dropbox for linux


DropBox pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Avec dropbox profitez d'un espace de stockage en ligne pour sauvegarder partager ou synchroniser vos fichiers.

Dropbox est une application permettant de sauvegarder partager et synchroniser une multitude de fichiers et de dossiers via l’espace de stockage en ligne , Pour utiliser ce logiciel la création ou la possession d’un compte dropbox est obligatoire / Dropbox offre à tous les utilisateurs un espace de stockage en ligne utile pour...avec Lire la suite

Dropbox Windows Phone

Dropbox Windows Phone pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4.5/5
Dropbox windows phone est l’application gratuite qu’il vous faut si vous disposez déjà d’un compte dropbox.

Peur de perdre tous les fichiers stockés sur votre smartphone ? sauvegardez les en ligne sur votre espace dropbox et téléchargez gratuitement l’appli pour y accéder depuis votre appareil mobile , Vous l’aurez compris l’application dropbox pour windows phone vous permet de gérer votre espace et...dropb Lire la suite

Dropbox iOS

Dropbox iOS pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 4.5/5
Accédez à l’ensemble de vos documents partout où que vous soyez grâce à l’application gratuite dropbox ios.

Dropbox ios est l’appli officielle du service de stockage en ligne du même nom , Téléchargez gratuitement l’application dropbox ios sur votre iphone ou votre ipad et accédez à votre compte en un instant / Pour rappel dropbox est un service de sauvegarde en ligne qui propose 2 go d’espace...accé Lire la suite

DropBox Android

DropBox Android pour mac
Logiciel Mobile
Note : 5/5
Vos fichiers vous suivront partout l’application dropbox s’installe maintenant sur votre terminal android [...] Dropbox peut également via cette application android enregistrer des fichiers au niveau des sites web , Enfin dropbox inclut une fonction partage qui sert à envoyer à vos amis photos ou autres documents.

Elle vous permet entre autres d’accéder à tous vos fichiers archivés au niveau du service cloud à partir de...vos f Lire la suite


Viber  pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 3.5/5
Viber for linux est la version desktop de l’application viber très en vogue sur android et ios [...] Une application de messagerie sur linux et mobiles pour faire des conversations de groupe envoyer des messages textes avec des autocollants funs , La meilleure application de messagerie et d'appel sur linux.

D’ailleurs pour utiliser cette version il faudra nécessairement être inscrit avec votre mobile | Les...viber Lire la suite


UNFORMAT 8.0.0 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
This utility is ideal for anyone regardless of their level of experience with data recovery who needs to unformat hard drive partitions or any other kind of digital storage media which has been accidentally formatted or damaged due to a logical drive failure.

The latest edition adds support for more than thirty additional file signatures and it includes a straightforward script editor which allows advanced users to create custom file signatures for rarer files...this Lire la suite

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01

Active@ KillDisk 11.1.01 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Its console supports secure erase a low level ata command for hardware erasing.

The ultimate version contains now complete linux installation , The ultimate version includes complete linux installation instead of just tar archive / How to erase hard drive data securely active@ killdisk provides the ultimate solution how to erase hard drive data in such a way that no one can ever retrieve it using third party software or any other...its c Lire la suite

USB Server for Linux

USB Server for Linux pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 3/5
Share and access usb devices over local network or internet! it is easy to do! simply and powerful software solution for sharing and accessing usb devices over local network or internet! usb server for linux allows to work with the remote usb devices as if they are physically plugged into your computer! there is no need to use hardware usb switches to share usb devices anymore! try simply and powerful software solution usb server for linux for such purposes! usb server for linux allows to share...share Lire la suite

Active@ Disk Image 9.5.2

Active@ Disk Image 9.5.2 pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Autres: vieux windows linux freebsd solaris for pc etc.

Since its inception in 1998 lsoft's mission has been to create a software framework for your data security , Lsoft's current vision is tied to a strong commitment to the latest technologies that expand the power and reach of pcs for its users / Active@ disk image protégez vos données! active@ disk image est un logiciel d'imagerie de disque qui fait une copie exacte de tous les disques pc ...autre Lire la suite

LinkAssistant Enterprise SEO Tool

LinkAssistant Enterprise SEO Tool pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 4/5
Webmasters work hard to build links but you don't have to linkassistant link building tool does a large chunk of work for you: finds quality link prospects sends out personalized link requests in one click and lets you keep in touch with your link partners using the tool's built in mail client [...] Ready to take linkassistant for a spin? click download.

