good inexpensive headphones

Good Christmas Screensaver

Good Christmas Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Noël vient vous rendre visite [...] Cadeaux fête et feux d'artifice font irruption dans votre , Cadeaux fête et feux d'artifice font irruption dans votre vie.

Nous nous réjouissons de ce jour férié | Surtout pour les impatients nous vous proposons un écran de veille de noëlnoël Lire la suite

Good Shot

Good Shot pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Good shot is a game based on video sequence analyzing [...] Virtual basketball , Live video game using video camera for virtual ball control.

You manipulate virtual ball by means of hands or body movements in the video camera field of view to direct it into the basket | Program support 1 or 2 player games and convenience interface ; You manipulate virtual ball by means s of hands or body movement in the video camera field of...good Lire la suite


DOSPRN pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 2/5
Dosprn allows you to use a good old dos program with new printers irrespective of their types yes usb and network printers print servers and pdf printers too! also dosprn support epson and hp pcl esc sequences emulation multiple international codepages landscape/portrait printing text color manipulation absolute positioning and many other features [...] Besides some inexpensive printers can not print in text mode at all the so called win printers or gdi...dospr Lire la suite

Too Good To Go Android

Too Good To Go Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4.5/5
Avec too good to go achetez des repas à petit prix ! plutôt que de jeter les invendus too good to go permet aux commerçants de les vendre à petit prix aux utilisateurs de l’application.

Too good to go est une application android qui permet de faire des économies tout en luttant contre le gaspillage alimentaire , En utilisant l’application too good to go l’utilisateur permet de sauver des aliments qui auraient terminé à la...avec Lire la suite

Too Good To Go iOS

Too Good To Go iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4/5
Too good to go ios est une application qui lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire.

Vous ne savez pas ce que vous allez manger ce soir mais vous voulez faire un geste pour la planète ? pourquoi ne pas essayer l’application too good to go ? ce service met en relation les utilisateurs avec des commerçants qui ont des invendus et qui ne veulent pas les jeter , L’application too good to go liste tous les restaurants et enseignes qui...too g Lire la suite

ABA English pour iOS

ABA English pour iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 5/5
Good luck !  [...] Découvrez l'application aba english pour apprendre sur tous vos écrans à parler et comprendre l'anglais même niveau business , Besoin d'apprendre quelques notions d'anglais ? envie d'approfondir votre connaissance pour être bilingue au travail ? l'application aba english a été désignée par google et apple comme l'une des meilleures applications éducatives.

Aba english est une application de qualité pour...good Lire la suite

uTox Mac

uTox Mac pour mac
Logiciel Mac
Note : 3.5/5
Good point !!  [...] Utox est un client open source gratuit pour le messenger très sécurisé tox utox est un client open source pour tox le service de messagerie instantannée ultra sécurisé utox est un client gratuit et open source destiné aux ordinateurs mac pour tox.

Tox est un service de messagerie instantanée très sécurisé vous permettant d'envoyer des messages texte audio vidéo de faire de la...good Lire la suite


Anooki pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 5/5
Créé par l'agence inook cet écran de veille est certainement l'un des plus vus sur les écrans français! good job!.

Anooki est un écran de veille original qui permet de visualiser sur son écran d’ordinateur les flux rss de ses sites préférés l’activité de ses amis facebook et twitter mais aussi l’anniversaire d’évènements de personnages historiques ou de people , Anooki est un é Lire la suite

Avast ! Internet Security 2018

Avast ! Internet Security 2018 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
La suite de sécurité signée avast! internet security is good for you [...] Avast internet security 2019 est une suite de sécurité comprenant un antivirus un pare feu un anti spam etc.

Le logiciel protège votre ordinateur contre tous les types de menaces et sécurise votre identité numérique contre les pirates et le vol de données / Avast internet security 2019 met à votre disposition tous les outils nécessaires pour mettre su Lire la suite

SMS Gateway - Enterprise

SMS Gateway - Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Good quality gms modems such as wavecom fastrack siemens mc65 tc65 tc35 and voice gsm moduls such as the nokia 30 and option 3g modems can be used to run your most demanding sms applications.

