any direction! make your web site or even a simple html page more attractive with a superb effect that makes your messages fly from the fire! you are able to use virtual fire for generating words and moving words in any direction! you...add s Lire la suite


SWAS XGQL pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Prérequis: une jre java runtime environement doit être installée [...] Serveur http et base de données prêts à l'emploi utilisant le langage xgql , Swas xgql permet de créer très rapidement votre propre site web en fournissant tous les outils pour vous simplifier la tâche en une seule application.

Swas xgql inclut un serveur http et une base de données déjà interconnecté et paramétré | Swas xgql permet de créer très...prér Lire la suite

Java Chart Designer

Java Chart Designer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Charts creation process is greatly alleviated thanks to convenient chart wizard which guides you through all steps: from excel like data source setting to resulting chart file [...] Create professionally looking presentations and reports with java chart designer java chart designer is a powerful feature rich charting java application which lets you create charts for professionally looking presentations and reports that can be easily integrated into website as java applet java apps...chart Lire la suite

Complete Mail Server

Complete Mail Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It works along with any email program or mailer and offers a lot of security features and options to allow you to protect the server from the outside and restrict the spam activity [...] Friendly user interface of the program can be installed separately from the smtp and pop3 services to give you ability to manage each of the server installations from a single pc.

For example this feature can be useful for developers to debug the scripts written with php perl java or...it wo Lire la suite

Eltima Java/SWING Components

Eltima Java/SWING Components pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Extend standard visual library with new styles from eltima java/swing components eltima java/swing components add a wide range of new styles to the standard set of visual components library to make your software look different [...] Eltima java/swing components extend the standard set of visual java library components offering new ways to present your creativity to clients.

You can add new attractive styles to your software buttons color dialogs and integrate eltima...exten Lire la suite

Advanced Graph and Chart Collection

Advanced Graph and Chart Collection pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The applets and servlets can acquire data from a variety of sources including · files · databases · scripts and server side processes eg.

Enabling web authors & java developers to easily build and publish dynamic interactive graphs & charts , Add powerful reporting features to your web / intranet pages and applications / With the advanced graphing package you will be quickly adding impressive dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data...the a Lire la suite


JavaExe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4.5/5
Il est également possible de fournir votre application java avec un jre afin de la rendre automone quelque soit la configuration du système client.

Principales fonctionnalités de javaexe :   * support des jre 64bits , Permet de lancer votre application java en / Javaexe permet de lancer une application java à partir d'un | Windows pourra ainsi manipuler votre application java au même titre que n'importe...il es Lire la suite

Dynasty Legends : True Hero Rises from Chaos Android

Dynasty Legends : True Hero Rises from Chaos Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Un arpg avec plus de 50 personnages des combats violents et des combos impresionnants dynasty legends : true hero rises from chaos est un arpg proposant une expérience de combat très immersive dragalia lost sortira t il un jour en france ? nintendo communique très peu sur le jeu depuis sa publication en 2018 dans certaines régions d'asie et aux états unis.

Dans une telle situation des éditeurs moins prestigieux que la firme nipponne ont leur carte...un ar Lire la suite