intel wifi connection utility

Intel SSD Toolbox

Intel SSD Toolbox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
La boîte à outils de référence dédiée aux ssd dans le monde des unités de stockage intel se démarque par ses disques de qualité et propose ainsi sa boîte à outils d’unité de stockage ssd.

Nommé intel ssd toolbox cet outil s’agit sûrement d’un élément nécessaire à tous les utilisateurs de ssd intel , Intel ssd toolbox se différencie de ses voisines unités de stockage puisqu’il vous propose une meilleure optimisation bo Lire la suite

Phoenix OS

Phoenix OS pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Voici comment fonctionne phoenix os téléchargeable sous la forme d'un fichier d'installation classique ou d'une image disque phoenix os va s'installer comme s'il s'agissait d'un système d'exploitation complémentaire sur l'ordinateur équipé d'un processeur intel x86 [...] Utilisez le wifi ou l'ethernet du pc pour ne jamais tomber en panne durant une partie ou prenez l'ascendant sur vos adversaires en utilisant le combo clavier/souris ce...voici Lire la suite

Wifi Network Backup Manager Utility

Wifi Network Backup Manager Utility pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Wifi network backup manager utility est un logiciel permettant de réaliser des sauvegardes de vos connexions wifi afin que vous ne perdiez pas vos identifiants et mots de passe en cas de formatage de votre ordinateur.

En effet chaque connexion à un réseau wifi requiert un identifiant et un mot de passe qu’il ne faut pas oublier , C’est pourquoi wifi network backup manager utility permet de sauvegarder l’ensemble de vos...wifi Lire la suite

Faceless Internet Connection

Faceless Internet Connection pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
Lorsque vous êtes en déplacement il arrive que vous vous connectiez à des réseaux wifi non sécurisés.

Faceless internet connection permet aux utilisateurs de surfer anonymement sur internet grâce à la création d’un réseau sécurisé , Faceless internet connection est une solution qui permet de sécuriser son réseau internet tout en se dissimulant aux yeux du monde / Faceless internet...lorsq Lire la suite

Faceless Internet Connection

Faceless Internet Connection pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
En cas d’utilisation d’un réseau wifi public vous évitez ainsi différents risques comme le vol d’informations [...] Faceless internet connection est un logiciel qui utilise le procédé du peer to peer pour camoufler votre identité.

Faceless internet connection vous permet de créer un réseau vpn chez vous / Avis aux amateurs… faceless internet connection permet également de...en ca Lire la suite

SMS Gateway - Enterprise

SMS Gateway - Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The software can send and receive up to 400 sms messages per second on an intel p4 pc.

Sms gateway for high capacity smsc connection over smpp ucp cimd2 or gsm modem sms gateway for high capacity smsc connections over smpp ucp cimd2 or gsm modems , This connection is possible over the internet or over a leased line dedicated to the sms gateway connection / Ideal platform for sms notification two way sms systems or for becoming an sms service...the s Lire la suite

WiFi Guardian

WiFi Guardian pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Surf securely through wifi hotspots or regular connections [...] Surf securely through wifi hotspots or regular connections and protect your privacy by encrypting your internet traffic.

It displays to anyone who tries to find you and whatever you are looking at as if you were accessing the internet connection somewhere else in the world / Your personal information bank accounts credit card numbers passwords are now protected | Lire la suite

Recovery Toolbox for Outlook

Recovery Toolbox for Outlook pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Besides it may convert ost files into pst documents offline without the physical connection to mail server [...] The utility for microsoft outlook recovery opens damaged files of ost and pst format that are not currently accessible by this email client , Repairs microsoft outlook mailboxes parses the source ost and pst documents.

The program repairs affected documents of ost and pst format that are used by microsoft outlook email...besid Lire la suite

USB Monitor 3ML Lite

USB Monitor 3ML Lite pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This universal serial bus monitoring utility can spy capture view log analyze test usb device activity performing connection traffic analysis with data acquisition software usb port sniffer monitor tool with protocol analyzer and data logger.

This universal serial bus monitoring utility can spy capture view log analyze test usb device activity performing connection traffic analysis with data acquisition and control , You can use this usb aquisition system...this Lire la suite

Network Password Recovery Wizard

Network Password Recovery Wizard pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
An amazing password recovery utility that reveals almost all network passwords in windows: ras vpn lan internet connection passwords passport accounts wireless connections asterisk passwords cardspace pins mail ftp accounts and much more [...] Powerful program to recover all types of windows network passwords.

