how to share kindle books

How to Delete Duplicate Files

How to Delete Duplicate Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporpation.

Comment puis je supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double , Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les doublons facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporation comme le meilleur...comme Lire la suite

ModusDoc Portable

ModusDoc Portable pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
How many ways do you catalog your stuff? do you have one spreadsheet for books another for movies and still another for movies? what about documents? how do you make notes? if the number of applications you use for cataloging need to be catalogued themselves it’s time to simplify matters with today’s discount software promotion modusdoc! modusdoc is a universal catalog application that lets you organize documents e books audio books movies photos and other files in m Lire la suite

PDF Power Brand

PDF Power Brand pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Create effective marketing campaigns using the power of pdf files and teach your affiliates how to do the same [...] Pdf power brand is free software that allows anyone to create "viral marketing tools" for affiliate marketers to promote their products using e books and special reports.

Registration req pdf power brand is free software that allows anyone to create "viral marketing tools" for affiliate marketers to promote their products using e books and special...creat Lire la suite

ShopNCook Menu - Meal Planning Software

ShopNCook Menu - Meal Planning Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you're tired of matching grocery lists against your meal plans and wondering how your favorite entree stacks up against your diet you need shop'ncook menu the smart meal planner that does it all.

Easily add recipes with a single drag & drop plan your meals create shopping lists with a click get nutritional analyses even share recipes online! if you love to collect recipes but don't want the hassle of organizing them , You import recipes without editing or...if yo Lire la suite

Excel Invoice Manager Enterprise

Excel Invoice Manager Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Download the fully functional trial version to see how the billing software works for you.

Combining the power of microsoft excel with backend databases the billing software allows you to easily manage your customers products invoices and payments , The billing software also supports networking allowing you to share data with your colleagues / For example all cells in the invoice template are identified by names so if you don't like where a...downl Lire la suite

Web Photo Album

Web Photo Album pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
What's more web photo album lets you see how your album looks and feels in real time before it is saved to your hard drive [...] The program features a user friendly interface and the ability to upload created albums to a free photo hosting service directly from the program window.

After you've created an album you can upload it to a free photo hosting service directly from the program window / Create web photo albums and share them on the net for...what' Lire la suite


RocketReader pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Rocketreader uses the following highly effective speed reading techniques exercises and tests to show you how it is done and to train you to do it: * flash training * grouping exercises * speed training * practice readings * comprehension testing * speed timing rocketreader is a better way to learn speed reading techniques than learning from a book or attending an expensive course.

Is your reading holding you back? rocketreader has a series of dynamic exercises to...rocke Lire la suite

AirStrike II

AirStrike II pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you pass it tell us how you did it [...] If you pass all seventeen levels plus 3 bonus levels and kill all enemy bosses please tell us how you did it , Helicopter 3d action game so intense you have to ask your cardiologist first! rough cruel and intense helicopter 3d action game that makes you fly and fight over desert water and industrial areas.

Get your fair share of adrenaline with this free trial version | 100+ land air and...if yo Lire la suite

Acritum Femitter HTTP-FTP Server

Acritum Femitter HTTP-FTP Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
You don't have to be a system administrator to understand how it works simply press a button and your friends will be able to download some of your files via internet or lan.

You don't have to be a system administrator to understand how it works simply press a button and your friends will be able to visit your computer via the net , Share files easily using simple http and ftp servers on your windows based pcs! easy to use http and ftp server is at d Lire la suite

Shop'NCook Shopping List and Recipe

Shop'NCook Shopping List and Recipe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you're tired of matching grocery lists against recipes and wondering how your favorite entree stacks up against your diet you need shop'ncook the smart recipe organizer that does it all.

With shop'ncook you can import recipes with a single drag & drop create shopping lists with a click get nutritional analyses even share recipes online! if you love to collect recipes but don't want the hassle of organizing them , You can import recipes without...if yo Lire la suite

Kids PC Time Administrator

Kids PC Time Administrator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used by kids [...] It allows you to set limits on how much time your child spends on the computer or online.

