imvu without download


IMVU pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Imvu et la convivialité de son interface dans la rude concurrence des messageries instantanées se démarque l’application imvu qui propose un monde virtuel en 3d permettant aux utilisateurs de discuter de jouer et de s’amuser ensemble.

Avec imvu l’utilisateur sera représenté par un avatar qu’il aura au préalable défini et personnalisé en choisissant les yeux les cheveux la bouche la tenue ...imvu Lire la suite

Audials Music

Audials Music pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
++save in top quality++ enjoy millions of songs without loss of quality! via audials records in hi fi or master quality are possible now! ++download super fast++ getting hundreds of songs or the artists' complete discographies? audials saves everything very fast und simultaneously! ++import playlists++ you can get playlists via audials easier than ever before you can download them or even export them [...] Mp3 de musique d'enregistrement des vidéos et des films trouver et...++sav Lire la suite

Audials One

Audials One pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Play any music streams at double speed for recording them without any loss of quality! containing no commercials and with perfect volume adjustment.

Audiobooks converted in minutes with or without chapters! ++player media manager music universe tag editor dvd & cd recorder included++ player recorder media manager cloud manager id3 tagger automatic and manual editor dvd & cd recorder audio editor , Find record download and convert music movies Lire la suite

Computer monitoring

Computer monitoring pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Computer monitoring product performs all detection of user’s activity in stealth manner without being appeared on desktop start menu control panel add remove program and even overrides any kind of antispyware antikeylogger software [...] Free download keystroke recorder tool to view user’s activity at remote location pressed key of keyboard in one by one or in summarized form and option to use short keys that provides access even in hidden form.

Computer...compu Lire la suite

Chrysanth Mail Manager

Chrysanth Mail Manager pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This email management software identifies filters and stops junk emails on email server without having to download the junk emails [...] Effective email management for a junk email free mailbox , Chrysanth mail manager is a very effective email management software to help users keep mailboxes from junk emails.

This saves time and resources conserves bandwidth and makes everyone more productive and email more useful | It's extremely...this Lire la suite

GSA Radio Stream Recorder

GSA Radio Stream Recorder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With our product you can now record that music directly to harddisk without any technical knowledge.

Gsa radio stream recorder helps you to download mp3s freely from the internet , Gsa radio stream recorder helps you to download mp3s for free / Software to record internet radio station streams to mp3 acc or ogg format | More than 8000 radio stations and over 100 genres to choose from ; Record and listen to unlimited radio...with Lire la suite

Safe Calculator

Safe Calculator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Without fear of consequences in case of loss or theft [...] Visit the website to download other languages commands enter your pin in memory key [ms] the calculator goes into safe mode , Safe calculator.

What could be more banal than windows calculator ! this calculator clone fully operational is a very discreet safe for your usb or laptop allowing you to move your ids passwords | On your usb drive or your laptop do not leave your...witho Lire la suite


EmEx3 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Emex 3 is impressively fast: you can collect up to 5 000 units per session in no time at all! and it's a good net citizen too: emex 3 takes special care to avoid overloading web sites with too many requests in a short period of time without sacrificing its performance a bit!.

Gather contact information from web sites grab email or icq numbers and locate rapidshare download links automatically , Looking for a file on rapidshare? just enter its description and...emex Lire la suite

GSA Image Spider

GSA Image Spider pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With this program you can download all the images from a webserver automatically with or without sublinks.

This download manager for images searches all your favorit web links spiders parses grabs extracts and crawls all the pictures and photos you would have downloaded by hand , A program to extract images from web by searching with keywords / You can also enter a keyword to find the relevent image from websites around the...with Lire la suite

GSA Clip Spider

GSA Clip Spider pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With this program you can download all the movie clips from a webserver automatically with or without sublinks [...] Download all the movie clips from a webserver automatically , This download manager searches all your favorit web links.

This download manager for movies searches all your favorit web links spiders parses grabs extracts and crawls all the movies you would have downloaded by hand | It's very easy to use and gives you...with Lire la suite

Excel Recovery Assistant

Excel Recovery Assistant pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Recover corrupt ms excel xls files without without special efforts.

