how to unsend an email in gmail

How to Delete Duplicate Files

How to Delete Duplicate Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporpation.

Comment puis je supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double , Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les doublons facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporation comme le meilleur...comme Lire la suite

ModusDoc Portable

ModusDoc Portable pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
How many ways do you catalog your stuff? do you have one spreadsheet for books another for movies and still another for movies? what about documents? how do you make notes? if the number of applications you use for cataloging need to be catalogued themselves it’s time to simplify matters with today’s discount software promotion modusdoc! modusdoc is a universal catalog application that lets you organize documents e books audio books movies photos and other files in m Lire la suite

SoftActivity Keylogger

SoftActivity Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Spy software that runs invisibly and records how computer has been used.

Spy software that runs invisible and records how computer has been used , Softactivity keylogger records to an encrypted log file internet history with web page titles received and sent email pop3/smtp im chats typed keystrokes and passwords programs that user runs and work duration in every application / Spy software that secretly records chat email internet keystrokes...spy s Lire la suite

G-Lock SpamCombat

G-Lock SpamCombat pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Do you dread all the junk in your email inbox? do you remember how useful email was without spam whishing the original wonderful email experience could be restored? well take a look at spamcomabat to help you understand and fight spam.

Spam emails have become an ever increasing problem and nowadays it is practically impossible to use email without receiving spam in large amounts , G lock spamcombat is email filtering software that lets you eliminate yo Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
How pcsuite works: diagnoses your windows system since diagnosis is half the cure pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes.

Knowing how busy your life can be we created this functionality so you can set it once and have your pc auto cleaned and accelerated on a convenient schedule , Cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we p Lire la suite

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac

AppleXsoft Photo Recovery for Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac Mac
It allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music and video files or just about anything that can be written to digital media device.

Applexsoft photo recovery is comprehensive digital media data recovery software designed for mac users it featuring innovative recovery algorithms and an extremely easy interface that allows mac users to recover deleted and lost photos music documents video files or just about anything that can be written to digital al Lire la suite


MacKeeper pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 4/5
X but offers more personalized assistance directly integrated to the software.

It combines complex processing algorithms to technical expertise and creativity of our technicians are at your service 24/24 and 7 days / 7 to resolve all issues with your mac , Other benefits of mackeeper: * fast cleaning unnecessary files and duplicates * theft protection online and offline for your mac * faster and more efficient * complex tasks easier to perform * total securing...x bu Lire la suite

Marées dans le Monde (English)

Marées dans le Monde (English) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The software calculates the time when the ground dries if we plan to careen or what will be the maximum depth so you know how much anchor chain you have to pay out [...] 00 contains a database that allows to predict the tide with an accuracy sufficient for the needs of navigation in approximately 9 500 places in the world , Corrections allow to deduce the water height at any time in 5 418 subordinate stations.

Through the authorization of the legos ...the s Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
The keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times.

With refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating spouses can use this keylogger for mac to monitor a...the k Lire la suite

SMS Gateway - Enterprise

SMS Gateway - Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Good quality gms modems such as wavecom fastrack siemens mc65 tc65 tc35 and voice gsm moduls such as the nokia 30 and option 3g modems can be used to run your most demanding sms applications.

The software can send and receive up to 400 sms messages per second on an intel p4 pc , It allows up to 1000 simultaneously connected applications and up to 64 concurrent smsc connections / Reliability it is a perfect option to build a reliable sms...good Lire la suite

Backup To EMail

Backup To EMail pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Quickly backup files/folders to email by right click > backup to email [...] Quickly create a backup of any file or folder by e mailing it to yourself , That's the idea behind backup to email which makes it a simple two step process.

Just right click any file then choose backup to email quickly create a backup of any file or folder by e mailing it to yourself | Just right click any file then choose backup to email; the software instantly...quick Lire la suite

Excel Invoice Manager Pro

Excel Invoice Manager Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
On the front end it uses excel invoice templates/forms which allow you to easily customize the fonts colors images locations even the formulas with all the tools provided by excel.

On the back end it provides a tool called database designer which allows adding any custom fields to the customer invoice header invoice body and product tables e , You can use custom fields feature to easily create 9 column invoice template a complete example is included...on th Lire la suite

Perfect Warehouse Icons

Perfect Warehouse Icons pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Perfect warehouse icons an impressive set of warehouse related handmade icons! if you are working on a sophisticated warehouse application or a website and cannot figure out how to solve the ui problem under a fixed deadline try one of the most comprehensive and professionally looking icon sets perfect warehouse icons! if you are looking for a set of icons related to warehousing and merchandise perfect warehouse icons will be just what the doctor ordered! great looking and affordable ...perfe Lire la suite

GSA Email Spider

GSA Email Spider pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is also possible to send an email to your new customers within the program automatically making it the ultimate tool for online marketing and mass mailing but should not be used to spam.

It provides benefits to your business and dramatically open up your new customer base with easy advertising! extract emails from a starting web site in addition to the email grabber you can search for phone and fax numbers send emails automated to your new customers is Lire la suite

Outlook Express Backup Toolbox

Outlook Express Backup Toolbox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It works with any version of this email client try this utility if you'd like to keep your mailbox in safety [...] The utility perform a full backup of outlook express email it creates an image of user mailbox including emails contacts accounts news and so on.

It supports any version of outlook express email client both procedures are easy for users / It is done in literally several mouse clicks | Easy outlook express backup solution wo Lire la suite

PDF Splitter and Merger

PDF Splitter and Merger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
* intuitive interface an easy ui enables you to quickly learn how to split and merge * merge pdf documents through an easy 3 step process add files > name new file > hit merge button * offers several methods to split pdf files.

Pdf splitter and merger is a pdf tool developed for quicker and more efficient access to information needed from your pdf files reorganizing them in a way that makes them easier to manage and handle , With the ability to split pdf...* int Lire la suite

Advanced Mac Mailer for Leopard

Advanced Mac Mailer for Leopard pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3/5
It allows you to use message templates with embedded fields taken from customer database to add personalized look to messages [...] Advanced mac mailer for leopard allows you to send out personalized bulk messages and handle multiple lists with unlimited number of subscribers in each list , It offers you an option to use message templates with embedded fields taken from your customer database to add personalized look to your messages.

Advanced mac al Lire la suite


CachemanXP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Have you been asking yourself how to make your computer faster? have you been trying to fix slow downs with frequent rebooting or even by completely reinstalling windows? instead of reinstalling consider cachemanxp to make your computer faster.

Have you been asking yourself how to make your computer faster? have you been trying to fix computer slow downs with frequent rebooting or even by completely reinstalling windows? instead of reinstalling consider the cachemanxp...have Lire la suite

Smart Parental Control

Smart Parental Control pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Are you sure that you know how long your kids are spending by the pc and what exactly they are doing? smart parental control will allow you to control any user through activity logs screenshots and a set of rules.

Are you sure that you know how long your kids are spending by the pc and what exactly they are doing? smart parental control will allow you to control any user through activity logs screenshots and a set of rules: unwanted internet content unwanted programs and...are y Lire la suite

Live Signatures

Live Signatures pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This add in allows you to insert various signature macros into outlook messages.

The program live signatures is an easy and handy tool for automatic substitution of actual data in outgoing messages , With the help of live signatures the variable data can be sent by mail or used in the email signatures without making any changes during the message creation / Live signatures doesn't replace the built in templates for signatures in microsoft outlook it...this Lire la suite