how to import contact to gmail

How to Delete Duplicate Files

How to Delete Duplicate Files pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporpation.

Comment puis je supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les fichiers en double , Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? supprimer les doublons facilement avec le logiciel recommandé par microsoft r corporation comme le meilleur...comme Lire la suite

ShopNCook Menu - Meal Planning Software

ShopNCook Menu - Meal Planning Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you're tired of matching grocery lists against your meal plans and wondering how your favorite entree stacks up against your diet you need shop'ncook menu the smart meal planner that does it all [...] Easily add recipes with a single drag & drop plan your meals create shopping lists with a click get nutritional analyses even share recipes online! if you love to collect recipes but don't want the hassle of organizing them.

You import recipes without editing or...if yo Lire la suite


wodSSHServer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Included samples will show you step by step how to manually respond to client's actions [...] Wodsshserver is an ssh server activex component but also telnet server activex as well that will give you ability to easily add ssh2 and sftp server capabilities to your application as well as old telnet server protocol.

Add it to your form or create instance on the fly use internal methods to generate pair of keys for the server or import existing ones from other...inclu Lire la suite

Shop'NCook Shopping List and Recipe

Shop'NCook Shopping List and Recipe pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you're tired of matching grocery lists against recipes and wondering how your favorite entree stacks up against your diet you need shop'ncook the smart recipe organizer that does it all.

With shop'ncook you can import recipes with a single drag & drop create shopping lists with a click get nutritional analyses even share recipes online! if you love to collect recipes but don't want the hassle of organizing them , The internet is your cookbook!...if yo Lire la suite

Mind Pad

Mind Pad pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
If you really want to make use of powerful object oriented mind mapping then you should spend some time and learn how to create a frame objects using model editor [...] Mind pad allows to create mind maps basing not just on creating and linking text blocks.

With mind pad scripting you are able to create your own rules for data management / If you ever asked for simplicity of mind mapping and for mind map topics with some properties that are right for your...if yo Lire la suite

Account Xpress

Account Xpress pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
With budget projections you can now say exactly when and how much you are planning to earn or spend on a specific budget category.

Account xpress is designed to help you manage your money easily and efficiently , Account xpress is a personal finance management and budget planning software loaded with features designed to help you manage your money easily and efficiently / Features include presentation of a global cash flow picture calculation of net...with Lire la suite


NextSTART pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ns also allows you to place the systray anywhere on your desktop! not happy with the default nextstart configuration? would you prefer a menu system that emulated beos or mac? how about transparent menus? no problem.

You can configure how the menus look and behave! choose where scroll buttons are located how menu selection is made which mouse button activates the menus assign hot keys and more! you can choose the font the size the colors even use gradients and bitmaps...ns al Lire la suite

Power Video Karaoke

Power Video Karaoke pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The tutorial included in the documentation shows how to create videocd karaoke disks.

Software to karaoke videos from scratch or from midi karaoke files , Included vocal removing tool is able to remove singer's voice from many recordings / Users may type lyrics in use text files or import midi karaoke kar songs | Power video karaoke creates avi karaoke movies using any mp3 or wav files as soundtrack ; Karaoke songs can...the t Lire la suite

Vagary 5v5 Android

Vagary 5v5 Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Here's how to play vagary on pc.

Vagary fait parti des moba 5v5 qui envahissent littéralement le google play store , Un jeu de batailles en arène multijoueur proposant des combats plus ou moins rapides en 5v5 / Vagary est un jeu moba avec des graphismes de type cartoon de bonne facture | Ce jeu d’arène peut accueillir des combats en 5v5 pour des affrontements rapides ; Comme ses principaux concurrents arena' Lire la suite

Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android

Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Card tricks – how to do magic est une application disponible sur android qui vous propose d’apprendre des tours de magie très facilement.

Card tricks – how to do magic est une application pensée pour toutes les personnes qui veulent apprendre quelques tours de magie rapidement , Card tricks – how to do magic offre un catalogue de vidéos explicatives avec une illustration du tour des conseils pour le réaliser ainsi que quelques...card Lire la suite


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
How pcsuite works: diagnoses your windows system since diagnosis is half the cure pcsuite runs a complete checkup of your entire system locating junk files speed reducing issues and causes of any system or application errors or crashes.