Sms gateway for high capacity smsc connection over smpp ucp cimd2 or gsm modem sms gateway for high capacity smsc connections over smpp ucp cimd2 or gsm modems , Ideal platform for sms notification two way sms systems or for becoming an sms service...good Lire la suite

Dragon Jumper Free Edition

Dragon Jumper Free Edition pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
He is good at jumping and whenever dragon sees a sparkling thing somewhere in the lake he immediately starts jumping from one spot of ground to another just to get it [...] Jump with little dragon in the lake eat fruits collect diamonds and prizes , Jump with funny dragon in the lake to eat fruits collect prizes diamonds and avoid evil monsters / Monsters want to catch and eat him | They are fast and cruel.

In order to live...he is Lire la suite

GSA Auto Website Submitter

GSA Auto Website Submitter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is very important to have as many links to your web page as possible to get a good ranking in search engines.

Autom , Submit your web site to more then 3600 search engines and directories / Submit your web site to over 3600 search engines and directories | It will save you a lot of time and money since its fully automated ; Promoting your web site has never been easier : Get more customers and rise is Lire la suite

Accurate Printer Monitor

Accurate Printer Monitor pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Accurate printer monitor: a good utility for printers logging at an acceptable price! accurate printer monitor enables companies to keep information log and monitor of all printing jobs as well as the employee who printed them respectively [...] Accurate printer monitor an efficient tool for your printer monitoring needs! accurate printer monitor enables companies to monitor log and keep track of all documents printed as well as the employee who printed them...accur Lire la suite


EmEx3 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Emex 3 is impressively fast: you can collect up to 5 000 units per session in no time at all! and it's a good net citizen too: emex 3 takes special care to avoid overloading web sites with too many requests in a short period of time without sacrificing its performance a bit! [...] Gather contact information from web sites grab email or icq info automatically.

Emex 3 automates the process of collecting information from one or many web sites extracts and organizes...emex Lire la suite

DB Elephant MSSQL to Oracle Converter

DB Elephant MSSQL to Oracle Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Mssql to oracle converter is also good at converting foreign keys [...] Most accurate mssql to oracle converter to convert whole database or its part.

Mssql to oracle converter is a most accurate mssql to oracle converter to convert the whole database or any of its parts / It supports different data types and attributes | Mssql to oracle converter can be handled via user friendly gui or command line ; Mssql to oracle converter...mssql Lire la suite

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Auslogics Registry Cleaner pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
It will fix various registry errors and ensure that your computer runs as good as new [...] Clean the registry with registry cleaner to speed up your slow computer , Cluttered and corrupted windows registry leads to various system errors crashes and failures / Auslogics registry cleaner is a reliable and free tool that will fix the registry and ensure fast stable and error free computer performance.

Cluttered and corrupted wi Lire la suite

DB Elephant MSSQL to Postgre Converter(1)

DB Elephant MSSQL to Postgre Converter(1) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Mssql to postgre converter is also good at converting foreign keys [...] Most accurate mssql to postgre converter to convert whole database or its part , Mssql to postgre converter is a most accurate mssql to postgre converter to convert the whole database or any of its parts.

It supports different data types | Mssql to postgre converter can be handled via user friendly gui or command line mssql to postgre converter is a most accurate mssql...mssql Lire la suite

DB Elephant MySQL to MSSQL Converter

DB Elephant MySQL to MSSQL Converter pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Mysql to mssql converter is also good at converting foreign keys [...] Most accurate mysql to mssql converter to convert whole database or its part , Mysql to mssql converter is a most accurate mysql to mssql converter to convert the whole database or any of its parts / It supports different data types and attributes.

Mysql to mssql converter can be handled via user friendly gui or command line ; Mssql to mysql converter is a...mysql Lire la suite


BootRacer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
If your rating is not good or an excellent you need to speed up your windows startup! bootracer calculates windows boot time easily.

If your rating is not good or excellent you need to speed up your windows startup! bootracer is easy to use even for novice users , Bootracer calculates windows boot time easily / Race your windows boot using bootracer and look at the result | Bootracer can detect the time from the start to the user logon...if yo Lire la suite


ThaiNumbers pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Through the soundtrack you can listen to the exact pronunciation and get a good feeling for the ring of the spoken thai.

Learn thai numbers with the learning program thainumbers with sound , The program thainumbers gives you a quick and easy way to study and learn the thai numbers independently with sound !! the program thainumbers gives you a quick and easy way to study and learn the thai numbers independentlythrou Lire la suite