Network password recovery wizard can recover the following types of windows network passwords: lan and domain credentials passport accounts other am Lire la suite

Sib Mobile Imager

Sib Mobile Imager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This handy utility supports bluetooth irda and wap connection types converts pictures to jpeg gif bmp and wbmp format and comes with an image viewer.

Sib mobile imager supports various connection types including bluetooth irda and wap , Using this powerful utility you can transfer images you like to any mobile / Easily download pictures from the pc to any mobile phone with sib mobile imager | Sib mobile imager allows you to upload...this Lire la suite

USB Monitor Protocol Analyzer

USB Monitor Protocol Analyzer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This universal serial bus monitoring utility can spy capture view log analyze test usb device activity performing connection traffic analysis [...] You can use this usb aquisition system as connection testing and diagnostic tool modem data transfer viewer packet analyser interface tester and so on.

Usb monitor software usb protocol analyzer sniffer and usb data logger / Software usb port sniffer usb protocol analyzer and data...this Lire la suite

Serial Monitor Protocol Analyzer

Serial Monitor Protocol Analyzer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This monitoring utility can spy capture view log analyze test com ports activity performing com port connection and traffic analysis with data acquisition software serial port monitor rs232 sniffer with protocol analyzer and packet data logger.

This monitoring utility can spy capture view log analyze test com ports activity performing com port connection and traffic analysis with data acquisition and control , Software serial port monitor rs232 com sniffer...this Lire la suite

iPIG Secure Access VPN Server

iPIG Secure Access VPN Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ipig works with any kind of internet connection wifi wlan wired ethernet [...] Set up a vpn server in less than 1 minute protect data at any wi fi hotspot , Set up a vpn server in less than 1 minute / Free client software | Ipig creates a secure "tunnel" that protects your inbound and outbound communications email web im voip calls ftp etc ; At any wi fi hotspot or wired network.

Ipig shields your data...ipig Lire la suite

iPIG WiFi Hotspot VPN Security

iPIG WiFi Hotspot VPN Security pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ipig works with any kind of internet connection wifi wlan wired ethernet [...] Ipig creates a secure vpn connection that protects your communications email web im voip ftp etc , Protect data at any wi fi hotspot wireless network with vpn no configuration.

At any wi fi hotspot or wired network | No configuration required ipig creates a secure "tunnel" vpn that protects your communications email web im voip calls ftp ...ipig Lire la suite

Internet Access Manager

Internet Access Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is designed to help you make and maintain internet connection with as little fuss as possible [...] It's designed to help you make and maintain internet connection with as little fuss as possible , It has integrated connection manager and flexible time scheduler for automatically establishing an active connection at a designated time.

Holder of passive connection for prevents from inactivity disconnection eg: for aol | Auto connector is Lire la suite

98/ME Smoker

98/ME Smoker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
In addition 98/me smoker has a new state of the art internet optimizer that will tune any internet connection to perfection [...] The ultimate tweaking utility for windows 98/me.

A tweaking utility to get every last drop of performance from your windows 98/me driven computer system / 98/me smoker is a windows 98 and windows me tweaking utility that will help to reduce system bottlenecks decrease boot times and increase ad Lire la suite

BVRP Connection Manager LITE

BVRP Connection Manager LITE pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Il détecte rapidement tous les réseaux disponibles il liste tous les réseaux détectés et indique la qualité de leur connexion pour chaque endroit il garde automatiquement en mémoire le meilleur moyen de se connecter à internet il supporte plusieurs types de connexions : avec fil : ethernet rtc sans fil : “hotspot” wifi et réseaux d’entreprise wlan bluetooth infarouge de votre téléphone mobile gprs umts edge cdma gestion illimitée des profils d Lire la suite

Free Serial Port Monitor

Free Serial Port Monitor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
This monitoring utility can spy capture view analyze test com ports activity performing com port connection and traffic analysis free software serial port monitor com rs232 sniffer with communication packet data analyzer.

This monitoring utility can spy capture view analyze test com ports activity performing com port connection and traffic analysis with data acquisition and control , Rs232 com software sniffer and communication analyzer / Free...this Lire la suite

Twilight Utilities Address Monitor

Twilight Utilities Address Monitor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You have a broadband 24/7 connection but your isp changes the address every few days? you would like to connect to your home pc but the address changed since you got to work? no problem! this handy utility monitors those changes and will email you! [...] Monitors your broadband address and reports changes by email.

Always stay in touch with your pc / This utilitiy will detect change of ip addressyou h Lire la suite