earbuds for running


PCSuite pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
The most complete package of tools for your pc problems [...] When you enter passwords or credit card details this data is saved on your hard drive invisible to you but easy prey for a skilled hacker.

Guards smooth performanceyour pc stays fast and stable for all your tasks to boost the effect you get from complete optimization we have added automatic memory and processor management which ensures that your active applications always have maximum resources...the m Lire la suite


PCSpeedUP pour mac
Logiciel Windows Windows
We have developed powerful scanners that zero in on registry errors fragmentation incorrect system or internet settings and other speed thieves for a precise verdict.

Add an extra speed boost for real time effect we included automatic tools you can enable to keep your pc running at optimal speed , They keep your memory and cpu consumption optimized for current tasks help your files open and save faster thanks to live disk management and reduce computer shutdown...we ha Lire la suite

Zap-Le-Web (English Version)

Zap-Le-Web (English Version) pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It looks like a familiar remote control and has 19 easily configurable buttons so you can have at hand all the functions you need : it can run programs already installed in your pc open your webbrowser to specific webpages open folders or files of your computer and provides a magnifying glass an easy to use mp3 player an easy to use audio cd player and lots or system and multimedia features all of them available just by one click of your mouse ! zap le web is a new kind of software ...it lo Lire la suite

SolarWinds IP Address Tracker

SolarWinds IP Address Tracker pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Our new ip address tracker frees you from the evils of spreadsheets delivering powerful and simple to use features that give you a unified view of your ip address space and that enable you to manage it all for free! does managing your ip address space with spreadsheets remind you of a visit to the dentist? necessary but usually painful? as if keeping the network running in tip top condition wasn't enough you have to spend precious time wading through home grown ip address tools to track...our n Lire la suite

Zonablu PC Bluetooth Marketing Software

Zonablu PC Bluetooth Marketing Software pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The software is configurable with several variables for running campaigns and for sending one or various message.

Bluetooth marketing & proximity marketing software , Zonablu pc is a bluetooth marketing software developed to run proximity marketing campaigns and transmit messages free of charge to bluetooth enabled mobile phonesthe s Lire la suite

PC Commander

PC Commander pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Take advantage of our free 30 day trial and experience it for yourself!.

Pc commander gves you total control over anything running on your windows pc all conveniently from your web browser , Easily control processes services users files and more on your computer / Stop processes manipulate services download files log off/disconnect users view event logs restart the computer and much more | Stop processes manipulate services ...take Lire la suite

Excel Invoice Manager Enterprise

Excel Invoice Manager Enterprise pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
For example you can easily customize the fonts colors text labels currency symbols number formats and even the formulas for calculating taxes with various tools provided by excel.

For example all cells in the invoice template are identified by names so if you don't like where a field is placed you can hover your mouse on the cell and drag it to a new location! this type of flexibility is also implemented in the database structure level of the billing...for e Lire la suite

Primitive Duplicate Finder

Primitive Duplicate Finder pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Tool for finding and deleting file duplicates by their names sizes and contents the program can search for duplicates by their names sizes or contents using the crc32 checksum.

The program can search for duplicates by their names sizes or contents using the crc32 checksum , What to do if you are running out of free space on your hard drive? primitive duplicate finder offers you one of the simplest ways to solve his problem find and delete file...tool Lire la suite

KillProcess 4.0, a Windows Processes Explorer and Killer

KillProcess 4.0, a Windows Processes Explorer and Killer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This application provides the following features: * improved user interface with compliance with win7 and win8 requirements for data storage * process enumeration: the application enumerates the processes currently running in the system address space and updates the list with proces icons process names and identifiers of the running processes.

Services loaded for svchost , Com * give improved warnings when killing critical process is requested *...this Lire la suite

Application Blocker Pro

Application Blocker Pro pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Reports containing application usage and web usage can also be sent to the e mail address for a further analyze [...] Application blocker pro also allows you to ad sessions which means that in that specific interval the application allows the use of blocked application and blocked websites for the specific user.