Excel worksheet recovery assistant lets you repair damaged ms excel files without special efforts , Excel worksheet recovery assistant free lets you repair damaged ms excel files without special efforts / You do not have to download an amount of demo software for tryouts | You do not have to download an amount of demo software for try outs ; Repair tool will...recov Lire la suite

Summer Holidays Screensaver

Summer Holidays Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Do all these and much more without leaving your office! download this fine summer holidays screensaver for free and set out on your summer vacation right now! [...] Download this summer holidays screensaver and set out on your summer journey! are you dreaming of your summer holidays but are stuck in your office with lots of work? you would want to visit some beautiful exotic countries remote wild beaches ride a mountain bike breathe fresh air of lush forests.

Are al Lire la suite


Torrent2Exe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Convert torrents into stand alone exe files and download them without a client [...] Just enter a link or a path to a torrent file and obtain an executable file that will automatically download your torrent , Convert your torrents into stand alone exe files / You can publish exe files on your site or blog for visitors' convenience.

No bittorrent client is needed ; You can publish exe files on your site or blog to make the...conve Lire la suite

DiskInternals Boot CD

DiskInternals Boot CD pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The wizard will prompt you for a cd or dvd that contains windows xp nr 2003 setup files and make a new bootable cd that can run windows from an optical disk without installation.

To create your bootable windows cd download install diskinternals boot cd and run the wizard , Boot windows xp or vista from a cd to restore files and data cd / Create a bootable cd with windows xp or windows 2003 server cd and a full set of diskinternals recovery...the w Lire la suite

Access Database Recovery Assistant

Access Database Recovery Assistant pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Recover corrupt ms access mdb files without without special efforts [...] Access database recovery assistant lets you repair damaged ms access files without special efforts , Recovery tool will do all work relating to the possible recovery variants for free access mdb recovery assistant free lets you repair damaged ms access files without special efforts.

You do not have to download an amount of demo software for tryouts | You do not have to...recov Lire la suite


wodFtpDLX.NET pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features include ftp ftp+ssl with and without encrypted data channel and sftp ssh subsystem protocols certificate authentication for ftp+ssl protocols or privatekey authentication for ftp+ssh protocol internal parsing of received directory listings get names sizes ownerships etc [...] You need to download file? call getfile that's all.

Wodftpdlx / Net is secure ftp sftp ftps client | Net 2 ; 0...featu Lire la suite


FotoTagger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
Edit images in external editors without losing annotations.

Upload individual images whole folders or selected photos to flickr and download them back to fototagger , Add easy to hide notes to images / Publish to flickr | Search ; Organize images : Fototagger is a tool for image annotation [...] Add notes pointing to specific objects , Upload/download images to/from...edit Lire la suite

Tiff Pdf Cleaner

Tiff Pdf Cleaner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You just select the folders with your scanned files and in few minutes get the same folders without a single blank page! the tool keeps folder structure in the output location.

Download now and try , Detect and delete blank pages in scanned tiff and pdf files in batch / Tiff pdf cleaner detects and deletes blank pages in scanned tiff or pdf files | It works fully automatically and can process images in sub directories as well as j Lire la suite

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops

ALTools Haunted House Halloween Desktops pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Looking at the house was scary enough without it needing to be late at night on halloween.

Download these halloween wallpapers now , "t t t trick or t t t treat?" do the eggheads get scrambled? poached? deviled? do they survive? what terrors lie in wait? or does old man skelly have the best candy in the neighborhood? find out what happens to our scared little eggheads and download this year's altools spooky haunted house halloween desktop...looki Lire la suite

Advanced RSS Mixer Enterprise

Advanced RSS Mixer Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Advanced rss mixer can automatically download new rss feeds merge them together and upload it to your server all without your intervention.

Combines different free rss feeds news press releases and articles into one , Advanced rss mixer main features: handles multiple rss feeds news press releases and articles; has built in rss keyword filter; allows for multiple category feed sorting; automatically publishes updated rss feedadvan Lire la suite