Knowing how busy your life can be we created this functionality so you can set it once and have your pc auto cleaned and accelerated on a convenient schedule , Cleans out junk files a clean pc means better efficiency we p Lire la suite

ModusDoc Portable

ModusDoc Portable pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
How many ways do you catalog your stuff? do you have one spreadsheet for books another for movies and still another for movies? what about documents? how do you make notes? if the number of applications you use for cataloging need to be catalogued themselves it’s time to simplify matters with today’s discount software promotion modusdoc! modusdoc is a universal catalog application that lets you organize documents e books audio books movies photos and other files in m Lire la suite

NTFS Recovery Toolkit 11.0.0

NTFS Recovery Toolkit 11.0.0 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
You may use the software without charge to recover partitions and files on ntfs in manual mode: read how to step by step manual; view and edit disk sectors using disk editor software; create delete format and edit volumes using partition manager software; create disk images; scan drives for deleted partitions and files; preview their contents using file recovery and partition recovery software [...] Ntfs recovery toolkit is a set of up to date data m Lire la suite

Issue Tracker YouTrack

Issue Tracker YouTrack pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Youtrack from jetbrains customizable yet easy to use bug and issue tracker [...] A keyboard centric bug and issue tracker that features easy bug reporting stylish bug search language flexible customization per issue visibility settings easy migration from other bug trackers and fast commands to modify multiple issues , Import issues from any bug tracker and perform batch operations via rest api / Import existing issues from jira 3.

A...youtr Lire la suite

Vertical Menu Advancer for Dreamweaver

Vertical Menu Advancer for Dreamweaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
With real time preview function you always can see how menu will look in a browser [...] Add professionally designed vertical css menus to your site without hand coding , This dreamweaver extension provides simple and effective way to add the vertical css menus to your site.

This dreamweaver extension provides simple and effective way to add the vertical css menus to your website without javascript/css coding | Integrated seo management...with Lire la suite

Marées dans le Monde (English)

Marées dans le Monde (English) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The software calculates the time when the ground dries if we plan to careen or what will be the maximum depth so you know how much anchor chain you have to pay out [...] 00 contains a database that allows to predict the tide with an accuracy sufficient for the needs of navigation in approximately 9 500 places in the world.

Corrections allow to deduce the water height at any time in 5 418 subordinate stations / Through the authorization of the legos ...the s Lire la suite

REFOG Time Sheriff

REFOG Time Sheriff pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Using this software you can set time limits to various programs or set time limits for how long a certain user can be logged in [...] Easy to use and install it provides comprehensive reports and everything you need.

You can also use it to set prohibitions or restrictions on users or whole groups / Set permits and restrictions with parental control software | Control who accesses which applications on your pc and set time limits or...using Lire la suite

REFOG Mac Keylogger

REFOG Mac Keylogger pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
The keylogger program records all of the user's keystrokes and provides a detailed report so worried people know how the computer is being used at all times.

With refog keylogger for mac parents and spouses have a tool more powerful than parental controls to protect their loved ones , Users worried about the safety of their children from internet predators or of the sanctity of their marriage from cheating spouses can use this keylogger for mac to monitor a...the k Lire la suite

Astra R-Nesting

Astra R-Nesting pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The nesting software produces optimized cutting layouts automatically or manually calculates and saves offcuts prints reports calculates the cost of work performed exports cutting layouts to nc machines etc.

The software enables the user to enter or import information about orders and materials produces cutting layouts automatically or manually calculates and saves offcuts prints cutting layouts and specifications exports cutting layouts to nc machines ...the n Lire la suite

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
How to erase hard drive data securely active@ killdisk provides the ultimate solution how to erase hard drive data in such a way that no one can ever retrieve it using third party software or any other method.

If you want to know how to erase hard drive data or data stored on any other type of device then active@ killdisk provides the solution that you need , Active@ killdisk is a secure data removal program that provides the perfect solution to anyone who t Lire la suite