The application can block inappropriate web sites application running before the action take place application blocker pro is both an internet parental...repor Lire la suite

INTSPEI P-Navigator

INTSPEI P-Navigator pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Advanced search and navigation engine for your desktop [...] Running from your desktop p navigator remembers your searches displays relations between documents tracks incoming and outgoing links and allows easy narrowing searches.

Running from your desktop p navigator remembers your searches and navigations displays relations between documents tracks incoming and outgoing links and allows easy narrowing searches all with a visual interface coming straight from...advan Lire la suite

ID3 Butler

ID3 Butler pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Perfect for fans of podcasts or those dealing with large and changing mp3 file libraries.

But if you are downloading lots of mp3 content particularly if you listen to a lot of podcasts you'll get sick of manually running mp3 tag editors to clean up the tags before you sync your content to your mp3 player each time , Id3 butler edits your mp3 tags automatically and runs in the background / Id3 butler is a mp3/id3 tag editor that runs automatically on...perfe Lire la suite


wodSSH pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Client component that provides support for communication with remote console type services [...] Most commonly it will be used for telnet based servers running on unix os client component that provides support for communication with remote console type services.

Most commonly it will be used for telnet based servers running on unix os but wodssh does even more: it allows you to communicate encrypted and secured of course with ssh1 and ssh2 secure shell ...clien Lire la suite


wodWebServer pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Features include: support for http and https protocols complete information on connected users get their originating ip address originating port total connected time.

Choose either automatic content delivery sit back and enjoy or manual in which case you define virtually everything that is sent cgi script support by running external executables parsing of query variables posted data form uploaded data for easy access can be used as standalone or...featu Lire la suite


wodSSHTunnel pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Ssh server is required for this component to work encryption will take place between local computer running wodsshtunnel and ssh server of your choice.

It can work in both sides it can accept local connections and forward them to the server or can initiate connections towards local services when notification is received from ssh server for 'remote port forwarding' request based on your previous request , For example you can create channel that will listen...ssh s Lire la suite


wodSFTPdll pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This is win32 dynamic dll library provided only for vc and similar customers [...] It is the standard file transfer protocol for use with the ssh2 protocol , ***this is win32 dynamic dll library provided only for vc and similar customers that prefer to use win32 dynamic library over activex version.

Only limited support is available for this product | Internally scp client opens sftp connection with the server for file transfer much...this Lire la suite


wodSFTP.NET pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is the standard file transfer protocol for use with the ssh2 protocol [...] Net supports the most important putfile for file uploading and getfile for file downloading methods but also * makedir and removedir to create and delete directories * deletefile to delete file on the server * listitems event to list files in some directory on remote server * getattributes and setattributes to retrieve and set attributes for the file * resume property to resume...it is Lire la suite


wodSFTP pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
It is the standard file transfer protocol for use with the ssh2 protocol.

Internally scp client opens sftp connection with the server for file transfer much better than calling rcp over ssh connection , Wodsftp supports the most important putfile for file uploading and getfile for file downloading methods but also: * putdata and getdata to copy string variable to/from remote file * makedir and removedir to create and delete directories * deletefile to...it is Lire la suite

Medical Icons for Vista

Medical Icons for Vista pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Medical icons for vista has been created to eliminate any misconceptions arising while viewing a medical webpage or operating a medical program.

Medical icons for vista will help the designers and developers of such applications to avoid arising misconceptions by offering a variety of medicine related icons: conventional signs of staff professions medical equipment and insurance veterinary etc , Visiting a medical website or running a medical program the user is...medic Lire la suite

Farm Frenzy

Farm Frenzy pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Try your hand at running a farm! slip into a pair of overalls and try your hand at running a farm! from tending to the fields where your cows graze to gathering eggs for sale at the town market farm frenzy lets you give old macdonald a run for the money! slip into a pair of overalls and try your hand at running a farm! from tending to the fields where your cows graze to gathering eggs for sale at the town market farm frenzy lets you give old macdonald a run for the money!try y Lire la suite