Safe user friendly and windows mac and linux compatible / Link building software to find ...webma Lire la suite

Rhino Terminal

Rhino Terminal pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Rhino terminal is a full featured convenient and easy to use terminal emulation client for accessing remote hosts and network devices via the telnet and ssh protocols.

Rhino terminal is a full featured terminal emulation client for secure remote access file transfer and data tunneling , Rhino terminal offers emulation of different terminal types: ansi vt52 vt100 vt220 linux xterm; support of ssh telnet and serial communication...rhino Lire la suite

SolarWinds Free Kiwi Syslog Server

SolarWinds Free Kiwi Syslog Server pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Easy to set up and configure it offers a feature rich solution for receiving logging displaying alerting and forwarding syslog and snmp trap messages from network devices such as routers switches linux and unix hosts and other syslog and trap enabled devices [...] A powerful flexible syslog server that's easy to use.

Easy to set up and configure kiwi syslog server receives logs displays alerts and forwards syslog messages from network...easy Lire la suite

Perspective Network Management System

Perspective Network Management System pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Network troubleshooting & remediation system with reporting monitoring & alerts perspective is a troubleshooting and remediation platform for small and mid enterprise networks.

Includes centralized dashboard integrated with virtualization device & application monitoring customizable alerts network discovery smart policies automatic remediation diagnostic tools linux support reporting performance baselines netflow sflow & jflow support cisco config log file...netwo Lire la suite

USB Redirector

USB Redirector pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Share and access usb devices over local network or internet! it is easy to do! simply and powerful software solution for sharing and accessing usb devices over local network or internet! usb redirector allows to work with the remote usb devices as if they are physically plugged into your computer! now it is linux os compatible.

There is no need to use hardware usb switches to share usb devices anymore! try simply and powerful software solution usb redirector for such purposes!...share Lire la suite

GS1 DataBar Barcode Font

GS1 DataBar Barcode Font pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
The download includes encoders for [...] Net for windows mac linux and unix , The windows installation includes examples for excel word access and crystal reports / Com allows easy generation of databar barcodes from a truetype postscript opentype or pcl font within windows mac linux and unix systems.

Generate all gs1 databar barcode types from a single font ; The gs1 databar barcode font by...the d Lire la suite

Linux Logo Screensaver

Linux Logo Screensaver pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Install this great linux logo screensaver for free right now.

If you are interested in modern computer technologies you surely know that linux is here with new options cool features stylish design and all the useful stuff you want , Admire the great collection of images of cute linux penguin in various surroundings on your desktop!insta Lire la suite


wodTelnetDLX pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Activex version of the component has its own terminal gui graphic user interface that supports vt100 and linux emulation so you can run your favorite unix tools with no need for 3rd party extensions only with wodtelnetdlx.

Main features include: supports telnet ssh1 ssh2 sshauto ssl ssltelnet and raw protocols includes both com component version and activex control in same package has its own terminal client gui only activex version implements...activ Lire la suite

Luxand FaceSDK

Luxand FaceSDK pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3/5
Real time precision face recognition and identification sdk for c++ c# vb [...] Facesdk enables developers to build web windows linux and macintosh applications with face identification and recognition functionality.

Working in 32 bit and 64 bit systems facesdk supports web windows linux and macintosh applications and enables still image and real time face based biometric authentication / Multi platform face recognition and identification...real Lire la suite

Express Scribe For Linux

Express Scribe For Linux pour mac
Logiciel Linux
Note : 3/5
Digital transcription software for typists with foot pedal control [...] Express scribe is professional audio playback control software for linux designed to assist with the transcription of audio recordings.

Free digital transcription software for typists on linux express scribe is professional audio playback control software designed to assist the transcription of audio recordings / Install on the typist's computer and can be controlled using the...digit Lire la suite

RadarCube OLAP ASP.NET Direct

RadarCube OLAP ASP.NET Direct pour mac
Logiciel Windows
Note : 3.5/5
Fastest and prowerful ajax olap library for asp [...] Supports ie firefox also in linux and mac os opera , Powerful asp / Net olap library | Native c# ajax no activex ; Ie firefox opera : Net 2 [...] 0+ , Completely written on c# and contains no activex / Connects to any database and requires minimum server memory | Medium trust compliant.

A...faste Lire la suite