You can share the same computer among your children by setting an individual time table for each child / If you are concerned your child may be spending too much time online or playing games this type of software will offer a solutionit le Lire la suite

Guest book Crawler

Guest book Crawler pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 1.5/5
You start it and wait how many links the software submits [...] The software enables you to post to many guest books , You can set the software to auto pilot / It will not submit within one month your text again to a website.

You are not a spammer! google and other search engines rank your website according to link popularity ; You have two advantages: people see you link and click at your link search engines give a better s Lire la suite

Dangerous activity 3D

Dangerous activity 3D pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The number of an uncovered sector tells you how many mines are in the eight sectors that surround the numbered one [...] Hone your combat engineering skills in the 3d remake of minesweeper it lets you immerse into the spectacular 3d world with plenty of minefields to go.

If you are a fan of microsoft's minesweeper then its idea and rules should be familiar to you / The game challenges you to hone your combat engineering skills on numerous missions...the n Lire la suite


MyProxy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
After that it monitors carrier if a connection is dropped or lost it reconnects automatically * vous informe de combien vous avez dépensé pour internet myproxy keeps track of how much traffic and money you have spent every day and every month * protection des mots de passe to prevent any undesirable use of your connectivity you can set the password for using the program * protège votre vie privée sur internet myproxy intercepts advertiser's requests and prevents tracking...after Lire la suite

Vagary 5v5 Android

Vagary 5v5 Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Here's how to play vagary on pc [...] Vagary fait parti des moba 5v5 qui envahissent littéralement le google play store , Un jeu de batailles en arène multijoueur proposant des combats plus ou moins rapides en 5v5 / Vagary est un jeu moba avec des graphismes de type cartoon de bonne facture.

Ce jeu d’arène peut accueillir des combats en 5v5 pour des affrontements rapides ; Comme ses principaux concurrents arena' Lire la suite

Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android

Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Card tricks – how to do magic est une application disponible sur android qui vous propose d’apprendre des tours de magie très facilement.

Card tricks – how to do magic est une application pensée pour toutes les personnes qui veulent apprendre quelques tours de magie rapidement , Card tricks – how to do magic offre un catalogue de vidéos explicatives avec une illustration du tour des conseils pour le réaliser ainsi que quelques...card Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
How pcsuite works: diagnoses your windows system since diagnosis is half the cure pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes.

Knowing how busy your life can be we created this functionality so you can set it once and have your pc auto cleaned and accelerated on a convenient schedule , Cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we p Lire la suite

MacX Video Converter Pro

MacX Video Converter Pro  pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 2/5
Fastest video converter to convert mp4 mov flv avi mkv to iphone ipad android macx video converter pro is the fastest video converter for mac users to convert any video to mp4 h.

Macx video converter pro is the best and fastest video converter for mac user that can convert video to any format like mp4 h , 264 mpeg avi flv mov wmv mp3 aac etc and transfer hd video avchd m2ts mkv to iphone 5s ipad air/mini 2 with retina display apple tv 3 android ...faste Lire la suite

iWinSoft Barcode Generator

iWinSoft Barcode Generator pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
Iwinsoft barcode generator is a powerful but easy to use barcode solution that lets anyone generate export and print barcodes.

  iwinsoft barcode generator is a powerful but easy to use barcode solution that lets anyone generate export and print barcodes ,   it allows you to create different types of barcodes by entering your data and selecting the desired barcode / Other objects like text and images can be added to you...iwins Lire la suite

Nero Standard 2019.

Nero Standard 2019. pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
The nero backitup backup combo offers local automatic backup to hard disks external storage cd/dvd/blu ray and your very own personal online hard disk for that extra bit of data security! our zero hassle backup plans cover your pc laptop tablet and even android smartphone and protect you from data loss in just three easy steps.

Features: backs up all your pcs ios android and windows phone backup to usb drive discs nas drive and online storagetruly infinite online...the n Lire la suite